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2011/07/25 00:37:21瀏覽225|回應0|推薦0
Vice President of the United States 副總統
Department of State 國務部
Department of the Treasury 財政部
Department of Defense 國防部
Department of Justice 司法部

Department of the Interior 內政部
Department of Labor 勞工部
Department of Education 教育部
Department of Commerce 商務部
Department of Agriculture 農業部

Department of Energy 能源部
Department of Transportation 運輸部
Department of Veterans' Affairs 退伍軍人部
Department of Homeland Security 國土安全部
Department of Housing and Urban Development 住房與城市發展部

Council of Economic Advisers 經濟顧問委員會
Office of Management and Budget 管理與預算辦公室
Environmental Protection Agency 環境保護署
Ambassador to the United Nations 聯合國代表
United States Trade Represenative 美國貿易代表
White House Chief of Staff 白宮幕僚長
( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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