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2005/12/21 22:07:39瀏覽420|回應0|推薦1 | |
因為產業電子化的報告主題是保養品,我要架討論區跟新聞區,所以臨時抓了一堆美麗秘方,存在網誌裡面,今天上課之前空堂時候,花了三十分鐘架好,有點趕哪呵呵^^||| 其實這個報告做得有些心虛……對保養品實在沒有太多研究,而且我美工又不好,其他三個組員超強的,而且都是A班的,我是B班的,說實在很難插入她們的話題,而且討論的時候都跟她們錯開,感覺自己蠻混的……。好不容易硬是掰出產品網頁,架好了討論區,今天也上台報告完了!雖然覺得自己講的很亂很沒條理…… 但是,總算結束了!︿ ︿ 殘念的是,本以為可以輕鬆一下的,赫然發現明天要考財管,我一點點都沒看呀!>口<|||| * * * 今天從樹狼那收到怨念許久的歌曲:The Sore Feet Song。 這是最近我很著迷的動畫「蟲師」的片頭曲,很棒的一種隨適感覺。 I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you And every gasp of breath I grabted just to find you I climb up every hills to get to you I wanted ancient langs to hold, just you. And every single step with the way Every single night and day, I searched for you Through the sands town hills times I reached for you I stood ten thousands pounds ten thousandsa pounds to see you I rock connivent stocks cause I thought they make it easier I lived off rads of tons and I starved for you I followed of giant bears and I killed them, too And every single step with the way Every single night and day, I searched for you Through the sands towns hills times I reached for you I’m tired and I weak but I’m strong for you I wanted to go home but my love gets me through La la la la… La la la la… 決定最近都聽這首歌了…… 謝謝樹狼啦!你真是個貼心的孩子哪!(笑) (2005.12.21) |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |