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2017/03/17 11:39:38瀏覽874|回應0|推薦2 | |
蓬門今始為君開》(英語:The Quiet Man)是一套1952年的美國浪漫喜劇/劇情電影,由尊·福執導,約翰·韋恩及慕蓮·奧哈娜主演。 電影描述一名因不幸在拳賽中殺了對手而退隱到故鄉愛爾蘭的拳手,在途中愛上了一名女子並與她結婚,卻因不肯為她討回應有的嫁妝,而被她視作懦夫的故事。 Sean had been a boxer in the United States, a heavyweight challenger known as "Trooper Thorn". After accidentally killing an opponent in the ring, Sean hung up his gloves, vowing never to fight again. This is known to only one person in the village, the Church of Ireland minister, the Rev. Playfair (Arthur Shields), who once upon a time had been the lightweight champion and so understands Thornton's internal conflict over the fight.
花徑不曾緣客掃,蓬門今始為君開。 唐˙秦韜˙貧女詩:「蓬門未識綺羅香,擬托良媒亦自傷。」或作「蓬戶」、「蓬室」。...因此對照上句及原題客至.係表杜甫自比秀才人情情真意切.
( 休閒生活|生活情報 ) |