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2015/05/07 12:42:48瀏覽1056|回應2|推薦10 | |
毛澤東:真實的故事Mao: The Real Story.原文作者:Alexander V. Pantsov, Steven I. Levine
披露首次解密的蘇聯檔案,撥開神化與醜化的迷霧再現毛澤東作為革命者的激情與權謀, 作為獨裁者的殘暴與盲目,以及身為丈夫與父親的複雜人性 從青年重視農民運動的革命者,到老年將全中國捲入鬥爭的掌權者 lexander V. Pantsov、Steven I. Levine兩位教授所撰寫的《毛澤東:真實的故事》,首次揭露「俄羅斯社會暨政治史國家檔案」中龐大豐富的中國共產黨機密文件,包括中共駐共產國際執行委員會的卷宗文件、中共中央委員會的帳冊及財務收據、共產國際和布爾什維克黨的指令、列寧、史達林、托洛茨基和其他布爾什維克領導人的文件、中共及國民黨派駐共產國際代表的秘密報告,還有許多毛澤東、劉少奇、周恩來、朱德、鄧小平、王明等中共高階黨員的相關資料。 潘佐夫與梁思文利用共產國際所保存的毛澤東私人信件、他和史達林、赫魯雪夫的會談速記記錄、蘇聯醫生彙整的毛澤東病歷、蘇聯國家安全委員會(KGB)和共產國際特務的秘密報告、毛澤東妻兒子女的個人資料,包括早先大家都不知道的第九個小孩於莫斯科出生的出生證明等珍貴史料,以全新視角重新解讀毛澤東的一生。
‧透過蘇聯解密檔案,獨家解讀毛澤東與史達林、赫魯雪夫的往來交惡秘辛,描繪蘇聯扶植、操控、牽制中共的錯綜關係,了解毛澤東於蘇聯羽翼下之危局和機運。 ‧唯一跳脫中共官方神話與個人經驗之侷限,以最新史料揭露毛澤東多樣面貌真相的權威傳記。更以過去未見的機密檔案解開大躍進及文化大革命背後的真相。 ‧描繪這位自詡詩人的專制者如何從年輕時對革命的理想與堅持,轉變為晚年對權力的執著與狂熱。分析毛澤東嚴密矯飾、「喪事當做喜事辦」的宣傳手法,揭露毛澤東以「創造階級敵人」邁向成功之冷酷哲學和陰狠果決的鬥爭手段。 這本書是根據蘇聯的檔案及最近在中國與西方解密的文獻,從全新的視角展現中國領導人的生活與政治生涯……潘佐夫及梁思文成功地將毛澤東複雜人格的形像以平衡報導的方式呈現,並且展露出毛澤東信仰與行為間的矛盾。
Mao The Real Story By Alexander V. Pantsov and Steven I. Levine Mao Zedong was one of the most important figures of the twentieth century, the most important in the history of modern China. A complex figure, he was both a champion of the poor and a brutal tyrant, a poet and a despot. In this major new biography, the authors draw upon extensive Russian documents previously unavailable to reveal surprising details about Mao’s rise to power, his leadership in China, and the true nature of his relationship with Stalin.Mao brought his country from poverty and economic backwardness into the modern age and onto the world stage. But he was also responsible for an unprecedented loss of life during the disastrous Great Leap Forward and the bloody Cultural Revolution. He lived and behaved as China’s last emperor. Mao is the full story of Mao’s life and rule told as never before. -
"Mao’s will for power, his vision as a revolutionary, and his prodigious capacity for cruelty marked mankind. Yet it is impossible to understand the transformation of modern China without absorbing the enormity of one man’s impact. Pantsov and Levine have opened what are perhaps the final vaults of archival treasures to buttress their new and engrossing portrait of the Chinese revolutionary titan. With clear narrative and sparkling anecdote, they have chiseled a more complete Mao, in the full dimension of life as a man, as an eager collaborator with Stalin in the Communist bloc and as the tiger on the mountain who both built and ravaged a nation." – Patrick Tyler, former Beijing Bureau Chief of The New York Times and author of A Great Wall: Six Presidents and China
"This fine book is based on extraordinary access to Soviet archives and documents recently published in China and the West, shedding new light on some aspects of the Chinese leader’s life and career. . . . Pantsov and Levine succeed in conveying a balanced image of Mao’s complex persona and revealing the contradictions in his beliefs and actions." – Thomas P. Bernstein, Foreign Affairs -
( 時事評論|人物 ) |