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DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-17_CD片
2013/03/04 04:51:43瀏覽145|回應0|推薦0

DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-17_CD

        阿國介紹這四冊 () 8 CD 片給您。

        很抱歉的是,阿國沒有這些 CD 片,因此也沒有它們的說明書手冊。

        因為,在當年從第一冊 ( Volume 1 ) 的兩片 CD 片一開始發行時,價格就「貴」的買不下手。





Golden Ears


fig_Golden Ears-1

    Golden Ears
    An audio ear-training course for recording engineers, producers and musicians. Moulton started doing such training as an educational exercise for students back in 1969, and has since used it everywhere. In 1992, KIQ Productions asked Moulton to make it commercially available, and the rest is history.
    visit KIQ Productions ( http://www.kiqproductions.com/golden.html )
    I’m personally very proud of these drills, and pleasantly surprised and honored by how widely they’ve been adopted and put into use around the world. Many private individuals, studios, broadcasting organizations, colleges and universities have all adopted Golden Ears. I know of nothing else like them, except for a couple of very specialized and highly developed in-house computer programs for ear-training. Certainly nothing else that is commercially available. If you want to improve your audio hearing acuity and knowledge, these are a great tool!

fig_Golden Ears-2

    Vol. 1: Frequencies
        Trains you to recognize boosts and cuts in all ten octaves of the frequency spectrum. Progressive drills build from simple boosts in music to more demanding single octave cuts in pink noise.
    Vol. 2: Effects & Processing
        31 possible signal processing changes, grouped into simple families: amplitude change, gross and subtle distortion, slow and fast release compression, equalization changes, stereophony anomalies and time-delay / reverberation settings.
    Vol. 3: Delays and Decays
        Delay settings from tenths of a millisecond to whole seconds; panning / slap / spaciousness effects -- in mono and stereo, on sustained and transient sounds. Reverb parameters -- predelays, decay times, etc. Invaluable when creating programs.
    Vol. 4: Master frequencies
        Advanced EQ. Identify cuts and boosts to within a third of an octave; and two octave bands simultaneously boosted and/or cut.

fig_Golden Ears-3

Golden Ears Audio Eartraining Program  http://www.kiqproductions.com/

KIQ Productions  http://www.kiqproductions.com/html/the_product.html

    Audio Eartraining Program_price & ordering info 

    The volumes are sold in three configurations:
        Volumes 1 & 2 together (total 4 CDs + Manual) $
        In the United States: ($7 Shipping)
        In Canada & Mexico: ($18 Shipping)
        International: ($25 Shipping)
    Volumes 3 & 4 together (total 4 CDs + Manual) $
        In the United States: ($7 Shipping)
        In Canada & Mexico: ($18 Shipping)
        International: ($25 Shipping)
    Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4 together (total 8 CDs + Manual) $
        In the United States: ($7 Shipping)
        In Canada & Mexico: ($18 Shipping)
        International: ($25 Shipping)


    Wikipedia_Golden ear  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ear 

    Want To Develop Golden Ears?

    SOS Forum_Recording Techniques_ Golden Ears. Ear training CDs. How to listen to music with a producers ears.

    Human Hearing - Reprise Part 4


fig_Golden Ears-4

    金耳朵 錄音、混音和母帶工程師專業聽覺訓練

        商品編號: SJ1398

        商品重量: 400.000 (g)

        貨  號: SJ1398


        所得積分: 80

        作者: 大衛•莫爾頓 ():曹鈞

        出版社: 北京珀薩數碼技術有限公司

        出版時間: 20107

        版次: 1

        印刷時間: 20107

        印次: 1

        頁數: 109

        開本: 16

        紙張: 膠版紙

        包裝: 平裝



        1. 阿國在這裡要聲明:阿國沒有幫賣書籍的、出版社、及著者做廣告。

        2. 阿國沒有看過那些簡體中文版書籍,只是上網到「亞馬遜簡體中文網頁」及或其它的簡體中文網頁,針對於阿國推薦的英文原版書籍搜尋而查到的;僅供您參考。

        3. 如果您看到阿國在這裡貼的簡體中文版書籍而去購買,但當您閱讀之後,如果覺得不好與及不值得…… 等等,這些問題都與阿國無關。




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