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DIY Altec 喇叭音箱-10_參考書籍
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        給您參考,下面這四本 AES 技術論文選集 (兩本有封面圖 )



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        參考書籍 ( 英文 / 高階 )

        這四本可在 AES ( Audio Engineering Society ) 聲頻工程學會 AES Anthologies and Monographs 網頁內找到。 http://www.aes.org/publications/anthologies/

Loudspeakers: An Anthology of Articles on Loudspeakers From the Pages of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, Vol. 1-Vol. 25 (1953-1977) [Paperback]


LOUDSPEAKERS VOL.1 edited by Raymond E. Cooke. Sixty-one papers, covering the years 1953 to 1977, written by the world's greatest transducer experts and inventors on the design, construction, and operation of loudspeakers. 448 pages

預覽 5


http://www.amazon.com/Loudspeakers-Anthology-Articles-Engineering-1953-1977/dp/B 001A B0666/ref=sr_1_85?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1360059457&sr=1-85&keywords=loudspeakers

    Product Details:
        Paperback: 450 pages
        Publisher: Audio Engineering Society; 2nd edition (1980)
        Language: English
        ASIN: B 001A B0666


Loudspeakers Volumes 2: An anthology of articles on loudspeakers from the pages of the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society Vol. 26 -Vol. 31 (1978-1983) [Paperback]


LOUDSPEAKERS VOL.2 edited by Raymond E. Cooke. Forty-nine papers from 1978 to 1983 by experts in loudspeaker technology, extending the work initiated in Vol. 1. 464 pages

預覽 5


http://www.amazon.com/Loudspeakers-Volumes-anthology-loudspeakers-Engineering/dp/B 001A BNACS/ref=pd_rhf_dp_p_t_2_KWD1

    Product Details:
        Publisher: Audio Engineering Society; 2nd edition (1980)
        Language: English
        ASIN: B 001A BNACS


LOUDSPEAKERS VOL.3 - Systems and Crossover Networks edited by Mark R. Gander. Forty-two papers with comments and corrections published on this specific area of loudspeaker technology from 1984 through 1991. With a companion volume on transducers, measurement and evaluation, this publication extends the work of the first two volumes on the important topic of loudspeakers. An extensive list of related reading is included. 456 pages


LOUDSPEAKERS VOL.4 - Transducers, Measurement and Evaluation edited by Mark R. Gander. Thirty-eight papers with comments and corrections covering this specific subcategory from 1984 through 1991. A bibliography of related reading lists essential titles in this field. 496 pages


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