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2014/02/09 03:43:31瀏覽28|回應0|推薦0



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清海住豪宅,  享受名貴跑車, 出入頂級夜總會


The "priestess" of Roquebrune arrested yesterday in Bordighera

And "Supreme Master Ching Hai" is talk to her ...

Yesterday morning, which opened a sulfur "meditation center" in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin was arrested across the border in Bordighera, Italy. The International Association of Supreme Master Ching Hai (AIMSCH), which advocates the "natural happiness" has repeatedly hit the headlines in recent years in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin and Menton.


Latest episode, the arrest last August, nine people for concealed work, in the context of opening a vegan restaurant, the "Loving Hut" in Menton. All were accommodated by the movement that welcomes Roquebrune followers worldwide.


Concealed work


Yesterday morning, a helicopter and a score of Italian Carabinieri have invested Bordighera villa located on the hill, Conca Verde.


It is on the basis of information provided by the court unit of the Border Police of Menton, who is interested from the beginning of the case "Ching Hai", the carabinieri intervened. French police were on the transaction, but not actively participate.


On the spot, they seized 40,000 euros. In Menton, this summer, 30 000 had already been discovered. But the carabinieri were not after their surprises. In the luxurious villa, they discovered a real Noah's Ark or animal shelter, it depends: cats, dogs, but also eight beautiful macaws illegally imported into Italy, as protected by the Washington Convention. Several occupants have also been arrested for "illegal employment" or "illegal."


A luxury sports car - also entry - sat in front of the residence, providing an additional indication of the lifestyle Master Ching Hai. The latter shipped by the carabinieri, was last night still understood as "witness". It could be quickly released. The villa belongs to a member of the movement.


The operation knuckle-fist interest yesterday to the highest point men in the Border Police of Menton.


"These new features will help us to better understand the functioning of the association and, more importantly, help us identify its funding, rather opaque", welcomed last night, Commissioner Jean Gazan, commander of the PAF Menton.


Which is also called "Heavenly Love" probably did not end with the French court. And will surely be held accountable in the coming weeks on his actions on the other side of the border ...







The survey leader of the Association of meditation in France, located in Roquebrune, is no stranger to the Principality where it is known to carry large train

Master Ching Hai is adept selects places in Monaco!


Redemption of an old hotel in Cap Martin and the influx of place (day and night) of dozens of people, members of the International Association of Supreme Master Ching Hai (Association of meditation or France), lacks not worry about the neighborhood and encourage greater vigilance of police and municipal authorities. And because this association is listed among the cults to dangerous. (1) (See our Sunday September 14). Why this association is it located in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin? The survey that we conducted can get some answers.

Faithful Fairmont hotel

Nightclub, private beach, Automobile Club de Monaco, luxury four-star hotel ... The bag of a wealthy tourist? In any case, that of Supreme Master Ching Hai, a new tenant with his "International Association" hotel "Europe village". Acquisition of SCI Skylove.

If Ching Hai is ready to settle down in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, it is because she knows the area well ...

In the Principality, it has a flat "extended vacation in Fairmont hotel," confirms the Monegasque government. A trifle which costs between 5,000 and 21,000 euros per month. "She travels accompanied by the drivers of the hotel," says a source close. Not own cars or more so. This is perhaps why Ching Hai, aka Celeste Love, has not renewed its membership as a member of the Automobile Club de Monaco Editor's note: mandatory two sponsors and an entrance fee of 600 euros. Annual fee: 120 euros ...).

Exorbitant tips

Obviously wealthy, polite and generous with staff (called exorbitant tips) selects attending places of Monaco, it is not necessarily resident in Monaco. "She does not have a residence permit," says the Department of the Interior.

His real name? "We seek ... She has several alias ... Love might be his real surname ... "A predestined name for this blonde, born in Vietnam, a British citizen who welcomes his friends to" Spiaggia ". A private beach restaurant Larvotto, well known all Monegasques. On May 1, Supreme Master, "Celeste Love" for short, is invited 300 guests (followers?).

"A week before she came to the restaurant, as it comes from time to time, says Eric Chauvet, CEO of" La Spiaggia ". "I have known through my daughter who had met at Jimmy'z [Editor's note: nightclub more posh principality]. She said: "I want to invite some friends vegetarians, a hundred. Ultimately, they were three hundred. '

Bursting on the public beach, guests have been installed on napkins. "Englishmen, Germans, Malaysians, but also French, obviously middle class. Nice and altruistic, "says a Monegasque this with her daughter that day.

"People polite, discreet, highly organized, of all faiths, very docile, very good manners," said Eric Chauvet keeps this day a memorable one. After the buffet, place the speech. "She advocated nature, a healthy diet, adds Eric Chauvet. She asked me to talk about Monaco and the country's politics for the environment. '

"No sermon or ritual," said customer Monaco witnessed the scene. Only people who drank the Master's words, it seems.

Notable: "I repeatedly asked what was the purpose of the association. I never could get an answer ... '

At 18 hours, Thursday night, everyone has gone, as discreetly as he had arrived.

1 - Alain Gest, MP, Vice-Chair of the Task Force on Cults in the National Assembly, told us that the association was part of the list of sects established by the police in 1995 general information .

 Joëlle Deviras Nice-Matin


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