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2008/03/28 04:45:42瀏覽1322|回應1|推薦5 | |
自由中國(Free China)號是現存唯一一艘曾經橫渡太平洋的中式帆船 中國帆船是中國獨創的帆船類型,相傳於西元前200年的漢朝已經存在。經過改良及演變後,至20世紀初仍然活躍於中國近海,多用來貿易及運載。 A junk is an ancient Chinese sailing vessel design still in use today. Junks were developed during the Han Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD) and were used as sea-going vessels as early as the 2nd century AD. They evolved in the later dynasties, and were used throughout Asia for extensive ocean voyages. They were found, and in lesser numbers are still found, throughout South-East Asia and India, but primarily in China, perhaps most famously in Hong Kong. Found more broadly today is a growing number of modern recreational junk-rigged sailboats. resource 2012-02-05新聞_古帆船自由中國號 訂6月回台 |
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