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white, hot pink
2013/08/07 16:53:39瀏覽189|回應0|推薦0
I don’t usually blog about the weird little things I do on my free time. Surprisingly enough, I’m actually really big into interior design. It was one of my career choices had I thought I’d be able to actually have a job, and not have to move to a big city. So yeah…

I’m constantly in a battle to make my living spaces look like I specifically chose each item to go with each other item, when I’ve actually just acquired them all randomly. My pet project is my bedroom. I have a bedset that is a baroque design, similar to my pink heading above, in black, white, hot pink, and light blue-green.

It was my inspiration, but I’ve only gotten it after I moved out into the dorms, which just happened to have a blue and green theme.  Unfortunately, I just can’t get rid of all my mismatched things and buy all new things. I have to make due…so I decided to make this box much more awesome than it was when I bought it.
( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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