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Get Well Soon
2014/09/05 23:08:26瀏覽127|回應0|推薦0

I am setting in a semi– meditated state and watching the “Get Well Soon” balloon silently floating in front of me like dancing in the slow rhythm of foxtrot.

It feels like the dance I had with one of my dance group partner in the dance/restaurant at the group outing night two nights ago.  Every step fit, every moving in sync with the live band tempo, floating across the small dance floor seamlessly.  The singer and band felt and saw it too.  The singer asked us to stay for the next song.  Once in a while, a perfect dance would occur on the dance floor, and afterward both dance partners feel a sense of serenity and wonderfulness with smile and congratulate each other – because we know it is a rare event.  No one knows when it will happen again and with whom.

The outing night was the first time to see my dance partner and group after the news of my cancer had returned after 8 years and after I was declared by the doctor “you are cured”, and after a whirlwind tests and following surgery – it feel like a fast Waltz without a moment to stop or breath went through me for the last 6 weeks.

It was a night of fun, light conversations, good dancing and good food.  I was embraced by everyone without saying:  “How are you?  How are you doing? How do you feel? ”, without a word about the way I chose and picked the food (because I can’t eat most of the restaurant food) – Just warm hugs and smiles, glad to see me and a lot of dances.  Finally, life comes back to normalcy before the next run.

Watching the balloon finally stop behind me, I feel a sense that IT WILL BE OKAY.  I was amazed about the way I faced the news this time.  I, somehow opened myself up to others, I did not broadcast it, but I let friends know and accepted their help willingly.  Everyone is genuinely sincere in their offering of help, and everyone is affectionately caring through conversations, emails and text messages.

I am loved – that is a wonderful feeling.  It will carry me a long way.  I am glad that I have changed, I am glad I had opened myself up to embrace others.

Yes, I will “Get Well Soon” – just like the words on the balloon.


Sept, 2014.

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