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2023/01/30 12:25:58瀏覽918|回應0|推薦11 | |
... 前行政院長孫運璿先生,終其一生為國家及老百姓服務,公正廉明,大公無私,奉公守法為中華名國有史以來最優秀的行政院長,他是典範的鞠躬盡瘁,死而後已. 孫運璿先生以奉獻的精神與宏遠的見識,推動國家建設與經濟發展,並以紮根與傳承的理念,培育科技與經建人才。 .
.孫運璿(1913年12月8日-2006年2月15日)是中華民國政治家、技術官員、工程師.山東蓬萊人。畢業於哈爾濱工業大學,二戰後受中華民國政府派任至臺灣修復台灣電力,曾前後擔任臺電總經理、奈及利亞全國電力公司執行長、交通部長、經濟部長、外交部長與行政院長、總統府資政。 在臺灣素有「永遠的行政院院長」之稱。在將近20年的部長與行政首長的任內,他與時任中華民國總統蔣經國推行十大建設,與李國鼎共同促進新竹科學工業園區的成立,規劃早期中華民國科技政策,被許多人認為不僅是台灣科技產業之主要奠基者,也堪稱是「台灣經濟推手」之一,也是中華民國經濟貢獻重要人物之一。 孫運璿也負責十大建設之中,北迴鐵路,桃園中正國際機場,臺中港,蘇澳港,鐵路電氣化,南北高速公路等建設規劃[。 2006年2月,從孫運璿過世至今,在臺灣掀起了一陣懷念孫運璿的風潮。許多中國國民黨或是民主進步黨的政治人物,對於孫運璿都是讚譽有加,公祭時數千民眾參與公祭,許多科技人更視孫運璿為台灣科技產業之父,紛紛撰文紀念孫運璿。. 孫運璿行政院長首創中外記者招待會,答覆相關施政建設質詢,接受督察與改善擊建議,傳聞他當年訪問非洲諸邦交國,因為鋒頭過度,而得罪於太子黨(蔣經國)的部份官員?. 孫運璿行政院長獲贈南非總統MV,頒授榮譽勳章,引發有心人不滿,檢舉其獲得不當利益,作為政治鬥爭的籌碼題材? 南非共和國與當時中華名國建立正式外交關係,雙方互設大使館,雙方經濟,貿易,旅遊,文化交流互助合作,互惠,當時有部份台灣人移民投資南非共和國. .. . .. South Africa.President Marais Viljoen decorates Premier Sun.. Premier Sun visits four African countries..Aside from the bilateral agreements signed or contemplated as a result of this visit, Premier and Mrs. Sun were "showing the flag" in a distant part of the world. They were attesting publicly and with a flourish that the Republic of China is alive, well and still intent on putting its best foot forward as the model province of China and the way of the Chinese future.. He pledged that the Republic of China would never turn away from the struggle against Communism and would accomplish the task of restoring freedom to Chinese compatriots on the mainland. "The Republic of South Africa has been likewise the bulwark in the cause of opposing Communism in Africa," he said. "Since our arrival in your country we have witnessed the courage and determination of both your government and people in meeting challenges at home and abroad. We admire your courage and determination. It is our earnest hope that both our countries will cooperate further in time to come and stand up for world peace and security in our common fight against aggression and international Communism." To a large extent, the friendship between nations depends on what the people think of each other. Governments can do little if there is no liking and trust. Premier Sun has done as much as anyone in our country to make friends and influence others. He is a good man of good deeds and deserves the commendation of both government and people. Chinese farm demonstration teams in Malawi help to grow the lush stands of rice that Premier Sun saw on his visit to this country in East Africa.Premier Sun Yun-suan and Mrs. Sun spent mid-March in Africa visiting four countries: the Republic of South Africa, Malawi, Lesotho and Swaziland. The Premier exchanged views with the leaders of all four countries, inspected the Chinese embassies in each of them, met with Chinese overseas leaders and technicians and signed several important agreements.. Sun Yun-suan received training in power plant construction and operation with the Tennessee Valley Authority from 1943 to 1945.. Sixty years after the Republic of China government relocated to Taiwan in 1949, people here enjoy a quality of life that nobody could ever have imagined back then. Certain people deserve the credit for making Taiwan what it is today, and one of them is Sun Yun-suan. Sun may be best known for his work as premier, but originally he was an electrical engineer who built power plants and strung power lines all around Taiwan. Sun was born in 1913 in Shandong Province on the Chinese mainland. He graduated first in his class in 1934 from the electrical engineering department of Harbin Institute of Technology in central Manchuria, and participated in the building of power plants in several provinces on the mainland during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945). He was one of the few engineers selected by the ROC government to receive training with the Tennessee Valley Authority in the United States from 1943 to 1945 to prepare for post-war reconstruction. In December 1945, Sun came to Taiwan to work for Taiwan Power Company Ltd., in charge of restoring power on the island. During World War II, Japan extracted huge amounts of resources from the island to supply its vast battlefields elsewhere, while Allied nations devastated the island with massive bombing to cut Japanese supply lines. When Japanese electrical engineers and workers were repatriated in March 1946, they left with mocking words: “We are afraid Taiwan will be dark in three months.”
Sun Yun-suan (: Sūn Yùnxuán; 10 November 1913 – 15 February 2006) was a Chinese engineer and politician. As minister of economic affairs from 1969 to 1978 and Premier of the Republic of China from 1978 to 1984, he was credited for overseeing the transformation of Taiwan from being a mainly agricultural economy to an export powerhouse.. .He returned to Taiwan and joined the ROC government as Minister of Communications in 1967. In 1969, he was transferred to become Minister of Economic Affairs and served until 30 May 1978 when he was promoted to Premier of the Republic of China. .Sun championed the establishment of high-technology industries that would later become the basis of the Taiwanese economy. He initiated the development of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (that would later give rise to numerous major semiconductor companies such as TSMC) and the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park which would serve as a major electronics and semiconductor manufacturing hub. Sun is also credited for transforming Taiwans existing export industries, which were developed in the 1960s and centered on textiles, shoes, plastic toys, and agriculture, to the more sustainable fields of petrochemicals, machine tools, and electronics.. .孫運璿科技,人文紀念館。.. . 孫運璿院長與舒茲國務卿的合影.198205月,雷根總統宣布任命時任美國貝泰集團總裁的舒茲繼海格國務卿為候任國務卿。由於我國推動十大基礎建設,諸如核能電廠等重大工程,借重舒茲總裁,領導下的貝泰顧問公司之處甚多,與先後擔經濟部長及行政院長的孫運璿建立了良好的友誼。舒茲於是年5月底美國參院任命聽證會開始之前,來我國訪問會晤孫院長.. |
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