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2006/05/06 16:25:09瀏覽1753|回應3|推薦3



並且和大家分享一句在一張書簽(book mark)上看到的、和這個見證很契合的一句話 ——「一句逆境中的感謝﹐比萬句順境中的讚美更有價值」。




This is a very encouraging story even for those among us who are not Christians. We hope you're blessed by reading this and knowing that we are all special in God's eyes.


James 1:2
" Consider it pure joy, my Brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds."

To count our hurt, pain and struggle as nothing but pure joy?
As my parents were Christians, and my Dad even a Pastor of our church, they knew that verse very well. However, on the morning of the 4th of December 1982 in Melbourne (Australia), the last two words on the minds of my parents was "Praise God!". Their firstborn son had been born without limbs! There were no warnings or time to prepare themselves for it. The doctors we shocked and had no answers at all! There is still no medical reason why this had happened and Nick now has a Brother and Sister who were born just like any other baby.

The whole church mourned over my birth and my parents were absolutely devastated. Everyone asked, "if God is a God of Love, then why would God let something this bad happen to not just anyone, but dedicated Christians?" My Dad thought I wouldn't survive for very long, but tests proved that I was a healthy baby boy just with a few limbs missing.

Understandably, my parents had strong concern and evident fears of what kind of life I'd be able to lead. The first biggest hurdle was for my parents to be at peace and trusting that God was in control. It took a number of months of tears, questions and grief before that complete overtook their hearts. God provided them strength, wisdom and courage through those early years and soon after that I was old enough to go to school.

There are a few people who assume that because of my physical disability that it meant that I'd also be mentally disabled. The law in Australia didn't allow me to be integrated into a main-stream school because of my physical disability. God did miracles and gave my Mom the strength to fight for the law to be changed. I was one of the first disabled students to be integrated into a main-stream school.

I liked going to school, and just try to live life like everyone else, but it was in my early years of school where I encountered uncomfortable times of feeling rejected, weird and bullied because of my physical difference. It was very hard for me to get used to, but with the support of my parents, I started to develop attitudes and values which helped me overcome these challenging times. I knew that I was different but on the inside I was just like everyone else. There were many times when I felt so low that I wouldn't go to school just so I didn't have to face all the negative attention. I was encouraged by my parents to ignore them and to try start making friends by just talking with some kids. Soon the students realized that I was just like them, and starting there God kept on blessing me with new friends.

There were times when I felt depressed and angry because I couldn't change the way I was, or blame anyone for that matter. I went to Sunday School and learnt that God loves us all and that He cares for you. I understood that love to a point as a child, but I didn't understand that if God loved me why did He make me like this? Is it because I did something wrong? I thought I must have because out of all the kids at school, I'm the only weird one. I felt like I was a burden to those around me and the sooner I go, the better it'd be for everyone. I wanted to end my pain and end my life at a young age, but I am thankful once again, for my parents and family who were always there to comfort me and give me strength.

Due to my emotional struggles I had experienced with bullying , self esteem and loneliness, God has implanted a passion of sharing my story and experiences to help others cope with whatever challenge they have in their life and let God turn it into a blessing. To encourage and inspire others to live to their fullest potential and not let anything get in the way of accomplishing their hopes and dreams.

As I grew older God continued to prepare my heart and teach me to seek Him. One of the first lessons that I have learnt was not to take things for granted. I had that wake - up call around the age of twelve and realised just how much I was blessed with. I take my foot for granted, my family and the fact that I wasn't born in a third world country all blessings that God had freely given and I still complain? I came across : -

Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the best for those who love Him."

That verse spoke to my heart and convicted me to the point where that I know that there is no such thing as luck, chance or coincidence that these "bad" things happen in our life.

James 1:3&4 - "...know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

I had complete peace knowing that God won't let anything happen to us in our life unless He has a good purpose for it all. I completely gave my life to Christ at the age of fifteen after reading John 9. Jesus said that the reason the man was born blind was "so that the works of God may be revealed through Him." I truly believed that God would heal me so I could be a great testimony of His Awesome Power. Later on I was given the wisdom to understand that if we pray for something, if it's God's will, it'll happen in His time. If it's not God's will for it to happen, then I know that He has something better. I now see that Glory revealed as He is using me just the way I am and in ways others can't be used.

I am now twenty-one years old and have completed a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Financial Planning and Accounting. I am also a motivational speaker and love to go out and share my story and testimony wherever opportunities become available. I have developed talks to relate to and encourage students through topics that challenge today's teenagers. I am also a speaker in the corporate sector. For more information on Nick's presentations go to "Nick's Ministry".

In recent years, I have learnt to become independent and can now take care of all my personal needs. I can do everything from brushing my teeth, combing my hair, dressing up, taking care of my personal hygiene and even shaving. I get around the house by jumpin' around and, outside the house, I get around in an electric wheelchair. I love to swim, fish and play soccer. I have a passion for reaching out to youth and keep myself available for whatever God wants me to do, and wherever He leads, I follow.

I have many dreams and goals that I have set to achieve in my life. I want to become the best witness I can be of God's Love and Hope, to become an international inspirational speaker and be used as a vessel in both Christian and non-Christian venues. I want to become financially independent by the age of 25, through real estate investments, to modify a car for me to drive and to be interviewed and share my story on the "Oprah Winfrey Show"! Writing several best-selling books has been one of my dreams and I hope to finish writing my first by the end of the year. It will be called "No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!"

You might think these goals are too far-fetched. However, I believe that if you have the desire and passion to do something, and if it's God's will, you will achieve it in good time. As humans, we continually put limits on ourselves for no reason at all! What's worse is putting limits on God who can do all things. We put God in a "box". The awesome thing about the Power of God, is that if we want to do something for God, instead of focusing on our capability, concentrate on our availability for we know that it is God through us and we can't do anything without Him. Once we make ourselves available for God's work, guess whose capabilities we rely on? God's!

Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

God has a Great Purpose for your life! As far as your unanswered prayers, remember that God is Faithful. What are we to do when we are seeking but not finding?

Jeremiah 29:12 "Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you," declares the Lord...

Take courage my friend for the Battle is the Lord's and I urge you to keep striving for the truth. For it is the truth that will set you free and the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding will reign in your heart. May the Lord Bless you as you diligently seek Him and grant you Godly Wisdom and Strength through your journey.

If you know of an audience which may benefit from hearing Nick's story please contact us at lifewithoutlimbs@yahoo.com - Have a look and see if Nick is speaking in your local area!

In Christ,
Nick Vujicic


◎ 延伸閱讀:沒手沒腳 人生不設限!


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2008/01/06 22:18 【貓言貓語】 殘缺中的完美


✽ 貓 ✽
2009/01/01 17:02




✽ 貓 ✽(fyjen) 於 2009-01-01 17:37 回覆:

《 無四肢鬥士感動香港人  親身示範跌倒再爬起 》

【明報記者彭碧珊/明報專訊】「在艱辛的日子堅持面對是很困難的,但如果經常埋怨失去什麼,你便會忘記自己所擁有的。」生於澳洲的力克(Nick Vujicic)雖然先天殘障,沒有雙手,卻可擁抱數以萬計聽眾;沒有雙腳,行蹤卻遍佈24個國家。他昨日在本港出席兩場佈道會,向4萬名觀眾打氣及示範如何沒有手腳也能「跌得低、爬得起」,感動了無數觀眾的心靈。




這場「Give Up Get Up佈道會」是由中國基督教播道會同福堂(教會)與樂苗基金舉辦,遇上困境,力克認為許多人都會想過放棄(Give Up) ,然而他選擇面對(Get Up),背後的勇氣源自神。


學懂欣賞自己 可跑可游泳

他漸漸學懂了欣賞自己的身體,即使他人初次見他時感到恐懼,他仍學懂笑著面對,更不時戲弄別人。他曾試過在沙灘玩,大腿肌肉陷在沙裏,小女孩誤以為他花了很多時間故意挖沙埋起雙腿,表示羨慕,結果他趁小女孩離去時站直身子捉弄她﹕「她立即嚇得大叫!」現場笑聲頓時此起彼落。 他說罷露出左邊一小截大腿肌肉說﹕「看,平日靠這根『小雞槌』,我便可以走、可以跑,甚至可以游水。」雖然他平日以輪椅代步,但仍可靠僅餘的兩根腳趾運動。

自出生已知道人生路途崎嶇的他,談及將來時,突然「跌倒」在桌子上,令觀眾嘩然。 俯臥著的他,卻隨即抬頭笑說﹕「即使面對難關,信靠上帝,讓我學習笑著面對!」



【香港明報 2008年11月24日】








《 打工仔觀眾流淚 走出裁員陰霾 》



勵志心靈書暢銷 吳小姐的侄女Sabrina及其同學Bethanie都表示,聽完講座後有所啟發,欣賞力克不介意將身體殘缺當成笑話來鼓勵其他人,她們從今開始會珍惜每一日。


《 天生僅剩小雞槌 環球分享經歷 》

【明報專訊】力克(Nick Vujicic)今年25歲,生於澳洲墨爾本,父母乃虔誠基督徒,但他出生時無手無腳,只得左下肢有一個「小雞槌」連兩根小腳趾。當時父母都極度震驚,不過力克卻能健康成長。

遭同學奚落 8歲時曾興死念 力克是澳洲首名可到主流學校上課的殘障學童,在學期間努力嘗試學習用兩根腳趾執筆寫字,雖然積極希望融入正常生活,卻遭同學奚落,8歲時甚至想過要自殺。


17歲時,力克開始到教會演講,並成立非牟利組織「Life Without Limbs」,21歲完成大學學位後,便周遊列國作分享演講,至今已去過四大洲共24個國家,與超過200萬人面對面交流心得。

他將於明年底完成首部著作《無手,無腳,無煩惱!》(No Arms, No Legs, No Worries!)。


《 無肢鬥士力克 勉勵港人 永不放棄 》

近期金融海嘯令經濟逐步下滑,公司裁員不斷,港人活在陰霾下,燦爛笑容漸失,信心墮進谷底中。但天生失去四肢的澳洲「生命戰士」力克(Nick Vujicic),憑其堅毅意志克服生活種種困難,活出精彩人生,他 昨在一個布道會上向約4萬名港人打打氣,勉勵港人要積極面對逆境,永不放棄。

天生沒有手腳,身高只有約 1米 ,只有細小的『小雞腿』的澳洲殘障青年力克(Nick Vujicic),昨日出席由中國基督教播道會同福堂及樂苗基金合辦,在機場亞洲國際博覽館舉行的兩場布道會,分享其傳奇人生,場面非常踴躍,由於到場的觀眾眾多,大會一度要加開兩個場館讓他們入座,估計兩場布道會,吸引約4萬人參與。






力克:如果你放棄 你就沒希望



【都市日報 2008年11月24日】


《 神奇力克激勵港人 積極抗擊金融海嘯 》

金融海嘯淹至,導致人心惶惶,人人也怕過不了這場惡浪。澳洲青年力克(Nick Vujicic)雖然天生「無手無腳」,但二十多年來仍能「走」自己的路,克服難關。他由昨日起一連三日在港以自身經歷,證明天無絕人之路,單在昨天已吸引逾四萬人參加他的佈道會,分享他傳奇而積極的人生。本報記者




一名出席了佈道會的市民 楊 小姐表示,當看到力克站起來行路時,感動不已,場內不少人一面拍掌,一面落淚,「很難想像他的父母點樣將他湊大,還要教到他可以行路、搭車。見到他,自己所謂的問題,原來真的不算甚麼問題。」力克結束香港之旅後,隨即會展開中國之旅,到達四川大地震重災區綿陽、北京清華大學及天津演講。

【頭條日報 2008-11-24】



圖說:令人不可思議的力克形容:「『我靠著那加給我力量的,凡事都能作。』(《聖經》腓立比書4章13節),所以沒有事情是不可能的(Nothing is impossible)!」。

圖說:佈道會後,觀眾可與力克擁抱,原本只限三百人,但名額卻 「供不應求」, 下午一場佈道會至少有4百人排隊輪候與力克擁抱。





「若神沒有賜你一個你想要的神蹟,其實是想你成為別人的神蹟。」 ‧「我未有結婚、未有拍拖、未有對象,但我相信上天會給我最合適的一位,我雖然不能牽她的手,但要抓住她的心,沒有雙手也可以。」 ‧「若你將快樂建立在短暫的物質享樂上,快樂也不會持久。」


《 力克先天殘缺還看美麗人生 見證激勵四萬市民 》

來自澳洲的基督徒力克(Nick Vujicic)雖天生無四肢,但因被神的愛所激勵而樂觀積極地生活,上周末神把他帶到香港,又一次使用他的生命奇跡來向市民說話。

力克的兩場佈道會週日假亞洲國際博覽館舉行,均全場爆滿,估計有近四萬名觀眾。力克在於 1982年12月4日 早上誕生於澳洲墨爾本的一個基督教家庭,他的父親是一位牧師。力克出生時無手無腳,只得左下肢有一個「小鼓槌(像兩隻腳趾)」,連醫生也無法解釋這是怎樣的一種病症。雖然力克的父母都是虔誠的基督徒,但看著這無助脆弱的長子力克,也禁不住沈重的打擊。長達幾個月,力克的父母無語問上天,沮喪、絕望、埋怨、痛苦到終日只能以泪洗面。連力克父親牧養的教會兄姊,也只能以哀悼的心情,為這個不幸的牧者家庭禱告。每個人都問:「主呀,若神是愛,為何祂讓這麼糟糕的事發生在基督徒的身上?」





直到有一天,力克讀到一段聖經「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按祂旨意被召的人。」? (羅馬書八章28節),心中突然閃過一個聲音:「別把任何事都視為理所當然!」「若非我的旨意,斷不會把這又大又難的事加添在你身上。」他開始嘗試去發現神給他一個殘缺身體的用意。





【基督日報 2008年11月24日】

2008/01/07 08:06



♫ 我在文字的衝突裡找路!♫
✽ 貓 ✽(fyjen) 於 2008-01-07 20:45 回覆:

不用翻譯。 ^^



→ 網上字典 

2006/05/16 03:38
✽ 貓 ✽(fyjen) 於 2008-12-30 12:39 回覆:
是的。 ^^