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唯有當你想見我時 我們的相見才有意義
2020/02/11 21:50:31瀏覽304|回應0|推薦6



  I dont know what is the real reason that you dont want to respond my message......You chose some ways for chasing and keeping the life you want .But why you seems not as happy as you want to show to others for these years?

  Since I first met you.I start to be look foward to see you again.Time goes by, its been over 4 years.......Before I went to Ireland, you promised that we can meet after I coming back.....but........

  maybe just as Simone de Beauvoir says:"only if you asked to see me,our meeting would be meaningful."

  "Someday or oneday",the drama I love recently.I cry a lot for that.Wanna to see you.

  I evny those people who can meet each other without any reasons.......
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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