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2023/01/19 11:42:14瀏覽1309|回應0|推薦5 | |
益普索莫里(Ipsos MORI)是一家位於英國倫敦的市場研究公司的名稱,該公司現在稱為益普索,並繼續作為全球益普索集團的英國分支機構。它是由Ipsos UK和MORI於2005年10月合併而成的。該公司是英國民意調查理事會和市場研究協會的成員。.
In our world of rapid change, the need for reliable information to make confident decisions has never been greater. At Ipsos we believe our clients need more than a data supplier, they need a partner who can produce accurate and relevant information and turn it into actionable truth. This is why our passionately curious experts not only provide the most precise measurement, but shape it to provide True Understanding of Society, Markets and People. To do this we use the best of science, technology and know-how So that our clients can act faster, smarter and bolder. Ultimately, success comes down to a simple truth:"You act better when you are sure"Taiwan is third most ignorant country: survey,Only Indians and Chinese less knowledgeable about own country: Ipsos MORI.Taiwan is the third most ignorant country in the world behind India and China based on people’s knowledge about their own nation, according to the 2016 Index of Ignorance conducted by Ipsos MORI. The organization interviewed 27,250 people aged 16 to 64 in 40 countries between September and November, British newspaper The Independent reported. In Taiwan, about 500 were questioned for the survey, titled “Perils of Perception.” The survey did not seem to show any correlation between the quality of the replies and the level of wealth or education, the report said..
The list of the five most ignorant countries included India, China, Taiwan, South Africa and the United States, while the least ignorant countries of the 40 turned out to be the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, South Korea, the Czech Republic and Malaysia.
英國(Ipsos MORI)組織的調查結果發現,在40多個調查國家中,臺灣名列「無知國家排行」的第3名。.
下列3件重大事件視現在進行式,可憐又悲哀敵台灣人,明知不可為而為之,為什麼? 難道說是內神通外鬼? 難以啟齒?.
IPSOS/MORI.毫無諱言的指出台灣有些政客,為什麼要如此的配合外國人,尤其是美國,殘害自己的同胞,難道真的是為騙取選票把持政權? 亦步亦趨? 花花綠綠的美元與美國護照真的有至命的吸引力?
A survey conducted by the British Ipsos MORI found that among more than 40 surveyed countries, Taiwan ranked third in the "Ignorance Countries Ranking"...
Ipsos’ latest Perils of Perception survey highlights how wrong the public across 40 countries are about key global issues and features of the population in their country. The key patterns are: Most countries think their population is much more Muslim than it actually is – and that the Muslim population is increasing at an incredible rate All countries think their population is less happy than they actually say they are Most countries are more tolerant on homosexuality, abortion and pre-marital sex than they think they are
And nearly all countries think wealth is more evenly distributed than it actually is..
.Looking across the five questions on factual realities, there are clear patterns in which countries have a more accurate view of their countries. To capture this, we’ve calculated the Ipsos “Index of Ignorance”, as shown in the table below.
India receive the dubious honour of being the most inaccurate in their perceptions on these issues with China and the US also high up the list. The Netherlands are the most accurate, followed by Great Britain, with South Korea in third.
Ranking Country 1 India Least accurate 2 China 3 Taiwan 4 South Africa.
The United States has approved a possible $120 million sale of parts to help Taiwan maintain its warships, which the islands defence ministry said would help ensure combat readiness in the face of Chinas "frequent activities" near the island..
你有看過替美國人賣命,然後把家產送給別人,再親自餵自己小孩吃毒藥的傻子嗎? 台灣人自願當作美國生物實驗的試驗品為什麼?..
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