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2008/02/19 00:05:23瀏覽4369|回應1|推薦35 | |
星期二到囉,星期一不知道大家過的怎麼樣呢?一樣的,工作的要繼續工作、上課的要繼續上課,不論星期一過的好還是壞,全新的一天要開始了,大家要繼續加油喔。 今天要點播的歌曲是由口永所點播的「wonderwall」,由英國搖滾團體綠洲合唱團所演唱。據說這首歌的歌詞是由Oasis的Noel寫給他女友Meg Matthews,Noel透過歌詞來鼓勵女友,大家可以仔細比對歌詞,他們兩人的戀愛看來真的是很辛苦哩><’’。 給立寬: 跟你在一起是我人生中的亮點! You're my wonderwall ~ I love U! 口永
wonderwall Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you 今天是妳悲慘的一天 By now you should've somehow realised what you gotta do 至少妳現在該知道要做什麼了 I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now 我想沒有人能體會現在我對妳的感覺 Backbeat the word was on the street that the fire in your heart is out 對於人們說的閒言閒語,他們說妳已經不在乎了 I'm sure you've heard it all before 我知道這些妳一定都聽過 But you never really had a doubt 但是妳還是在乎 I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now 我想沒有人能體會現在我對妳的感覺 And all the roads we have to walk are winding 我們要走的路是這麼的崎嶇不平 And all the lights that lead us there are blinding 引領我們的光也是這麼的模糊不清 There are many things that I would like to say to you 我有好多事情想跟妳說 but I don't know how 但是我不知如何是好 Because maybe 因為或許 You're gonna be the one that saves me 妳會是我的救命恩人 And after all 畢竟 You're my wonderwall 妳就是我開心的泉源 |
( 創作|其他 ) |