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2008/11/04 06:32:07瀏覽942|回應2|推薦2 | |
關于警惕“法輪功”所謂“全球系列大賽”的公告(中英對照) 近日,境外“法輪功”邪教組織在網路上搜集了大量的國內外文化、体育、藝術界人士名單,並指令“法輪功”分子以電話、傳真、電子郵件、信函、熟人介紹等方式欺騙他們參加“法輪功”主辦的“全球華人系列大賽”。 近年來,“法輪功”在境外大肆從事反華活動,同時“法輪功”精神控制下導致的拒醫拒藥、自殺、殺人等事例在境外也不時發生,因此西方國家越來越多的有識之士和普通民眾更加質疑其反動政治本質和邪教本質。 “法輪功”為擺脫在海外生存的困境調整策略,在一些西方國家拼湊所謂的文藝演出,以“中國傳統文化”自詡。“法輪功”的演出水平低劣,充斥著對李洪志的肉麻吹捧和對中國的拙劣攻擊,為受騙觀看的許多西方觀眾和華人華僑所恥笑。 為此,“法輪功”自去年開始,策划舉辦所謂的“全球華人系列大賽”,一方面為其邪教文化活動网羅人才,另一方面企圖以受騙參賽的人士之名對中國進行攻擊謾罵。 目前已知的所謂系列大賽有:“全世界華人武朮大賽”、“全世界華人小提琴大賽”、“全世界華人聲樂大賽”、“全世界華人鋼琴大賽”、“全球漢服回歸設計大獎賽”、“全世界華人人物寫實油畫大賽”、“全世界中國菜廚技大賽”、“全世界中國舞舞蹈大賽”、“全球華人攝影作品大獎賽”等。 中國反邪教協會提示,這些所謂的“大賽”一般由“新唐人電視台”、“大紀元時報”或“希望之聲國際廣播電台”等看似“常人媒體”實為“法輪功”喉舌的媒體主辦。為增強其欺騙性,“法輪功”也許還會變換這些“大賽”和主辦單位的面孔,如所謂“全世界華人武術大賽”最近就由台灣的“法輪功”主辦。 中國反邪教協會提醒國內外文化、体育、藝朮界人士,警惕“法輪功”的騙術。如果收到不知底細的所謂“華人大賽”邀請,可向國內有關部門咨詢,也可在互聯网上了解相關背景情況,以免上當受騙。 中國反邪教協會 2008年7月30日 http://www.anti-cnn.com/forum/cn/?fromuid=18795 歡遊大家到《Anti-CNN》和台灣以外的朋友交流吧 China Anti-Cult Association Warns against International Competition Series Organized by Falun Gong Recently, overseas Falun Gong cult organizations have collected a large amount of online information on both domestic and international celebrities in culture, sports, and entertainment communities and ordered practitioners to cheat them into participating in international competition series organized by them through such means of making phone calls, sending fax, email, and letters, and providing recommendation through acquaintances. In last few years, Falun Gong organizations have engaged in lots of activities against China and their mental control has resulted in many cases of refusing medical care, committing suicide and the crime of homicide among overseas practitioners, making more and more people with insight and the public in western countries have a better understanding on its nature as a cult with hidden political intention. In order to survive the current difficult situation, Falun Gong organizations organized in some western countries some shows and performance activities by taking advantage of traditional Chinese culture. But the fact is that these shows are low in quality and full of disgusting flatteries on Li Hongzhi and false attacks on China, making it an ugly joke among many western and overseas Chinese audience who have been cheated into watching these shows. But still, since last year, Falun Gong organizations started to plan International Chinese Competition Series; on the one hand, they want to gather more talents around them for their evil purpose, and on the other hand, they intend to launch more attacks on China in the name of the participants they fool in the first place. As of today, the competitions they plan to organize include: International Chinese Traditional Martial Arts Competition, Chinese International Violin Competition, Chinese International Vocal Competition, Chinese International Piano Competition, Global Han Couture Design Competition, Chinese International Figure Painting Competition, International Chinese Culinary Competition, International Chinese Classical Dance Competition, and Chinese International Photography Competition. China Anti-Cult Association points out that all the competitions are actually organized by New Tang Dynasty Television, The Epoch Times, and Sound of Hope International Radio, which seem to be “ordinary media” but in fact media sponsored by Falun Gong. In order to make it more deceptive, they might resort to other available resources. For example, the International Chinese Traditional Martial Arts Competition held recently was organized by a Falun Gong organization in Taiwan. China Anti-Cult Association wants to remind domestic and international professionals in culture, sports, and entertainment communities to be cautious about the deceitful trick of Falun Gong organizations. In case you receive invitation letters on Chinese Competition whose background is unidentified, please consult relevant domestic authorities or search for more detailed information from the Internet so as not to be deceived. China Anti-Cult Association July 30, 2008 |
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