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) is a city square (plaza) in Moscow, Russia. It separates the Kremlin, the former royal citadel and currently the official residence of the President of Russia, from a historic merchant quarter known as Kitai-gorod. Red Square is often considered the central square of Moscow since Moscow's major streets, which connect to Russia's major highways, originate from the square.
Кра́сная пло́щадь — главная площадь Москвы, расположенная в центре радиально-кольцевой планировки города между Московским Кремлём (к западу) и Китай-городом (на восток). Также неофициально является главной площадью страны. От площади к берегу Москвы-реки ведёт покатый Васильевский спуск. Площадь расположена вдоль северо-восточной стены Кремля, между Кремлёвским проездом, проездом Воскресенские Ворота, Никольской улицей, Ильинкой, Варваркой и Васильевским спуском к Кремлёвской набережной. Выходящие с площади улицы далее разветвляются и вливаются в основные магистрали города, ведущие в разные концы России.
紅場(俄語:Кра́сная пло́щадь;拉丁字母轉寫:Krásnaya plóshchad)是俄羅斯首都莫斯科中央行政區特維爾區的一個公眾廣場。紅場之內或邊緣有幾處著名建築,包括列寧墓、聖瓦西里大教堂和克里姆林宮。紅場東邊是國家百貨商場,其隔壁有國家歷史博物館。蘇聯時期,常有大型軍隊在此舉行巡遊。紅場呈長方形,南北長330米,東西寬175米,總面積 24 750 м²。 紅場於1812年以後擴建,拿破崙戰爭中莫斯科毀於戰火,當地人民重建家園的時候拓寬了紅場。紅場又與附近的瓦西列夫斯基廣場毗鄰。 「紅場」的名稱不是從環繞它的磚頭顏色衍生而來,也不是從紅色和共產主義之間的聯繫衍生而來亦因此所以有不少人曾將此誤作紅牆。產生紅場之名是因為俄文字「Красная」(krasnaya)能意指「紅的」或「美麗的」。此字原來表示「美麗的」,應用於聖瓦西里大教堂,並隨後轉移至鄰近廣場。據信紅場在17世紀取得現在的名稱「紅場」而取代舊名「燒光的地方」(Pozhar)。
Red Square began life as a slum, a shanty town of wooden huts clustered beneath the Kremlin walls that housed a collection of peddlers, criminals and drunks whose status left them outside the official boundaries of the medieval city. It was cleared on the orders of Ivan III at the end of the 1400's, but remained the province of the mob, the site of public executions, and rabble rousing, until much later. The square's name has nothing to do with communism or with the color of many of its buildings. In fact it derives from the word 'krasnyi', which once meant 'beautiful', and has only come to mean 'red' in contemporary Russian. The name became official in the middle of the 17th century - previously it had been Trinity Square, due to the Trinity Cathedral, the predecessor of St. Basil's. Popularly, it was also known as 'Fire Square', reflecting the number of times medieval Moscow burned. During the Mongol and Tartar invasions, it was the site of fierce fighting, and right up until the end of the 17th century cannon stood ready to defend the square.
Red Square came into its own in the 20th Century, when it was most famous as the site of official military parades demonstrating to the world the might of the Soviet armed forces. Two of these will be remembered forever. The first was the parade of 7 November 1941, when columns of young cadets marched through the square and straight on to the frontline, which by that point was less than 50km from Moscow. The second was the victory parade on 24 June 1945, when two hundred Nazi standards were thrown in front of the mausoleum and trampled by mounted Soviet commanders in celebration. The year 2000 saw the return of troops to Red Square, with a parade to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of World War Two. Since Perestroika, however, the emphasis has moved away from official pomp, and Red Square has been used increasingly for rock concerts, big classical music performances and a whole range of large-scale events from fashion shows to festivals of circus art. Moscow met the millennium here with a huge firework display and street party. Today it's hard to think of a place that is more beloved of Muscovites and visitors to the city. The varied beauty of the architecture and the magical atmosphere belie the square's often brutal and bloody history, but the combination makes Red Square a truly fascinating place that you'll want to come back to again and again. |
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