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2011/10/23 04:54:04瀏覽689|回應1|推薦74 | |
黎錦揚是二戰後最早以中國人題材撰寫英語小說的華人作家。第一部英文小說《花鼓歌》榮登《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜,且被改編為百老匯音樂劇及電影。![]() 下面是我去年又發現的一個中譯本,譯者是許哲志。 可惜的是沒有詳細的出版起源,年份,譯者的介紹,只有在網路上找到一段簡介。我個人是覺得這本《天之一角》翻譯得並不好不知道是不是出版期限的緣故。 擧幾個兩版翻譯不同的例子:以書名來説,《土司風情》就兼顧了原來的“人與地“;《天之一角》卻只有“地“(雖然,英國版把書名改爲 The Corner of Heaven 在先 )。還有每一章的標題,如第一章 Sawbwa Fangs Modernization Program 《土》版是摩登計劃;第四章 The Pillow Game 《土》版 抛枕戯;第九章 Sawbwa Fangs Pleasure Hunting 《土》版獵艷;第十章 Madam $500 《土》版五百圓姑娘 等等..... 與附上的《天之一角》的標題對照比較,總感覺《土司風情》雅得多。 最後則是英文原著,以及一段英文的介紹,給大家一個參考。 ![]() 《天之一角》是黎錦揚先生繼《花鼓歌》,《情人角》之後出版的第三部英文小說,是一部征服了歐美讀者的作品。它于1959年出版于美國,原名《土司和秘書》,又被英國出版商相中,將其易名爲《天之一角》出版。這部小說以作者在雲南芒市土司衙門的一段生活經歷爲基礎創作。 《天之一角》的每一章都能獨立成篇,結構上很像如今盛行的系列劇,因爲它本來就是由刊登在《紐約人》雜志上的系列故事的基礎上綴連而成的一部完整藝術作品。每一章又都有共同的特點:看似平淡的故事敘述在精辟的描寫和對話中娓娓道來,結局卻總是出人意料,帶給讀者忍俊不禁的輕鬆,又具很有說服力的合理性,是人物性格發展的必然結果。 第一章:方土司的摩登化規劃 第二章:楊師爺和他的大堂 第三章:方土司見了個共産黨人 第四章:扔枕頭遊戲 第五章:蒜味美餐引起的家庭糾紛 第六章:小土司的性難題 第七章:搶劫強盜的相思病患者 第八章:詹姆斯。孔和友好的“野蠻人” 第九章:方土司的愉快狩獵 第十章:五百大洋夫人 第十一章:勝利宴會 第十二章:斯垂蓬醫生和水蛭 資料來源爱词霸http://hanyu.iciba.com/wiki/2602839.shtml The Sawbwa and His Secretary Contents
![]() 3. Sawbwa Fang VS. A Communist 4. The Pillow Game 5. The Sawbwas Domestic Quarrel Caused By My Garlic Dish 6. The Young Sawbwas Sex Problem 7. The Lovesick Man Who Robs A Robber 8. James Kung And The Friendly Savages 9. Sawbwa Fangs Pleasure Hunting 10. Madam $500 11. The Victory Party 12. Dr. Streppone And The Leeches 最早發表於The New Yorker紐約客雜誌上的文章標題: The Sawbwa and His Secretary Sawbwa Fang And The Communist Sawbwas Domestic Quarrel Sawbwa Fangs Sense of Justice Sawbwa Fang, Dr. Streppone, And The Leeches read more In 1942, the writer was secretary to the Sawbwa Fang, ruler of the Chinese Shan State of Mangshih. He did not like Shan food, and asked if he might have a small apartment by himself where he could cook his own food. His request was granted & he cooked Hunan coolie meals, which are full of hot pepper & garlic. The Sawbwa learned about this & came in one day to share lunch with his secretary. He enjoyed this food, which his young wife Ida did not permit-she insisted on Western food. Sawbwa ate a number of meals with his secretary. One day he was very troubled because his wife had grown cold to him. It turned out that she smelled garlic on his breath & thought he had a peasant mistress. When she learned the truth all was well again. =========== Presently the first Mrs. Fang stepped in, followed by a stout, rosy-cheeked Shan girl of about senenteen,the first ladys personal maid. |
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