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2013/03/22 01:34:20瀏覽767|回應20|推薦56

今周刊 848期 –  2013年3月20日 刊出了「三星滅台計畫」﹐文中報導三星整垮臺灣DRAM、面板、LED﹑手機﹑IC 工業的奸計和經過。這場商業戰還在進行中﹐臺灣首戰已經輸了幾個回合﹐往下所剩回合不多﹐如果全輸。臺灣真的要向印尼﹑菲律賓﹑越南看齊了!


LKK 看了這篇「三星滅台計畫」文章﹐一點也不意外﹐商場上種種跡象早已顯示這些殘酷競爭的事實﹐只是大部份的老百姓不知不覺而已。

韓國從1960年代起﹐整頓國內經濟﹐祭出非韓籍不得擁有企業主權的規定﹐以此大力打壓許多韓國華僑建立的企業﹐LKK 母系的先祖曾是受害者。當時臺灣在老蔣的統治之下和韓國稱兄道弟﹐對於韓國華僑所遭遇的經濟迫害的事實一直壓抑消息,也從未伸張過正義。LKK 家族的親身經歷﹐讓 LKK對韓國一直持著保持距離的態度。因此看到許多人哈韓劇﹐買韓貨﹐迷韓偶像﹐實在不解﹐更無法認同。



LKK 真的要急聲呼籲政府、企業、和全國百姓仔細考慮如何舉國一致應戰﹐雖然這場戰爭不會見血﹐但是結果和真的戰爭一樣殘酷可怕。 臺灣真的輸不起這一戰!

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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2013/06/22 22:26 【不平則鳴】 看台韓盛衰
2013/04/11 06:18 【不平則鳴】 胡說八道的媒體: 南北韓緊張 DRAM恐將大缺貨?

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2013/11/26 14:28
日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-27 21:42 回覆:

Not a subscriber, can't get access to the WSJ article. Hope you have downloaded and read the magzine article from Google Drive. 

Here are some recent broadcast programs: 

Just curious how do you propose to compete with a company like Samsung?

2013/11/26 12:39
It's been a good argument though. Thank you very much!
日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-26 12:56 回覆:
Be my guest and suit youself.  Chiao.

2013/11/26 12:29

Again, making judgement from from ones's own personal experience is very dangerous. I can see that you have some issues with Korea because the personal past. None of my business of course. Respectfully I have no intention to futher the debate.


日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-26 12:53 回覆:
We all are subjective. This is not scientific research, this is casual exchanges of personal experiences and personal views. I am not so positive that you don't have any subjective opinions of your own, either.  

2013/11/26 12:04

H-mart in the US actually started in NY.


日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-26 12:51 回覆:
Thanks, got that. I learned from their website. 

2013/11/26 12:03

Again, it's unfair for anyone to describe a competition as war just because he is losing.


日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-26 12:51 回覆:

I don't think you have sufficient experience in business and knows what's going on in Taiwan this year and last couple of years. Competition leaves competitors alive. War kills.

You can count how many LED companies and RAM companies are wiped out in Taiwan. Samsung placed huge orders for two three years and pushed Taiwan manufacturers to expand production capacities. After these companies committed financial resources to expand, then suddenly all orders stopped. Left these newly expanded production capacity idle. 

While facing much lower priced Samsung products in the market, these companies just not only need to cut their profit margin to compete, but also sat there with big cash flow sucked dry by their idle investment, they just die slowly. Left thousands engineers and workers unemployed, left many thousands of investors, ordinary people who bought stocks, suffered huge losses.  Have you looked into any of these stories?   

2013/11/26 12:00

Time frame? Well, 20 years is a long time to me because our average life span.

5,000 years of culture? Please, don't even go there:-)

Koreans only go to korean stores or shops? Is that a fact? Proof?

Koreans stick together? Yes and no. It really depends, but one benefit of it is that Koreans do stick together through thick and thin and have each other’s back about as much as anyone could expect. And that's my point!




日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-26 12:34 回覆:

Well, one year can be a long time as well, again depends on each person's frame of reference. I told you mine. Now I know yours.

Korean only goes to Korean shops, that's my personal experience. Before H-Mart open in Irvine, all Chinese, Korean, and Americans went to Ranch 99. After H-Mart open, all Korean disappeared from Ranch 99. But Chinese went to H-Mart as well.

2013/11/26 11:48

Please, I don't mean that your're racist. I apology if I somehow led you to that conclusion.

Let me clarify: Personal experience with certain race in the past is not subjective. Therefore it is easily falling into the trap of racism if not carefully thought through.


日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-26 12:19 回覆:

Well, apology is accepted. However, do you know the difference between racism and nationalism?

You really don't need to analyze my subjective mind and my impression about Koreans, I had Korean on my team before and know their culture pretty well. 

2013/11/26 11:43

When did I state that K-pop is influencing American or UK mainstram Pop-culture? All I meant to express is that Korea is promoting herself to the world through its Pop-culture. Is it original? It was not my topic. Man, stay on the subject!

The word world here does not only apply to the US or UK.



日月光明 LKK (fresh4start) 於 2013-11-26 12:15 回覆:


Beatles and Lady Gaga are pop culture representatives from the 60's all the way to the 2000's and into the 2010's. That is the long history of mainstream pop culture and classic pop culture I was referring to. I told you K-pop is just an imitation for fun and ..., and is no comparison to the classic pop culture in westerner's minds. You asked me to provide some back up to my statements, didn't you?  I did provide some back-ups, right? If you like more, I can dig up more.  

Are you sure you are staying on the topics? Are you sure you know what you are talking about? 

2013/11/26 05:17

2013/11/26 05:05

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