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2022/10/07 15:28:17瀏覽767|回應2|推薦10



Prague Astronomical Clock.20221002.捷克首都布拉格著名的時鐘前廣場,竟然只有1人駐足欣賞拍照打卡留念? 捷克的天然氣價格足足爆漲2倍?

Covid Blessed Germanys Marburg With Unexpected Riches and Political Strife  - Bloomberg..

Marburg, Germany 20221002. 德國目前處境艱難,日子困苦沒有天然氣LNG.供應使用,街頭巷尾空蕩蕩冷清清,咖啡館,餐廳,酒吧多數關門暫停營業,等待瓦斯恢復過來正常供應?....Learn German in Marburg.




.fall foliage in London by London Perfect



.UK - England - London - Autumn in London - city of London street scene


All the cost of living protests taking place on Saturday as energy bills  rise

.Protesters in UK decry climate change after record heat wave - The Mainichi


感謝台灣的英語版報紙.TAIWAN NEWS.引述美聯社來自英國的報導,英國警察逮捕抗議者,並且當場立即上鎖頭圈子,形同抓住獵物,引起英國人權協會關切,未經審判公開拘禁人民,嚴重違反人權,以及相關警察逮捕作業程序..

Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested by police from outside the Houses of Parliament, while in the House of Commons another set of demonstrators h...Extinction Rebellion protesters arrested by police from outside the Houses of Parliament, while in the House of Commons another set of demonstrators h...Extinction Rebellion activists stage a protest at the House of Commons chamber, British Parliament, in London, Friday Sept. 2, 2022. The environmental...Extinction Rebellion protesters have their cycle locks removed by specialists and are then arrested by police from outside the Houses of Parliament, w....英國警察涉嫌違反人權,任意拘捕抗議人士,甚至於上鎖頭腦鐵圈子,形同抓住獵物.Extinction Rebellion are then arrested by police from outside the Houses of Parliament, while in the House of Commons another set of demonstrators hav...

.被英國警察用鐵圈子鎖住頭腦的抗議人士感到痛苦萬分,已經有人士當場昏厥,無法送醫院救護.Extinction Rebellion protesters have their cycle locks removed by specialists and are then arrested by police from outside the Houses of Parliament, w...

Extinction Rebellion protesters have their cycle locks removed by specialists and are then arrested by police from outside the Houses of Parliament, w...本篇文章屬於記實報導,遵守國際新聞報導作業規範,敬請讀者們,歡迎理性回覆,批評指教,謝謝.

.Protesting activists superglue themselves in UK Parliament.By Associated Press

A photo posted on Twitter showed three activists hand-in-hand in front of the seat while two others held up signs. One sign read “Let the people decide” and the other noted “Citizens’ assembly now.The protesters were taking part in an official tour of the building when they gained access to the chair, Extinction Rebellion said. Some 50 other activists were taking part in protests at the House of Commons.

The protest comes as the nations Conservative Party wraps up a seven-week election campaign to choose a new leader. The prolonged process has often seemed remote from the country’s growing turmoil with soaring energy bills and rising inflation.

Extinction Rebellion has launched several eye-catching demonstrations in recent months. In April, the climate-change protesters snarled traffic by blocking four London bridges, while other activists continued weeks of demonstrations targeting oil terminals across Britain.In response, the Conservative government has introduced measures to curb disruptive protests, a move that has sparked debate about freedom of speech



UK IS OVER.EU IS OVER.Members of environmental groups including Just Stop Oil, the Peace and Justice Project and Insulate Britain take part in a mass protest in Parliament ...Big Crowds Take to London Streets to Protest Soaring Costs.

EU divided over how to step away from Russian energy - BBC News




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red square 123
2022/10/08 13:03
. .寂靜無聲 Wernigerode, Germany .20221007.寂靜無聲可能是戶外和城堡的圖像
red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2022-10-08 13:06 回覆:

red square 123
2022/10/08 01:16

Protesting activists superglue themselves in UK Parliament.By Associated Press

Extinction Rebellion activists stage a protest at the House of Commons chamber, British Parliament, in London, Friday Sept. 2, 2022. The environmental...

red square 123(dff1baf6) 於 2022-10-08 01:35 回覆:
Extinction Rebellion protesters have their cycle locks removed by specialists and are then arrested by police from outside the Houses of Parliament, w...