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DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-16_CD片
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DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-16_CD

        給您參考,這小冊子是多位著名音響專家在 1987 年出版的「 Auditory Demonstrations CD」片所隨附之說明書;


    1. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-05

    2. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-09

    3. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-10

    4. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-11

    5. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-12

    6. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-12+1

    7. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-12+2

    8. DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-15



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        Auditory Demonstrations ( 英文 / 中階 )


        以下的英文字是在掃瞄成影像檔後,以文字辨識系統 ( 程式 ) 所辨認出來的。如果有錯字及或錯誤,請自行對照參閱影像內所顯示的內容。




    A. J. M. Houtsma
Institute for Perception Research (IPO) Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    T. D. Rossing
Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL, U.S.A.
    W. M. Wagenaars
Institute for Perception Research (IPO) Eindhoven, The Netherlands
    September 1, 1987
    Prepared at the Institute for Perception Research (IPO)
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Supported by the Acoustical Society of America



    In 1978, a set of auditory demonstration tapes was released by the Laboratory of Psychophysics of Harvard University. These demonstrations had been prepared by a team led by Prof. David M. Green and were sponsored by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The tape set, which contained 20 recorded demonstrations on psychoacoustics plus an explanatory booklet, became so popular that all copies were quickly distributed and tape sets were no longer available.
    In 1984, the Acoustical Society of America’s Committee on Education in Acoustics requested T. D. Rossing and W. D. Ward to look into the feasibility of re-issuing the “Harvard tapes”. A decision was made to update the demonstration material and to issue it on a high-quality sound reproduction medium. The Institute for Perception Research (IPO) in Eindhoven was engaged to produce the audio material. Both the Eindhoven University of Technology and the Philips Company, the joint sponsors of IPO, made manpower available for the project. Philips Polygram and Philips & Dupont Optical Co. (PDO) agreed to handle the digital tape mastering and the production of a Compact Disc. Northern Illinois University supported the project through a grant for improvement of undergraduate education. The Acoustical Society of Amerca agreed to provide further financial backing for the project.
    Many people in the United States and Europe have contributed to the realization of this project. A preliminary scenario by T. D. Rossing was developed through frequent discussions with A. J. M. Houtsma and W. M. Wagenaars, who composed and synthesized the audio material with 16-bit digital techniques. Th. de Jong of IPO provided invaluable technical assistance. The narration by Prof. Ira J. Hirsh was recorded at the Central Institute for the Deaf in Saint Louis . Speech samples in Demonstrations 4 and 35 were provided by, respectively, J. 't Hart and Dr. Sanford Fidell. The instrumental scales of Demonstration 30 were played by bassoonist B. van den Brink of the Brabant Orchestra. The text booklet (“libretto”) was written by T.D. Rossing and A. J. M. Houtsma. A trial version of the demonstrations was field-tested and critically reviewed by D. E. Hall, W.M. Hartmann and W. D. Ward, which led to substantial improvements.
    Special thanks go to the IPO director H. Bouma, to G. van Hoeyen of Philips Polygram, and to A. Rehnberg and G. J. A. Vogelaar of PDO for their enthusiastic administrative and technical support.
    The 39 demonstrations on this compact disc have been put on separate tracks. Each demonstration can easily be found by cueing the CD player to the desired number. Demonstrations in Sections I through VI have been designed for typical classroom use. The demonstrations of Section VII must be heard through headphones to obtain the desired effects.



    Section I. Frequency Analysis and Critical Bands
        1. Cancelled Harmonics
        2. Critical Bands by Masking
        3. Critical Bands by Loudness Comparison
    Section II. Sound Pressure, Power, Loudness
        4. The Decibel Scale
        5. Filtered Noise
        6. Frequency Response of the Ear
        7. Loudness Scaling
        8. Temporal Integration
    Section III. Masking
        9. Asymmetry of Masking by Pulsed Tones
        10. Backward and Forward Masking
        11. Pulsation Threshold Section IV. Pitch
      A. Pitch of Pure Tones
        12. Dependence of Pitch on Intensity
        13. Pitch Salience and Tone Duration
        14. Influence of Masking Noise on Pitch
        15. Octave matching
        16. Stretched and Compressed Scales
        17. Difference Limen or JND
        18. Linear and Logarithmic Tone Scales
        19. Pitch Streaming
      B. Pitch of Complex Tones
        20. Virtual Pitch
        21. Shift of Virtual Pitch
        22. Masking Spectral and Virtual Pitch
        23. Virtual Pitch with Random Harmonics
        24. Strike Note of a Chime
        25. Analytic vs. Synthetic Pitch
      C. Repetition Pitch
        26. Scales with Repetition Pitch
      D. Pitch Paradox
        27. Circularity in Pitch Judgment
    Section V. Timbre
        28. Effect of Spectrum on Timbre
        29. Effect of Tone Envelope on Timbre
        30. Change in Timbre with Transposition
        31. Tones and Tuning with Stretched Partials
    Section VI. Beats, Combination Tones, Distortion, Echoes
        32. Primary and Secondary beats
        33. Distortion
        34. Aural Combination Tones
        35. Effects of Echoes
    Section VII. Binaural Effects
        36. Binaural Beats
        37. Binaural Lateralization
        38. Masking Level Differences
        39. An Auditory Illusion


        Wikipedia_Auditory    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auditory

        AUDITORY list home page    http://www.auditory.org

        ASA ( Acoustical Society of America )
        Auditory Demonstrations Compact Disc
    Auditory Demonstrations Compact Disc     Issued in 1989
    Useful teaching adjunct for lectures or a course on hearing and auditory effects. Provides signals for teaching laboratories. Contains 39 sections demonstrating various characteristics of hearing. Includes text booklet containing introduction and narrations of each topic and bibliographies for more detailed information.
    Click Here to view Table of Contents.
    ( PDF
檔案,檔名: AD-CD-BK.pdf
15KB )
    Weight: 0.47
    Price: $41.00
    Member Price: $23.00

        Auditory Demonstrations [ Audio CD ]
        Philips/Institute For Perception Research at NIU (Author), A.J.M. Houtsma (Author)
    Product Details:
        Audio CD
        Publisher: Philips (1987)
        Language: English
        ASIN: B003ZJQ5ZC


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