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2013/10/17 01:01:47瀏覽123|回應0|推薦0

I was awake in the middle of the night and couldn’t fall back to sleep, so I turned on the TV and found this movie.

84 Charing Cross Road 

Starting: Anthony Hopkins, Anne Bancroft and Judi Dench

What a beautiful friendship!  And it’s so interesting that I found this movie at the time of questioning my relationship with others, or my own behavior toward others.

Recently, I deeply felt that friendship is based on trust – my own trust toward others.  Should not wait for someone to behave as I think they should be in my own mind!

So many times, we missed the chance to have a long lasting relationship because we didn’t trust ourselves, or we second guessed the behavior of others toward us.

I think I have lived in my shell far too long now!  Wishing for a perfect friendship instead of letting go and being honest with myself and not second guessed others.

It has been a strange year so far; so many events occurred and changed the way I look at myself.

Somehow, I saw this movie and felt my heart or mind lift up a few notches!  It felt that I would find my footing again and life would go on!   And hope I have the fortuitous luck to meet new friends and have long lasting relationships with all the people surrounding me!

Yea!   It is kind of nice that I am back in some way….


Oct. 2013


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