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2014/06/20 10:06:53瀏覽1756|回應0|推薦0



Q1. What is the weather like in the picture?
A1. It is sunny.

Q2. When was the picture taken?
A2. The picture was taken in the afternoon.

Q3. What is the motorcyclist doing?
A3. The motorcyclist is asking for directions from two police officers.
* motorcyclist(n.) 機車騎士
* ask for directions 問路

Q4. What is the motorcyclist riding?
A4. The motorcyclist is riding a red heavy-duty motorcycle.
* heavy-duty motorcycle 重型機車

Q5. What is the motorcyclist wearing?
A5. The motorcyclist is wearing a helmet and a black leather jacket.
* helmet(n.) 安全帽
* leather(adj.) 皮製的

Q6. Why is the motorcyclist asking for directions?
A6. The motorcyclist wants to go downtown, but he is lost.
* downtown(adv.) 往市中心

Q7. What does one of the police officers do the help the motorcyclist?
A7. One of the police officers points to downtown and tells the motorcyclist how to get there.
* point to... 指向…
* downtown(n.) 市中心

Q8. What is in the harbor behind the man?
A8. There are some boats in the harbor behind the men.
* harbor(n.) 港口

Q9. What is in the background of this picture?
A9. There is a nice house and many trees in teh background of this picture.
*background(n.) (畫等的)背景

Q10. Do you have a motorcycle? If yes, how big is it?
A10. Yes. I have a motorcycle. It is a lot smaller than the one in the picture.

Q11. What do you call a small motorcycle with a floorboard and small wheels?
A11. A small motorcycle with a floorboard and small wheels is called a scooter.
* floorboard(n.)車底板
* wheel(n.)輪子
* scooter(n.) 小型機車,速克達

另外,把 Step 2所有句子串起來後念出來,就是 Step 3「用英語描述照片」的做法。


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