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2022/04/15 15:34:19瀏覽632|回應1|推薦11 | |
.202204的烏克蘭東部地區坦克車俄/烏大決戰,是否決定戰爭結束? 否則移師會戰基輔? . UKRAINE TANKS MOVE TO EAS TMEET RUSSIA TANKS. 烏克蘭調動所有坦克車開赴烏克蘭東部地區. . As Russian Tanks Roll, in Eastern Ukraine.俄羅斯的坦克車日夜進入烏克蘭東部地區,頓巴斯附近準備與烏克蘭大決戰.The U.S. has moved a massive amount of arms into Ukraine since Russias invasion, but the window is closing.美國大舉增加軍事武器裝備援助烏克蘭,就是擴大戰爭,延長戰爭期間,反正死亡的是烏克蘭的阿兵哥.美國陰謀詭計就是協助軍火商牟利的..烏克蘭經歷戰爭的洗禮,如今國破家亡,一切都已經毀滅性的被破壞歹盡,如果重建至少10年以上的時間,所需要投入的資金至少3兆美元以上,換句話說就是4.5兆歐元以及大約15兆人民幣,尚且不包括各式各樣的物質與人力資源,傳聞烏克蘭駐華大使(北京)接到密令,尋求中國伸手援助?.戰後重建? . . 未來2週烏克蘭東部地區頓巴斯的俄羅斯與烏克蘭的大決戰,做為第三者的中國扔然袖手旁觀,等待結束戰爭,再談烏克蘭重建事項比較好? 反正是依照國際慣例,美國及西方國家發啟戰爭,吃肉喝湯,中國最後進場,收拾善後重建,進行各式各樣的復原工作,西方國家僅有派遣醫療團隊進行所謂的人道救助? 國際戰略專家評估俄烏戰爭可能性在2022044.月底前結束? . 國際戰略專家評估俄羅斯,極為可能大舉出動TU-95.戰略轟炸機,進行對於烏克蘭東部頓巴斯區域進行地毯式的密集轟炸,企圖摧毀美國提供的軍事武器裝備以利大軍做為陸戰的前奏曲,除此之外俄羅斯積極動用政治反宣傳,鼓勵烏克蘭的阿兵哥投降罷戰,甚至於逃兵至俄羅斯軍隊的陣地皆宜. . 20220415-0430.J 烏克蘭東部地區頓巴斯附近的區域將上演新型式的坦克車大決戰,因為美國加速及加碼軍事武器援助烏克蘭.美國的五角大廈20220413日公布的最新軍援清單,包含18門155牽引式榴砲(含4萬發砲彈),10座AN/TPQ-36反砲兵雷達,2座AN/MPQ-64「哨兵」防空雷達,300架「彈簧刀」自殺無人機,500枚「標槍」反裝甲飛彈,與1000枚「他款」反裝甲系統。 此外還有超過2000件雷射測距儀,M18A1「闊劍」人員殺傷雷,以及C4炸藥與用來拆除清障的設備等,另有200輛M113裝甲運兵車,100輛武裝悍馬車(HMMWV),11架Mi-17直升機,與無人海岸防衛艇。其中Mi-17為美國原本要提供給前阿富汗政府的裝備。醫療防護方面,則有核生化防護設備,一般醫療設備,還有3萬件個人防具與頭盔。 由此看來美國有意擴大與俄羅斯的戰爭.只有利用烏克蘭的阿兵哥當炮灰,在戰場上成為犧牲品給犧牲掉,可憐又可悲的烏克蘭小丑總統VZ.收受美國提供的政治獻金贓款,他收到來路不明的黑心資金充滿個人的瑞士銀行帳戶,使得烏克蘭捲入無意義的戰爭,他個人早已經被美國控制一切任由美國操縱,以色列反情報小組透露出VZ.他曾經聽從美國利用總統特權,終止烏克蘭的飛機製造廠,出售給予中國的契約,使得中國遭受到嚴重損失,傳聞VZ.他收取美國提供1000萬美元的賄賂成交,難怪開戰前以色列駐烏克蘭大使規勸其到以色列避難,但是VZ.不願意,後來傳聞到瑞士尋求政治庇護都無下文,事實上那時期他已經被美國的CIA特工監控與保護,傳聞英國首相BJ.20220410.訪問基輔時,四周圍的保鑣過半數都是美軍的特種部隊並包括英國人在內,他們協議表面上是尋求英國支援,暗地裡卻是商討戰後重建的利益分配,果不其然陸續有其他國家總統與總理訪問烏克蘭就是要分配重建商機?
美國總統拜登說他不會去烏克蘭訪問?歐洲各國領導人接連訪問烏克蘭後 ,美國也將派高官訪基輔,但是拒絕德國總理訪問,因為他們接洽戰後重建事項?..德國遲早開通NS2.LNG PIPE.接收俄羅斯天然氣使用,抵觸烏克蘭的利益?. ..US sends Ukraine more weapons and intelligence to repel Russian offensive.The US is funnelling extra weapons to Ukraine and sharing more intelligence with Kyiv while stepping up its rhetoric against President Vladimir Putin as Russian forces regroup for a renewed offensive in the south-eastern Donbas region. US president Joe Biden announced that the Pentagon would send $800mn in additional military aid to Ukraine, including artillery, armoured vehicles and helicopters, as the country braces itself for an assault that threatens to be the bloodiest yet of the two-month conflict. Included in the US military assistance package are 11 Mi-17 helicopters, 18 howitzers, 40,000 artillery rounds, 300 Switchblade drones, 12 radar systems and Claymore landmines, among other equipment. Washington hopes the weapons and intelligence will help Ukraine’s army as it transitions from the street and city fighting that dominated its defence of Kyiv to more conventional battles expected in the east.U.S. will supply Ukraine with the weapons it needs against Russia.The United States is committed to providing Ukraine with “the weapons it needs” to defend itself against Russia, U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday as Ukraine seeks more military aid from the West.Sullivan said the Biden administration will send more weapons to Ukraine to prevent Russia from seizing more territory and targeting civilians, attacks that Washington has labeled war crimes. What will the US send to Ukraine?The new US aid for Ukraine includes a wide range of military equipment, ranging from 25,000 sets each of body armour and helmets to rifles and grenade launchers, thousands of other anti-tank weapons and more than 20m rounds of ammunition.Besides Javelin missiles, the most powerful weapons include 800 Stinger anti-aircraft systems, once famously used to shoot down Soviet planes in Afghanistan. The US also plans to ship 100 "tactical unmanned aerial systems" - small drones - which are often hand-launched and small enough to fit into rucksacks.Soldiers can use them to scope out the battlefield or, in some cases, to attack, essentially creating flying bombs that can be flown into targets from a distance...... US military aid pledged for Ukraine to $1bn in the past week alone - a huge acceleration when compared to the $2.7bn provided between 2014 and the start of 2022. It is a "significant development" and addresses previous shortfalls, according to John Herbst, a former US ambassador in Kyiv..And while their claims cant be independently verified, Ukrainian officials say they are putting the weapons to good effect. As of 16 March, they claim to have destroyed more than 400 tanks and over 2,000 other Russian vehicles. Anti-tank weapons, however, do nothing to help Ukraine combat Russias air force, which for three weeks has been striking targets across the country. The man-portable, shoulder-fired Stinger system is the only anti-aircraft weapon included in the US aid package.. .A Ukrainian service member holds a Javelin missile system at a position on the front line in Ukraine. 烏克蘭阿兵哥使用美國提供的反坦克車肩式飛彈另俄羅斯軍隊損失慘重.....
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