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2013/03/16 12:40:12瀏覽652|回應0|推薦3




歌、動畫:ナノ mylist/18170963

The ice clod raindrops falling from the sky

they try to melt away all my broken scars

The shining after glow gently caught my eyes

with someone’s smiling face hidden deep inside

As the time is passing by we find the strenght inside

the beautiful lies are not so hard to tell as before

and in the past I’ve had to taste so many different pains

Sometimes I still hear them knocking my door


You’re fading away

No way for you to see the tears in my eyes

In this sentimental glowing twilight

noboby is there to hear me cry

Please take a look inside of me

all the scars you’ve givens me

I can’t go on not even one more step

they’ve taken all of me

“Please disappear. I don’t want you here.”

I look at you and pray like this

but tell me why I can’t go on

I holding on to you so deep inside


Now it’s time to you to walk the distance

nothing is left for me but only silence

in this sentimental glowing twilight 

You’re falling away

Alone I face the night

You will stay forever deep inside me

Just my stupid little childish fantasy

in this sentimental glowing twilight

I’m falling apart without you

Can you wipe away all of my tears ?

Can you fight away all of my fears ?

Reaching out my hands trving to hold on

to the you that I don’t want to lose
( 休閒生活音樂 )
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