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《電影音樂》來自邊緣的名信片-I'm Checking Out / 梅莉史翠普
2010/08/17 11:25:26瀏覽1451|回應1|推薦10

I'm Checking Out - Meryl Streep
Meryl Streep--You Don't Know Me


演唱: Meryl Streep Blue Rodeo

歌名:I'm Checkin' Out 

Pull back them dark and dusty drapes,

And let in some light.

Tell the bell-boy come and get my trunk

'Cause I'm leavin' here tonight.

I packed my bags and paid my bill,

And I'm turnin' in my key.

And if those sad souls down in the lobby ask for me,

Just tell'em

I'm checkin' out of the heartbreak hotel.

I ain't gonna live on lonely street no more (no more).

I've found a new love and a new place to dwell

Where teardrops ain't soakin' the floor.

So, take down my suitcase and hand me my hat.

I'm goin' from sleazy to swell.

Give that desk-clerk a dime.

And you can just tell him that I'm

Checkin' out of the heartbreak hotel.

Well, you can give that sad bellboy

My bee-bop blues guitar,

'Cause I'm only gonna sing them sweet songs

From now on, yeah.

And you can tell that old bartender

He might as well close down the bar,

Cause "Chug-a-Luggin' Sally's" (Charley's) packed an' gone.

Through that gray windowpane,

It always looked like rain,

But there's sunshine outside I can tell.

So open up that door, I've leavin'

An' I won't be back no more.

I'm checkin' out of the heartbreak hotel.

Checkin' out of this heartbreak hotel.

歌詞摘自 http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1607051406422

照片來源 http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1510080502857



梅莉史翠普終於在第84屆奧斯卡金像獎第二度封后,這也是三次獲得金像獎殊榮了。前兩次獲獎分別以1980年的《克拉瑪對克拉瑪》得到最佳女配角,以及1983年的《蘇菲亞的選擇》精彩演出封后。然而迄今為止梅莉史翠普入圍17項奧斯卡提名,已經是史上入圍最多的演員,也是當代最偉大的女演員之一。而梅莉史翠普在電影《來自邊緣的名信片》所演唱的I'm Checking Out於1991年入圍奧斯卡最佳電影歌曲,然而最後雖然獲得此獎是電影《狄克崔西》,不過無損梅莉史翠普的唱功,以及獲得奧斯卡與金球獎女主角的提名。《來自邊緣的名信片》根據女星嘉莉費雪的半自傳小說改編而成,是一部探討母女關係的電影,也是一部精彩好看的倫理片

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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2012/08/31 12:35
梅莉史翠普 我也喜欢。
繪琦(dream11124) 於 2012-08-31 23:01 回覆:
