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2013/01/03 17:21:32瀏覽1012|回應7|推薦51 | |
由於西雅圖臨湖濱海﹐常見許多海鷗﹐以及靠捕魚為生的禽鳥。 我家附近就有兩個禿鷹的窩築在大樹頂上﹐偶而可見到牠們高來高去的蹤影。 前年夏天我們去一個北方海島度假也曾看到一些禿鷹﹐ 不過都沒能拍到清晰的照片。 年假期間﹐我們到附近的海邊散步﹐有了去年的經驗﹐我不但多加衣服﹑還戴了 帽子手套! 去年在寒風中一隻海鳥也沒見著﹐ 今年雖然有了一個較長的鏡頭﹐卻並沒有抱太大的希望。 海邊空盪盪的﹐除了我們家祖孫三代五口人之外﹐只遇到一對老夫婦和一個架著 望遠鏡尋找海豹蹤跡的人。 入冬後﹐岸上增加了好多漂流木﹐漲潮線也向內陸逼近許多﹐ 原來可以繞過燈塔走到另外一邊的海灘﹐現在通路已被潮水淹沒。 不過﹐竟意外發現了一對禿鷹。 禿鷹並不是真禿﹐它的英文名字 Bald Eagle 的 bald 原來是英文廢棄的古語﹐ 指的是白色的頭羽。它的中文名為白頭海鵰﹑又名美洲鵰﹐ 禿鷹原產北美洲﹐1782 年被制訂為美國的國鳥。 我們在許多代表美國的標誌上﹑以及錢幣上都能見到鷹的圖案。 從小玩遊戲就知道老鷹會抓小雞。 鷹是肉食動物﹐生長在海岸湖畔﹐就是為了可以捕魚為食。 牠們的鷹眼和鷹爪都是利於捕食的構造。 禿鷹每年只生三個蛋﹐雌雄共同孵育。 環境污染曾造成禿鷹面臨絕滅的危機﹐所以禿鷹在美國是受保護的動物。 自從DDT對環境污染造成大量野生禽獸死亡後﹐促使人類為保護及育種做出 極大的努力﹐現在禿鷹的數量已經回升。 文末附上網路資訊以供參考。
The bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, is a magnificent bird of prey that is native to North America. This majestic eagle is not really bald; white feathers cover its head. The derivation of the name "bald" is from an obsolete English word meaning white. The bald eagle has been the national symbol of the USAsince 1782. Habitat: The bald eagle lives near rivers and large lakes, as it catches most of its food in the water. Diet: Eagles are carnivores (meat-eaters) and hunt during the day (they are diurnal). They eat mostly fish. They also hunt and scavenge small mammals, snakes, and other birds. Anatomy: Bald eagles have a long, downward-curving yellow bill, and large, keen eyes. These strong fliers have white feathers on their head, tail, and wing tips; the body has brown feathers. The feet have knife-like talons. Eagles have about 7,000 feathers. Adult eagles have a 7 ft (2.3 m) wingspan. The females are 30% larger than the males. Nest and Eggs: Bald eagles build an enormous nest from twigs and leaves. The nest can be up to eight feet across and may weigh a ton! Nests are located high from the ground, either in large trees or on cliffs. Eagles may use the same enormous nest over and over again for years. A clutch of 1 to 3 eggs eggs is laid by the female. The incubation period is from 1 to 1 1/2 months. Both males and females incubate the eggs. They both feed the hatchlings until they learn to fly (fledge). Where Eagles Fly video
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