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2013/05/18 11:29:24瀏覽329|回應0|推薦0 | |
This weekend I have been working my yard and front flower bed a bit. It has been such lovely weather here luxury brand . I should be soon having my tulips blossom and my grape Hyacinths are coming up really to pop their sweet delicate purple heads. Oh I love spring! What is even better ( crosses fingers ) my bad allergies have been pretty good too. I usually this time of year when things start to bloom have such sinus problems. I switched earlier in the year to Clartin then a month later Allegra. That way my allergies cannot not compete for my attention LOL. Memow has spring fever too even though he is fixed. HA! He keeps trying To run out the door, the silly cat. We have to watch him closely. Aaron was playing outside almost every day with his friends and it drove that cat nuts. he would cry and cry at Aaron outside. I felt bad like maybe I should get leash for him but HA! I remember last time I tried that with a cat garage storage. My windows are open and the air outside is warmer than inside. It feels like spring now and a bit like summer. I was outside sweating up a storm and had to come in from work. I have exercise asthma so I try and be careful in the hot weather. When I get an attack it is pretty bad not to feel sick the rest of the day online marketing. I planted Peonies in the back yard and am excited to see if they will come up. I am scared I did it |
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