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2009/09/10 09:57:29瀏覽294|回應0|推薦5

一曲豪情飲莫愁   也如春夢了無痕


敲下千花百合心   萬物皆求各自在

過眼雲煙鏡無心   浮生之旅過客罷

...冬雨 ....

幾句隨興無題詩      有似心頭鎖千結

借問前廊由來風      為何吹皺一湖春

拆開四面高圍牆      一切毋須太強求

放心向前走大步     今能對詩就是緣

~ 二月 ~

Sing out loud and drink the forgotten, seams as Spring dreams away.

Why  a good flower cannot attract butterflies?  Deep thought like moon in the water.

Knocking down 1000 flower lily heart, all things are seeking in their natural ways.

Blast from the past mirror inadvertent, Floating Life Journey passing strike.

Winter rain ...
With a few Hing  poem, there are like thousands of knot lock heart.

Asked the origin of the wind through the front porch, why ripple a lake?

Cover surrounded by high walls, and all need not insist too strongly.

Opening our hearts to go big, lives are short, we are lucky to meet each other now.

~ February ~

( 創作詩詞 )
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