God created a world, and many people live in this world. Throughout history, God did many things recorded in the Bible. God also told people, through the Bible, how to be saved from his punishments. Here is a problem repeatedly proposed by nonbelievers and believers. Many people in the past, present, and future can’t be saved according to what they did in their lives and what the Bible says. Why doesn’t God save everyone? Is God not powerful enough? Is God not perfectly good so he lets some people suffer forever?
There are only two possibilities: Either God saves all people or God doesn’t save all people. If God doesn’t save all people, a certain percentage of people are not saved. Regardless of whether the percentage is high or low, people may criticize God for not saving everyone. If he were worried about this criticism, he would have created a world in which all people would be saved. What would such a world look like? Perhaps it would look like a big school. This school would be administrated by some angels. People would be assigned to some specific program at a certain age. There would be classes teaching people how to be perfect. There would be a test after each class, but if anyone failed, he or she would retake it indefinitely until he or she passed. Everyone would be certified by the program for sure, and would go to heaven after that. The world would be perfect, and all people would be saved.
Would you like to live in a world of this kind? Do you think it would be ridiculous, or would you prefer it? Either way, we have no chance of living in such a world. God created a world which could be imperfect, and then he let it go. God instituted the principles of salvation, and nothing in the universe could affect his plan. He is the sovereign ruler of all things.
God sent his only son, Jesus, to the world in the form of a man. Because he was a man, he has the same physical appearances as other people, according to natural laws. He had been in the world for about thirty-three years. People who lived before him had no way of hearing the good news. This is a chronological barrier. The order of time is one of many merciless physical laws. Because of this, many people had no chance to know Christianity. It is a point to question about the authenticity of Christianity.
However, this chronological barrier is only one of many barriers. There is also a geographical barrier. Some people in the past were isolated from other civilizations and were unable to know Christianity. There are many other barriers. There are people living in a country without religious freedom. There are people who believe in religions hostile to Christianity. There are people leaving the world before they can speak a complete sentence. Many things constitute barriers to people’s ability to believe in Jesus Christ. Actually, almost anything in the world can become a barrier. We may propose many similar queries about Christianity based on these issues. A summation of these queries is: How will God treat those people who have legitimate excuses for not believing in him?
Truly, Christianity has no answer for that. It is predictable, because in some areas the teachings of Christianity are also vague. As we mentioned earlier, the Bible gives metaphorical descriptions for heaven and hell. Another example is that the Bible gives abstract and indefinite answers to the problem of pain. However, it is not necessary for you to worry about those people. You have fifty to one hundred years to worry about those people who have no chance to know Christianity, and it would be of no use. You also have fifty to one hundred years to worry about yourself, and this could make a difference. The only thing relating to you is your own decision.
God is the creator and designer of all things. He is able to, and will, take care of these issues perfectly. If you truly believe that he is the God who can handle a world having more than six billion people, you may have confidence that he won’t fail to make the right decision for the afterlife of each one.
At the end of the world, perhaps there will be a scene where all people who have to go to hell come together to appeal their cases before God. God will deal with them without any problem, otherwise he would have changed the design of the universe. The easiest cases to decide are those dealing with people who have lived in the same society as Christians all their lives, and have been allowed to read the Bible without any persecution. These people will have the most trouble.
Here we restate our standpoint: The main reason for the creation of the universe is to provide a stage. There are many souls in this stage, and each soul has a chance to respond to God’s love, sending Jesus Christ to die for his or her sins. One is supposed to make a decision in a world which may lead him or her to accept or reject God. As a consequence, some people believe in God and some don’t. This fact doesn’t prove or disprove the truthfulness of the statement that God provided Jesus as the redemption for the sins of human beings.
Some people have asked: If Jesus is God, then why is his death worthy? Some others have said that if they were God, the loss of their only son wouldn’t be important, since they could raise him at their will. I’ve even heard some people say that the entire Jesus event was a drama that God played out for his own enjoyment. Actually, this kind of challenge confused me a lot when I was a child, but I am not confused anymore. I just worry about what will happen to those who make fun of the ultimate salvation provided by God. Because Jesus became a human being, his suffering and death were so terrible and meant so much to God, and God forgives every believer’s sins because of these events. What will happen to us when we normal people die? Do we dare to go through it without the grace provided by God?