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2013/08/23 17:10:11瀏覽620|回應2|推薦84 | |
給 高塔寫於 一種喃喃, 欲說, 斜靠椅背, 懶, 唇啟, 在望遠, 在強忍之前, 給忘歸、回來, 給行遠、羈留, 給聒噪、沉默, 給斂蹙、眉開, 給一時、恆久, 給現在、未來, 給遠山,給近海, 給巍峨, 亦給澎湃。 想你 (Tu Manques by Jean Jacques Goldman) 高塔譯於 有一種靜默, 質地如布,如木, 深刻、短促、廣袤, 那些,幾乎不曾聽過。 雨下著,頭髮和夾克濕透, 沒有哭泣, 在廢棄的街上,蹀踱, 一步一步想著你, 想你,知否? 想你, 比認為的還多, 而我,甚至不在乎風, 搭上計程車,翻閱, 恭喜,拍手, 收拾,再收拾行李, 你好,明天, 清楚,她的所有折磨。 隨著你去,我已經知道兩件事, 更糟的總在,別離後, 我過得比我以為的還振作, 想你,知否? 無盡,悄然, 比我曾想更多, 當我,一再失落, 危險,他們說,滿月時候, 有時,她也會有空嗎? 避而不見,對想她的人? 可能對另一個人,不是對我。 想你,知否? 真的想你。 想你,我。 Tu Manques by Jean Jacques Goldman Y a des qualités de silence Marcher le long de rues désertes Où tu me manques pas à pas Peut-etre à d'autres, pas à moi Tu manquew, sit u savais Miss you(Tu Manques by Jean Jacques Goldman) Translated by hytower There are the qualities of silence As the fabric or the wood of those Profound, short, immense, those that we almost don’t hear. The rain fell, hair and jacket got Wet which did not weep. Walking along the deserted streets Where I miss you step by step. I miss you, if you know. Miss you thus More than I will be supposed. Me who did not even care the wind. Taking the taxis, turning the pages, Congradulating, clapping, I packed and then packed again the baggages. How are you, tomorrow. Learning all her sufferings, Me, I have known two matters after you. The worse follows the absence. I am more alive than I think. I miss you, if you know Infinitely, gently, More than I ever miss, When I lost from time to time. Dangerous. They said. The moon is full. Is she available sometimes? Invisible to a man who misses her. There may be some others, not me. I miss you, if you know. Miss you really. Miss you, me. |
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