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2017/03/17 00:21:34瀏覽846|回應4|推薦4 | |
SEAL Team Six is joining South Korean forces for military drills for first time in a bid to 'incapacitate North Korea'.
SEAL Team Six is joining South Korean forces for the first time for military drills to 'incapacitate' North Korean leadership, according to a new report. 根據報導美軍特種部隊海外豹6隊已抵達南韓將來執行刺殺北韓領導人?
2017美韓軍事聯合演習計劃以特種部隊滲透北韓刺殺北韓領導人金正恩? 如果你是金正恩如何反制? 西方軍事戰略專家分析認為是零機率,除非金正恩出國訪問,在境外斬首刺殺才有可能,因為在北韓金正恩的替死鬼很多,殺不完不知誰是真正的今正恩,所以美國此番2017的軍演,可能又是作秀,白忙,不過美軍特種部隊海豹6隊,是首度登陸東北亞韓國,進行任務,至於他們的行蹤,已被中國,蘇聯鎖定,因為海豹6隊成員進化衛星通訊機能,只有高科技背景的中國,蘇聯,才能掌握部份訊息,除此之外就是海豹特種部隊,此次的各式各樣武器裝備,將曝光以供中國,蘇聯參考,美軍千方百計保秘也是有限,除非他們均是夜間行動? EAST CHINA SEA (March 9, 2017) The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70), foreground, transits the East China Sea with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Takanami-class destroyer JS Sazanami (DD 113), second from front, the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Murasame-class destroyer JS Samidare (DD 106), third from front, and the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroye. 美國此次出動CVN70到中國東海示威作秀.然後再大搖大擺的晃到南韓斧山港.
U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to enter South Korea for military drills
Move comes as North Korea attacks U.S., South Korea as "war maniacs"
The U.S. nuclear-powered aircraft carrier the USS Carl Vinson will arrive in the Republic of Korea (ROK) on Wednesday amid the ongoing annual South Korea-U.S. Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises, U.S. Naval Forces Korea announced on Tuesday. 2017美國突擊隊、三角洲部隊、海軍特種作戰大隊(海豹第六分隊)、陸軍「綠色貝雷帽」特戰部隊等都將參加韓美聯合軍演。 |
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