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DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-12+2_參考書籍
2013/02/10 04:54:03瀏覽159|回應0|推薦0

        給您參考,這本在 2002 年出版的「Paul Wilbur Klipsch The Life The Legend」;



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        參考書籍 ( 英文 /中階 )

        Paul Wilbur Klipsch – The Life … The Legend



    Paul Wilbur Klipsch the Life...the Legend [ Hardcover ]

    Maureen Barrett ( Author ), Michael Klementovich ( Author )

        Product Details:
        Publisher: Netsource Dist Services; First Edition ( March 2002 )
        Language: English
        ISBN-10: 1582442266
        ISBN-13: 978-1582442266
        Product Dimensions: 9.3 × 6.3 × 1 inches
        Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds


Who is Paul Wilbur Klipsch? He is an American original: an inventor, engineer, musician, ballistics expert, geophysicist, entrepreneur, legendary eccentric and ardent romantic. He holds numerous patents in audio and infinite philosophies on life. A prestigious school of electrical and computer engineering bears his name.
In Hope , Arkansas , more than fifty years ago, he founded a company in a rented tin shack that not only revolutionized the audio industry, it continues to set the standard for excellence.
He has lived his life according to the highest level of moral and ethical stan­dards, both personally and professionally. He has achieved fame and fortune without arrogance. The mere mention of his name worldwide summons the highest level of respect.
Maureen A. Barrett and Michael J. Klementovich present a compelling portrait of a brilliant and mercurial man in this fascinating biography that chronicles Klipsch’s technological innovations and professional accomplishments as it explores the life of a one-of-a-kind personality.



People ask me what Paul is like. I don’t know where to start, but I would need a lot of words. Here are some: God-loving, demanding, trustful, faithful, loyal, excellent dry sense of humor, eccentric, and teacher. Thank you, Paul, and God bless you. No matter where I go and live and work and play, I will cherish your lessons of life and your friendship.
Roy Delgado
The Engineering and Science Hall of
Fame Award is given to the inducted individual for their outstanding achievement and contribution to society. The award is but a humble statement of symbolism dedicated to the dignity of each enshrinee. The recipient is recognized as a visionary whose perseverance has improved the quality of life for all humanity.
In 1997 Paul Wilbur Klipsch was inducted and enshrined in the Hall of Fame for his contributions in acoustics, ballistics and geophysics. He now shares an
honor held only by the elite of the engineering and science world:
Thomas Edison, Jonas Salk, M.D., Orville and Wilbur Wright and Enrico Ferm



Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia_Paul Wilbur Klipsch

Klipsch Audio Technologies

Official Klipsch Audio Technologies website

AES_1980 Interview transcript of Klipsch by Audio Engineering Society, retrieved August 8, 2008



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