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2017/04/04 00:07:44瀏覽4492|回應3|推薦6 | |
俄羅斯第二大城聖彼得堡地鐵當地時間下午2點30分左右發生炸彈爆炸事件,已經造成10人死亡,50人受傷。俄羅斯總統普丁表示,目前尚未確定爆炸原因,也會考量各種變數,包括恐怖行動。就在這起爆炸事件發生後的2小時內,當地警方又在另一個地鐵車站中發現一枚炸彈,業已拆除。 В Петербурге в метро прогремело два взрыва в вагоне . Vladimir Putin is in the city holding a meeting with the President of Belarus
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia At least nine people were killed and 20 were injured when an explosion tore through a train carriage in the St. Petersburg metro system on Monday, the Russian National Anti-Terrorist Committee said.
Interfax news agency quoted an unnamed source as saying the blast, whic俄羅斯h occurred when the train was between two stations, was caused by a bomb filled with shrapnel. President Vladimir Putin, who was in the city for a meeting with Belarus's leader, said he was considering all possible causes for the blast, including terrorism and was consulting with security services. Петербу́ргский метрополите́н (до июля 1992 года — Ленинградский ордена Ленина метрополитен имени В. И. Ленина) — временно закрытая скоростная внеуличная транспортная система Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области. Второй по старшинству и величине в Советском Союзе метрополитен после московского — открылся 15 ноября 1955 года. 指的是俄羅斯第二大城市聖彼得堡的地下鐵路系統。目前共有5條線路運營。每天約有300萬人搭乘聖彼得堡地鐵,聖彼得堡地鐵是世界第16繁忙的地鐵系統。於1955年開通。 |
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