We will continue to present some other evidence of Christianity, and let you decide whether it makes sense or not. Scientists collect facts, come up with a theory to explain the facts, and check whether the theory successfully explains the facts or not. If the theory is consistent with the facts, the theory is a possible explanation. Otherwise, they have to discard the theory and try again. Now we will propose a big picture based on Christianity, and check whether it is able to explain things in the world. We will apply the scientific method to the world to prove Christian faith.
It should be noted that the passages below are merely my personal conjectures. Maybe these conjectures are 80 percent correct. Maybe these conjectures are 50 percent correct. I hope that God won’t consider these as blasphemies. The following is a hypothetical big picture of our world.
There is an almighty God. In the beginning, God conducted a trial: Will some kind of beings with free will choose to love him? These beings are human souls. How each soul will act is the most important thing that God desires to see.
God created a material universe that is able to produce organisms to house souls. A type of advanced organisms endowed with souls — human beings — emerged according to God’s plan. As a part of his plan, he also created angelic beings who also have free will.
An angelic being with free will, Satan, along with many other angelic beings he led, fell. He also successfully tempted human beings to fall. The whole world fell.
The main theme of the whole universe is Jesus Christ’s incarnation, suffering, and resurrection. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. The main thing God wants to know is: What will people choose to do to respond to his love? What will they do during their limited lifetimes when they have free will?
All things in the world are very carefully designed by God. Various events can happen. The world reflects his righteousness and love. For some reasons, people need to pray to him, and the world is also designed as a medium for responding to prayers. It is created by God as his tool for building a relationship with human beings.
The main purpose of people is to worship and glorify God. The main mission of people is to tell the story of Jesus to others and turn more people to him.
God allows terrible things to happen, up to a certain degree, because the whole free will thing works badly. All aspects of the universe could have troubles, because the universe has fallen.
Some facts about the world are used to symbolize the main theme of the universe. They are like shadows which have the shapes of real things, and imply their existence. As Jesus used many parables in his sermons, many things in the world may seem meaningless, but they provide hints to the truth.
In the following chapters, I will assume the above conjectures are true and try to explain some strange, confusing, unacceptable, or ruthless facts in the world according to those assumptions. I am free to drop the repeated premises like “If Christianity is true…” or “According to the Bible…,” which I have to incorporate when debating with an atheist.