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2010/09/16 20:14:28瀏覽234|回應1|推薦4

引用 研究:運動不是減肥最佳方法


讀到yahoo一則新聞< 研究:運動不是減肥最佳方法 >,沒有失望!

這則新聞引用自英國「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)的報導說:

  • 斯皮克曼( John Speakman )教授表示,日益嚴重的肥胖問題,原因在於吃得太多,而不是缺乏運動。
  • 美國與荷蘭的數據指出,儘管人們越來越依賴節省時間的科技,但現代人的活動量並沒有比 20 年前少。

循線找到原文(網址 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1312455/How-diet-exercise-key-losing-weight.html)發現台灣的記者是翻譯快手,2010.09.16. 7:55 AM 的新聞,幾乎同步就翻好刊出了!


「 It will give couch potatoes more reason to put their feet up and disappoint those who hit the gym to try to shed the extra pounds.」


相較於 中文的ㄌㄌ長(閩南語)有讀來不順: 「新研究指出,運動並不是減肥的最佳方法。這種說法可能會讓成天坐在沙發看電視的人,更有理由懶坐不動,而經常跑健身房,想甩掉多餘肥肉的人也會感到失望。」


How diet and not exercise is the key to losing weight

By Fiona Macrae
Last updated at 7:55 AM on 16th September 2010

It will give couch potatoes more reason to put their feet up and disappoint those who hit the gym to try to shed the extra pounds.

Apparently, exercising is not the best way to lose weight. Research shows that, contrary to popular belief, we are not less active than we were 20 years ago.

This means that the growing obesity problem is down to people eating too much, not a lack of exercise, according to Professor John Speakman.

Getting on the treadmill won't help shift those pounds as much as better eating habits

Working with a Dutch colleague, Professor Speakman, of Aberdeen University, analysed two decades of studies on energy expenditure.

The data, from the U.S. and the Netherlands, showed that despite a growing reliance on time-saving technology, people today are not any less active than those of 20 years ago.

Factors such as decline in the number of children walking to school and a rise in TV watching do not necessarily equate to weight gain, the International Journal of Obesity reports.

For example, children driven to school have more time to spend running around in the playground, while evening TV watching has replaced other sedentary activities such as reading and listening to the radio.

Professor Speakman told the British Science Festival: ‘In the 1950s no one would have bought an exercise bike and sat on it in their garage but now people will do that.’

The researcher, however, stressed that physical activity is good for the body in other ways and should be part of a ‘healthy, balanced lifestyle’.

( 知識學習健康 )
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2010/09/16 20:26


但卻無法停口 chip, donut吃個不停

可愛歐巴桑(goodhealth) 於 2010-09-26 09:45 回覆:
