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Helping people remember
2013/07/09 22:23:57瀏覽208|回應0|推薦2

Tips for helping people remember

1.Use acronyms and mnemonics
2.Tell stories
4.Use a mantra or sayings and repeat it frequently
5.Make associations
6.Use analogies and similes
7.Learning reviews after a good night’s sleep
8.Use picture and diagrams -  and keep them on display
9.Group related facts
10.Link facts to a regular routine or journey
11.Encourage learners to create learning maps
12.Allow people to take in information using a range of senses so that the data is stored in multiple locations in the brain
13.Stimulate emotion though stories or by making learning fun
14.Crease a relaxed, stress-free environment
15.Get people to test and demonstrate their learning
16.Plenty of breaks and changes in activity
17.Make the process though which the learning is gained memorable and enjoyable so learners can easily associate and recall the content
18.Include short summaries or key points throughout the learning event.
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