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        AES 標準目錄

        以下的黑色 Dennis A. Bohn 先生西元 2000 年四月為準的 Audio Engineering Society 所公佈的標準與推薦的實務常規慣例,紅色是西元 2003 年六月為準的 Audio Engineering Society 所公佈的標準與推薦的實務常規慣例。在條項上是以黑前紅後的並列方式:

        這黑色的是在 2000 年三月的版本一整套的標準文獻不包含支援參考的文獻總價是 US.$955.13 (參照於 2000 年三月的價格)

        這紅色的是 2003 年六月我上網到 AES 所看到的當時版本,黑色的與紅色的兩個在時空差別上的版本並列在一起,給你做比較。請仔細的參照。

        AES Information Documents:

²         AES-1id AES information document — Plane wave tubes: design and practice

²         AES-1id – 1991 (r2003) AES information document — Plane wave tubes: design and practice (8 pages) [ 2000-03-09 printing]

²         AES-2id AES information document for digital audio engineering — Guidelines for the use of the AES3 interface

²         AES-2id – 1996 (r2001) AES information document for digital audio engineering — Guidelines for the use of the AES3 interface (27 pages) [ 1998-07-18 printing]

²         AES-3id AES information document for digital audio engineering — Transmission of AES3 formatted data by unbalanced coaxial cable

²         AES-3id – 2001 (Revision of AES-3id-1995) AES information document for Digital audio engineering — Transmission of AES3 formatted data by unbalanced coaxial cable (23 pages) [ 2001-06-01 printing]

²         AES-4id – 2001 AES information document for room acoustics and sound reinforcement systems — Characterization and measurement of surface scattering uniformity (20 pages) [ 2001-02-06 ]

²         AES-5id AES information document for room acoustics and sound reinforcement systems — Loudspeaker modeling and measurement — frequency and angular resolution for measuring, presenting and predicting loudspeaker polar data

²         AES-5id – 1997 (r2003) AES information document for Room acoustics and sound reinforcement systems — Loudspeaker modeling and measurement — Frequency and angular resolution for measuring, presenting and predicting loudspeaker polar data (27 pages) [ 1998-01-14 printing]

²         AES-6id AES information document for digital audio — Personal computer audio quality measurements

²         AES-6id - 2000 AES information document for digital audio — Personal computer audio quality measurements (35 pages) [ 2000-05-01 printing]

²         AES-10id AES information document for digital audio engineering — Engineering guidelines for the multichannel-audio digital interface (MADI)

²         AES-10id – 1995 (r2000) AES information document for digital audio engineering — Engineering guidelines for the multichannel-audio digital interface (MADI) AES10 (8 pages) [ 1998-03-09 printing]

        AES Technical Reports:

²         AES-R1 AES project report for professional audio — Specifications for audio on high-capacity media

²         AES-R1 - 1997 AES project report for professional audio — Specifications for audio on high-capacity media (22 pages) [ 1999-03-31 printing]

²         AES-R2 AES project report for articles on professional audio and for equipment specifications — Notations for expressing levels

²         AES-R2 AES project report for articles on professional audio and for equipment specifications — Notations for expressing levels (7 pages) [ 1998-09-16 printing]

²         AES-R3 AES standards project report on single programme connector — Compatibility for patch panels of tip-ring-sleeve connectors [ 2000-02-10 printing]

²         AES-R4 – 2002 AES standards project report Guidelines for AES Recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Transmission of digital audio over asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks [ 2000-04-21 printing]

        AES Standards:

²         AES2 AES recommended practice— Specification of loudspeaker components used in professional audio and sound reinforcement

²         AES2 – 1984 (r2003) AES recommended practice— Specification of loudspeaker components used in professional audio and sound reinforcement [ 2000-02-25 printing]

²         AES3 AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Serial transmission format for two-channel linearly represented digital audio data

²         AES3 – 1992 (r1997) AES Recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Serial transmission format for two-channel linearly represented digital audio data (Revision of AES3 – 1985) [ 2001-05-25 printing]

²         AES5 AES recommended practice for professional digital audio — Preferred sampling frequencies for applications employing pulse-code modulation

²         AES5 - 1998 AES recommended practice for professional digital audio — Preferred sampling frequencies for applications employing pulse-code modulation [ 1998-08-31 printing]

²         AES6 Method for measurement of weighted peak flutter of sound recording and reproducing equipment

²         AES6 – 1982 (r2003) Method for measurement of weighted peak flutter of sound recording and reproducing equipment [ 1999-03-31 printing]

²         AES7 AES standard for the preservation and restoration of audio recording — Method of measuring recorded fluxivity of magnetic sound records at medium wavelengths

²         AES7 - 2000 AES standard for the preservation and restoration of audio recording — Method of measuring recorded fluxivity of magnetic sound records at medium wavelengths (Revision of AES7 – 1982) [ 2000-01-03 printing]

²         AES10 AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Serial Multichannel Audio Digital Interface (MADI)

²         AES10 - 2003 AES Recommended Practice for Digital Audio Engineering — Serial Multichannel Audio Digital Interface (MADI) [ 2003-05-14 printing]

²         AES11 AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Synchronization of digital audio equipment in studio operations

²         AES11 - 1997 AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Synchronization of digital audio equipment in studio operations. [ 1997-05-01 printing]

²         AES14 AES standard for professional audio equipment — Application of connectors, part 1, XLR-type polarity and gender

²         AES14 – 1992 (r1998) AES standard for professional audio equipment — Application of connectors, part 1, XLR-type polarity and gender [1999-0305 printing]

²         AES15 AES recommended practice for sound reinforcement systems — Communications interface (PA-422)

²         AES15 – 1991 (withdrawn 2002) AES Recommended Practice for Sound-reinforcement systems — Communications interface (PA-422) [ 2000-03-15 printing]

²         AES17 AES standard method for digital audio engineering — Measurement of digital audio equipment

²         AES17 – 1998 (revision of AES17 - 1991) AES standard method for digital audio engineering — Measurement of digital audio equipment [ 1998-04-29 printing]

²         AES18 AES recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Format for the user data channel of the AES digital audio interface.

²         AES18 – 1996 (revision of AES18 – 1992) (r2002) AES Recommended practice for digital audio engineering — Format for the user data channel of the AES digital audio interface. [ 1998-07-18 printing]

²         AES19 AES-ALMA standard test method for audio engineering — Measurement of the lowest resonance frequency of loudspeaker cones.

²         AES19 – 1992 (r1998) AES-ALMA standard test method for audio engineering — Measurement of the lowest resonance frequency of loudspeaker cones. [ 1999-03-05 printing]

²         AES20 AES recommended practice for professional audio — Subjective evaluation of loudspeakers

²         AES20 – 1996 (r2002) AES recommended practice for professional audio — Subjective evaluation of loudspeakers [ 1998-07-14 printing]

²         AES22 AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration — Storage and handling — Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape

²         AES22 – 1997 (r2003) AES recommended practice for audio preservation and restoration — Storage and handling — Storage of polyester-base magnetic tape [ 1997-12-11 printing]

²         AES24-1 AES standard for sound system control — Application protocol for controlling and monitoring audio devices via digital data networks — Part 1: Principles, formats, and basic procedures

²         AES24-1 – 1999, (Revision of AES 24-1 - 1995 ) AES standard for sound system control — Application protocol for controlling and monitoring audio devices via digital data networks — Part 1: Principles, formats, and basic procedures [ 1999-03-02 -a printing]

²         AES24-2 (proposed draft) AES standard for sound system control — Application protocol for controlling and monitoring audio devices via digital data networks — Part 2: Data types, constants, and class structure

²         PROPOSED DRAFT AES24-2-tu PROPOSED DRAFT AES standard for sound system control — Application protocol for controlling and monitoring audio devices via digital data networks — Part 2: Data types, constants, and class structure

²         AES26 AES recommended practice for professional audio — Conservation of the polarity of audio signals

²         AES26 – 2001 (Revision of AES26 - 1995) AES recommended practice for professional audio — Conservation of the polarity of audio signals [ 2001-09-03 printing]

²         AES27 AES recommended practice for forensic purposes — Managing recorded audio materials intended for examination

²         AES27 – 1996 (r2002) AES recommended practice for forensic purposes — Managing recorded audio materials intended for examination [ 1998-07-16 printing]

²         AES28 AES standard for audio preservation and restoration — Method for estimating life expectancy of compact discs (CD-ROM), based on effects of temperature and relative humidity

²         AES28 – 1997 (r2003) AES standard for audio preservation and restoration — Method for estimating life expectancy of compact discs (CD-ROM), based on effects of temperature and relative humidity [ 2001-06-29 printing includes Amendment 1-2001]

²         AES31 AES standard for network and file transfer of audio — Audio-file transfer and exchange — Part 3: Simple project interchange

²         AES 31-1 - 2001 AES standard for network and file transfer of audio — Audio-file transfer and exchange — Part 1: Disk format [ 2001-08-28 a printing]

²         AES 31-3 - 1999 AES standard for network and file transfer of audio — Audio-file transfer and exchange — Part 3: Simple project interchange [ 1999-06-15 printing]

²         PROPOSED DRAFT AES32-TU PROPOSED DRAFT AES standard for professional audio interconnections Fibre optic connectors, cables, and characteristics [ 2000-07-13 printing]

²         AES33 AES standard — For audio interconnections — Database of multiple-program connection configurations

²         AES33 - 1999 AES standard — For audio interconnections — Database of multiple-program connection configurations [ 1999-09-14 printing]

²         AES35 –2000 AES standard for audio preservation and restoration — Method for estimating life expectancy of magneto-optical (MO) disks, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity [ 2000-05-04 printing]

²         AES38 – 2000 AES standard for audio preservation and restoration — Life expectancy of information stored in recordable compact disc systems —Method for estimating, based on effects of temperature and relative humidity [ 2000-04-07 printing]

²         AES41 – 2000 AES standard for digital audio Recording data set for audio bit-rate reduction [ 2000-10-09 printing]

²         AES42 - 2001 AES standard for acoustics Digital interface for microphones [ 2001-04-12 printing]

²         AES43 AES standard for forensic purposes — Criteria for the authentication of analog audio tape recordings

²         AES43 - 2000 AES standard for forensic purposes — Criteria for the authentication of analog audio tape recordings [ 2000-01-09 printing]

²         AES45 – 2001 AES standard for single programme connectors — Connectors for loudspeaker-level patch panels [ 2001-04-17 printing]

²         AES46 – 2002 AES standard for network and file transfer of audio Audio-file transfer and exchange Radio traffic audio delivery extension to the broadcast-Wave-file format [ 2002-06-12 printing]

²         AES47 – 2002 AES standard for digital audio — Digital input-output interfacing — Transmission of digital audio over asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks [ 2002-04-21 printing]

        Dennis A. Bohn 先生說:因為自從寫了這篇文章以來,現在AES改變了她的政策和提供所有她的標準,以「PDF」格式的方式供作免費公開的文獻,可供自由的下載。(注意她們有但書)

        AES 的網址為: http:www.aes.org/ ,有空時上網去看看。

        在此要致上我個人的敬意與喝彩,這在 AES 是項對全世界的聲頻工程師的功德,對於您 Bohn 先生雖然當時的質疑、抗議、不平則鳴確是不敬,但是確實是項間接的功德。

        在此呼籲全世界的各標準組織機構,請共同的一起來呼應 AES 的這行動。雖然會少賺一點錢,但卻可造福世人,這不就是原先的宗旨與精神嗎?


        註:有人說:『他上到 AES 的網頁去看,沒有找到,甚至於要看都沒看到。』


( 知識學習科學百科 )
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