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2009/01/12 17:46:46瀏覽456|回應0|推薦1

describe your favourite food or dish

I’d like to describe my favorite dish , noodles in pot . You can find it everywhere in here so you can know how popular it is. As you know ,we can put any kind foods we like to it , so we can eat various material from it . Like me , I always like to eat seafood noodles in pot , because I like seafood very much , like clam, crab, oyster , cuttlefish and so on . At same time , I can eat varied vegetables and a little sliced meat , it is so suit my palate I like it has many reasons ,the first one is it is very delicious , the second is it has various flavor for example sea food, beef , pork and so on, so I can choose any kind I want . The third is it has reasonable price , I can afford to eat as often as I like. The forth one it is not too oily , it is very important because oily and fatty food doesn’t like easily on my stomach. The last but not least , it is very nutritious food , I can eat sufficient ingredients I need , it is very important because sometimes I like to skill some food I don’t like , most of them are vegetable. But I eat all food in this pot. How often I eat ? I eat it at least once a week ,I usually eat it in the restaurant very near my office , I can eat it after I finish all jobs , I feel so satisfied , and I always walk to home after I eating. 

eating habits change in here 

Mmm…. I thank so , I remember about 20 years ago , Mcdonald , the fast food representative came to Taiwan , it brought the different hobbies , furthermore , we can say , it changed the lifestyle of these people live in here . First , Mcdonald have many branches around Taiwan , all of them use the same methods to cook , and the materials are prepared by the central kitchens , they don’t need chief , they just need the staffs who are trained . Second , they sell the fried food, which contain high calories, like hamburger , fried chicken and so on . The last but not least , they operator throughout the year , some branches operator 24 hours a day , we can eat anytime just we feel hungry. After it came , various exotic restaurants came here , most of known fast food restaurants built their shops to sell the garbage food in here .

But around near 10 years, another different type - the vegetable food restaurants boom sonly. Many people eat vegetable not for the religious reason , they eat for becoming healthy . As you know , eat too much fried food caused many health problems ,like overweight , artery blocked and heart problems. Another reason they eat because the question of compassion , they think we eat meat , we have to deprive the life of these animals .

Do you enjoy cooking 

Well , I don’t think so . I think it spend too much time , and I have to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen . 

do you cook by yourself 

Yes I do, but only occasionally . I do it only I want to entertain my friends or when I tired of eating out. When I cook , I normally just make simple, Noodles in pot , I just need to buy various materials like vegetable , meat , shrimp, clam and others , I can cook a delicious dish. Sometimes I fry these foods and rice with a little chili together , it is so easy and delicious too 

is there any other food that you enjoy having

Oh , Yes , certainly . Taiwan is a gourmet-heaven , There are so many kind of Taiwan snacks . Most of them I like so much , for example Taiwan fried chicken , oyster omelet . The exotic food I prefer is  the barbeque collocate kimchi. I always forget to control my weight.

Let’s talk about restaurants . What types of restaurants are there in the city ?

Well , There are various types in here , even I can say , you can find any one just you want . Unless traditional Chinese and Taiwanese , you can eat very popular type like Tai, Italian , Korean , Japanese, American , France or some other not in popular like Indo- , Mediterranean and so on . Oh , yes , I cannot but mention the numerous  snack shops. They provide the delicious Taiwan snacks which have reasonable price. I like to eat them very much , especially Taiwanese fried chicken , I used to eat it once a week , but now I dare not , I just eat about once a month.



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