之前在KISS連續聽到兩次這首歌,就覺得非常吸引人注意,可惜聽的時候都沒聽到DJ的介紹,第三次終於聽到介紹了,但是他唸英文,我嘛是有聽只懂一半,ㄧ直只記得Punk Rocker這個念法,搞笑的是我還不會拼,真的是給它夠了。
好在網路就是這樣的給它好用,只要打前面會拼的I Wish I Was A Punk ?,哈哈~就是可以找到資料啦!之前第一次聽到的時候還以為是哪個黑人歌手又出專輯了,沒想到,今天看到MV時才發現她是白人(沒有種族歧視,只是覺得她的聲音太渾厚了,而且背景音樂很有民族音樂感覺)果然是不可以耳聽為憑啊!
看了一下,原來是sony bmg的新發行(珊蒂湯姆/笑裡藏刀Sandi Thom / Smile...It Confuses People),絕對是個會大紅的歌手,不然也不會因為網路發聲就被簽下來啦!介紹就免啦!反正已經有人介紹的很好,那就不用獻醜啦!有興趣的可以去看下面網址,裡面都有詳細介紹跟其他MV可以欣賞。
(另外再推薦兩首也很好聽,但節奏比較柔和ㄧ點的Lonely Girl 跟 Sunset Borderline ,也很好聽喔 )
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
In 77 and 69 revolution was in the air
I was born too late and to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
When the head of state didn't play guitar,
Not everybody drove a car,
When music really mattered and when radio was king,
When accountants didn't have control
And the media couldn't buy your soul
And computers were still scary and we didn’t know everything
When popstars still remained a myth
And ignorance could still be bliss
And when God Saved the Queen she turned a whiter shade of pale
When my mom and dad were in their teens
and anarchy was still a dream
and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail
When record shops were on top
and vinyl was all that they stocked
and the super info highway was still drifting out in space
kids were wearing hand me downs,
and playing games meant kick arounds
and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face
I was born too late to a world that doesn't care
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair
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Sandi Thom個人網頁