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2009/02/13 18:38:53瀏覽412|回應0|推薦1 | |
2009/02/12 今天做錯的頭條錯事 就是笨到去Fubonn Supermarket消費 今天第一次被超商的cashier刻意刁難和歧視 更是第一次去到一家超商 買玻璃瓶罐 cashier不好好替客人包裝好 只在乎人家是先逛別ㄉ店 才來你這邊光顧 看到兩袋東西 就問from outside? 要求先看別間消費ㄉ發票 (Do you have a receipt?)(Where is the receipt?) I showed her the receipt!!! I bet her eyes were fully on my name and studied on it for a very long time. 而且光看Chang Fa Market 就看了有15分鐘這麼久 當下她只看收據不看我的時候 我就該把第二間想買已準備要付帳的東西告訴她 那本小姐不買了 或者結帳時刷卡最後按鈕價錢YES or No 的時候 我就應該按No才對 然後她阻止我離去的話 我就該說You know what? I don't even wish to shop here ! If you don't let go off me, I am going to ask to see the manager here! 當我要結帳的時候 她還問我說你有在別間店買蔬菜ㄇ 我說對我就是有在別間店買 她就說她沒看到有寫 我就說反正我就是有去別間店消費 最後結帳ㄉ時候她還不忘記告誡我說 妳以後來這邊有買別家店ㄉ東西你必須讓我們 或customer information desk保管. 此生都不會忘記Fubonn的Lynn Cashier 對我的discrimination treatment。 最後都是因為她特地沒幫我把玻璃瓶罐包裝好 害我回家之前摔破ㄌ瓶罐(XO Soy sauce) 聽她對待我的口氣就應該要聰明到曉得 她不會把我買的東西當成一回事 她做不到把我在那間店購買的東西 當成是她自己要拿回家用的方式包裝好 這是當亞洲人粉嫩的悲哀ㄇㄚ 是我臉上寫著都來欺負我ㄇㄚ 還是該說 見鬼了 活該倒楣遇到這樣的事 遇到這樣子的cashier 總之我永遠不會再去那消費 此生隔世都不會願意再去那消費當傻瓜 ----------------------------------------- 怒氣難消 等不到下次跟丈夫或公婆去那光顧 再來解決這樣的事 因為發生這種事 我忍無可忍 當天消費 我沒給那 cashier 任何臉色看 我更沒跟她硬碰硬 發生這種事 不給這樣的人一點顏色瞧瞧 她八成當我是病貓 徹夜未眠的我 不只因為被氣得渾身發抖 為了這種人生氣不值得 還因為腳痛根本睡不好 我一直在想 那當下我有很多怒氣很多話可以替我自己爭辯 讓她下不了臺 我沒這麼做 她還不知道領情 我一直等到上午02/13/2009 才撥電話去找那家店的經理 我問她請問我可以問妳一個問題嗎? 她說 可以啊 我問她 Lynn是這家店的店長嗎? 她說 誰? 妳可以拼出名字嗎? 然後我就說 L Y N N 她就說 她不是店長 我才是 還加了一句 (This is she.) 我就跟她說明事情整個原委 我告訴那個mananger Cashier Lynn didn't even greet me and she was very mean to me yesterday when I was here. Cashier Lynn didn't ask How are you doing today ? or How are you? She didn't even smile at me. She didn't ask Did you find everything you needed? She had packed many bags but she didn't ask me Do you need a helpout today? And she doesn't even know how to pack the glass containers. All she can do was critize me. She made me feel very unwelcome. As if I came to the wrong place to shop. She looks Asian but she discrimination another Asian. I don't know what her problem is and what's going on with her. She doesn't even treat me like a person. When I go to other stores to shop, none of these would or ever happened to me. I said, when she done that to me, I wanted to say something back to her, but I was too angry and too shock to say anything to her at that time. ---------------------------------------------------------- 就說 she's sorry for what had happend. 她會跟她說 她會pass the massage. 我也希望她會做到 以後跟公婆或老公去那 再遇到這樣的人 我不再是省油的燈 我想我公婆也不會靜靜的讓媳婦被欺負! --------------------------- |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |