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Un bel di vedremo《美好的一天》(Madama Butterfly 《 歌劇: 蝴蝶夫人》) - Giacomo Puccini ☆☆☆
2010/05/07 05:48:51瀏覽26422|回應0|推薦15


義文 Un Bel Di Vedremo (One fine day)意為美好的一天,是義大利歌劇作曲家賈科莫‧普契尼(Giacomo Puccini)以日本長崎為背景,寫出的《蝴蝶夫人》歌劇第二幕中的一場女高音演唱曲。《蝴蝶夫人》也是迄今在美國演出次數最多的歌劇。



蝴蝶孤零零的没人理,只能天天站在日式紙門旁的榻榻米上,遥望著遠方的海灣,癡癡等待著那艘熟悉的船影。哼唱 Un Bel Di Vedremo 懷念那段幸福的日子,內心備受煎熬以淚洗面,度日如年的漫長三年就這樣過去了。





Un Bel Di Vedremo (意為美好的一天)歌詞大意是在懷念平克頓回家時的甜蜜,呼喚蝴蝶暱稱時,她故意躲起來遮羞的情景,那段記憶中幸福美好的日子。蝴蝶夫人更不時向女侍Suzuki保證平克頓會返回。


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞









【樂曲】Maria Callas, Madama Butterfly Un bel di vedremo

【樂曲】Anna Netrebko - Un Bel Di Vedremo (Berlin, 2011) HD Quality

【樂曲】 Un bel di vedremo - Puccini's Madame Butterfly


Un bel dì, vedremo
(One fine day, we'll see)

levarsi un fil di fumo
(A thread of smoke rising)

sull'estremo confin del mare.
(on the extreme edge of the sea.)

E poi la nave appare.
(And then the ship appears.)

Poi la nave bianca
(Then the white ship)

entra nel porto,
(enter the port,)

romba il suo saluto.
(rumbles its salute.)

Vedi? È venuto!
(See? He is coming!)

Io non gli scendo incontro. Io no.
(I do not go to meet. I do not.)

Mi metto là sul ciglio del colle e aspetto,
(I start there on the hillside and appearance,)

e aspetto gran tempo
(and wait a long time)

e non mi pesa,
(and I do not mind,)

la lunga attesa.
(the long wait.)

E uscito dalla folla cittadina,
(Emerging from the crowded city,)

un uomo, un picciol punto
(a man, a little)

s'avvia per la collina.
(Climbing the hill.)

Chi sarà? chi sarà?
(Who is it? Who?)

E come sarà giunto
(And as he arrives)

che dirà? che dirà?
(How will it say? say?)

Chiamerà Butterfly dalla lontana.
(He will call Butterfly from the distance.)

Io senza dar risposta
(I, without answering)

me ne starò nascosta
(I'll be hidden)

un po' per celia
(a little 'in joke)

e un po' per non morire
(and some 'not to die)

al primo incontro;
(the first meeting;)

ed egli alquanto in pena
(and then rather worried)

chiamerà, chiamerà:
(call, call:)

"Piccina mogliettina,
("Little wife,)

olezzo di verbena"
(smell of orange ")

i nomi che mi dava al suo venire.
(the names he gave me when he came.)

(Suzuki appears)

Tutto questo avverrà,
(All this will happen,)

te lo prometto.
(I promise.)

Tienti la tua paura,
(Keep your fears,)

io con sicura fede l'aspetto.
(I, with the faith aspect.)

【樂曲】  Maria Callas (Μαρία Κάλλας): Madama Butterfly - Puccini

【歌詞】Lyrics to Madame Butterfly (Un Bel Di Vedremo) :

Back in Nagasaki I got married to Cho Cho San
That was her name in those days
And I was her man
I'm going back to visit her
She got a problem
She got a little Cho Cho
Cho Cho San was her name
And this is her tale of woe
Take it away Cho Cho
Today's the day when I see clear
A tiny thread of smoke appears
Where blue skies fall upon the ocean
And shake this staid emotion

All the while I sing this song
I see a dot on the horizon
Growing bigger every second
Gleaming white in my direction

Who on earth can it be
Coming up the path for me?
What on Earth will he say?
Shall I run to him or run away?

Freaking out he's come to get me
My feet are stuck but just won't let me
Run to him, do I dare?
Madame Butterfly, don't blow it

Calling Butterfly, Madame Butterfly
That's the name he used to give me
He's my man till the day I die
Oh, sweet Butterfly, so sweet Butterfly
She's waiting
He'll be back, I have faith in this love track

Pinkerton's the name
Lieutenant Colonel Pinkerton, Sir
U.S. Navy
I'm a bounder
I married a Yankee girl
But I went back to visit old Japan
Where there she was, Cho Cho San

Gotta have something to believe in
My white honkey, I do miss him
Someday soon he'll come around
Just to stop my nervous breakdown

Call me fool, call me stupid
Bend my arrow, kill this cupid
Say it with me
He'll be back
I have faith in this love track

Calling Butterfly, Madame Butterfly
That's the name he used to give me
He's my man till the day I die
Oh, sweet Butterfly, so sweet Butterfly
She's waiting
He'll be back, I have faith in this love track

Cho Cho San
My little wife
My sweet butterfly
That's the name I'll give her
When I return

Little sweet, sweet butterfly
I hear him crowing faintly
He thinks I'm just still sweet sixteen
I guess I'll tease him gently

Calling Madame Butterfly
His angel plucked right from the sky
Hide my baby in mystic places
I feel the fear that I might die

Right in his arms and embraces
Softly kissing my eyelashes
Got no right, no right to doubt it
Ain't no doubt, no doubt about it

Call me fool, call me stupid
Bend this arrow, kill this cupid
I have faith, I'll always pray
My white honkey's here to stay

Calling Butterfly, Madame Butterfly
Butterfly, butterfly, have no fear
I'll be back to wipe your tears
Oh, sweet Butterfly, so sweet Butterfly
She's waiting
I'll wait for him with unshakable faith
He'll be back

【樂曲】One Fine Day - Hayley Westenra

【樂曲】  葛蘭 - 蝴蝶夫人 電影《野玫瑰之戀》Grace


曲:Puccini / 服部良一 改編

我為甚麼有 情 我又為甚麼有意
情和意 都是害人東西
偏偏我就沒法逃避 本來我是把假情假意換刺激
又那裡知道假情意 變了真情意
教我 從此難拋棄
我只說千錯萬錯錯在我自己 不該把戀愛當兒戲
既是當兒戲 就該當到底
把自己投進了愛 的漩渦裡 永遠爬不起
還是怪我自己 為甚麼我要有情又有意
偏偏我就沒法逃避 把事情弄到這樣一步田地
就 是要拋棄我也難拋棄
我難道看著他 真的死在我手裡

( 休閒生活音樂 )

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