H.R.419美國國會第113次會議—使用『TAIWAN騎幟,侮辱了台灣國The people of TAIWAN』《台灣國政策法案》經美國歐巴馬總統簽署及台灣國代表馬英九簽署生效
《台灣國政策法案》,親愛的鄉親,美國第一次,每條條文全篇一律稱:『The United State Of America And Taiwan』『美國和台灣國』的尊敬口氣,對待『台灣國的新地位』,本文17條,條條對台灣國和美國間有利,筆者簡化成8個重點,讓台灣國人民先睹為快,1,這個法案肯定《台灣關係法》不會更改任何條文。2,最重要的是意義『美國和台灣國的定位』,這個法暗把『台北文化經濟處—跟美國外交單位的頭銜正名成:『台灣國代表處』3,『美國與高層台灣國官員與人民個人間的互訪』,4,協助台灣國國防建立強大軍力,促進台灣國及西太平洋地區的和平。5,美國會跟中國喬出『使台灣國和平』的政策與達成和平目的,6,戰機F16A/B 升級C/D,這是賣台灣國的飛機清單,不交現在的中華民國控制的軍隊,不是賣ROC,請見AIT-2010-2-11《對台軍售概要說明》,7,『支持台灣國加入TPP、WHO、ICAO、談到2010-6-29《ECFA》的介入改變條件,今年列入法律,更強調『把台灣國實質協助成『有強大軍力的西太平洋地區』。8,最令人遺憾的是『法律中條條台灣國,確要『假國旗代表台灣國,跟美國平起平坐』,使敝會的努力,附諸東流,是因為『台灣人民,拿獨盟的『台灣旗』美國看這不能當『國旗』,所以採取『使用—青天白日滿地紅』血洗台北!滿地血的一支侮辱『台灣國的國旗』!〈作者:林金其〉
原文更`詳細的Taiwan and The United State Of America Relations國對國的關係
To strengthen and clarify the commercial, cultural, and other relations between
the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan, as
codified in the Taiwan Relations Act, and for other purposes.
JANUARY 25, 2013
and Mr. CARTER) introduced the following bill; which was referred
to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee
on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined
by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall
within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To strengthen and clarify the commercial, cultural, and other
relations between the people of the United States and
the people of Taiwan, as codified in the Taiwan Relations
Act, and for other purposes.
1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa2
tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Taiwan Policy Act of
5 2013’’.
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•HR 419 IH
2 Congress finds the following:
3 (1) The Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96–
4 8; 22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.), enacted in 1979, has
5 continued for 34 years to be the cornerstone of
6 United States–Taiwan relations and has served as
7 an anchor for peace and security in the Western Pa8
cific region.
9 (2) The Taiwan Relations Act, in furthering the
10 national interests of the United States in the West11
ern Pacific region, has mandated that the United
12 States will make available to Taiwan such defense
13 articles and defense services in such quantity as may
14 be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a suffi15
cient self-defense capability, thus allowing the people
16 of Taiwan to preserve a peaceful, democratic, and
17 prosperous way of life.
18 (3) The future of Taiwan must be determined
19 in a peaceful manner and with the assent of the peo20
ple of Taiwan.
21 (4) The Taiwan Relations Act declares that—
22 (A) peace and stability in the Western Pa23
cific area are in the political, security, and eco24
nomic interests of the United States, and are
25 matters of international concern;
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•HR 419 IH
1 (B) the United States decision to establish
2 diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic
3 of China rests upon the expectation that the fu4
ture of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful
5 means;
6 (C) the United States considers any effort
7 to determine the future of Taiwan by other
8 than peaceful means, including by boycotts or
9 embargoes, a threat to the peace and security
10 of the Western Pacific area and of grave con11
cern to the United States;
12 (D) the United States will maintain the ca13
pacity to resist any resort to force or other
14 forms of coercion that would jeopardize the se15
curity, or the social or economic system, of the
16 people on Taiwan; and
17 (E) the preservation and enhancement of
18 the human rights of all the people on Taiwan
19 are reaffirmed as objectives of the United
20 States.
21 (5) In recent years United States–Taiwan rela22
tions have suffered from inattention and lack of
23 strategic vision, thereby requiring the Congress to
24 both clarify United States policy toward Taiwan and
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•HR 419 IH
1 enhance its oversight role in the implementation of
2 the Taiwan Relations Act.
3 (6) In its China Military Power Report for
4 2012, Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense
5 (MND) estimated that more than 1,600 ballistic and
6 cruise missiles are now being aimed at Taiwan by
7 the Second Artillery Corps of the People’s Republic
8 of China and other experts suggest that this number
9 could increase to 1,800 in the near future.
10 (7) The anti-secession law, passed by the Na11
tional People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of
12 China, was found by House Concurrent Resolution
13 98, passed in the House of Representatives on
14 March 16, 2005, by a vote of 424–4, ‘‘to create a
15 legal framework for possible use of force against
16 Taiwan’’ and ‘‘to provide a legal justification for the
17 use of force against Taiwan, altering the status quo
18 in the region, and thus is of grave concern to the
19 United States.’’.
20 (8) The legislative requirement to make avail21
able defense articles and defense services should in22
clude the provision of new F–16 C/D aircraft and
23 upgrades of existing F–16 A/B aircraft essential to
24 Taiwan’s security.
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•HR 419 IH
1 (9) The 2012 Department of Defense’s Annual
2 Report to Congress on Military and Security Devel3
opments Involving the People’s Republic of China
4 noted that ‘‘preparing for contingencies in the Tai5
wan Strait remains the principal focus and driver of
6 much of China’s military investment. In this context,
7 over the past year, the [People’s Liberation Army]
8 continued to build the capabilities and develop the
9 doctrine it considers necessary to deter Taiwan from
10 declaring independence; to deter, delay, and deny ef11
fective U.S. intervention in a potential cross-Strait
12 conflict; and to defeat Taiwan forces in the event of
13 hostilities.’’.
14 (10) The language contained in the Joint
15 Communiqu´e of the United States of America and
16 the People’s Republic of China, dated August 17,
17 1982, which states in part that ‘‘arms sales to Tai18
wan will not exceed, either in qualitative or in quan19
titative terms, the level of those supplied in recent
20 years’’ shall not, to any degree, diminish the respon21
sibility of the United States, as legislatively man22
dated in the Taiwan Relations Act, to ‘‘make avail23
able to Taiwan such defense articles and defense
24 services in such quantity as may be necessary to en-
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•HR 419 IH
1 able Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense ca2
3 (11) The United States has sought diplomati4
cally to preserve Taiwan’s international space, de5
spite outside pressure and coercion, and has sought
6 to secure Taiwan’s meaningful participation in such
7 international organizations as the World Health Or8
ganization (WHO).
9 (12) Given the critical importance of airport se10
curity in a post-September 11th international envi11
ronment, the United States recognizes it is crucial
12 for Taiwan to be admitted to meaningful participa13
tion in the International Civil Aviation Organization
14 (ICAO) so that Taiwan may contribute to the suc15
cess of a global strategy to address aviation security
16 threats based on effective international cooperation.
17 (13) Recognizing that the Taiwan Relations Act
18 stated that it is the policy of the United States ‘‘to
19 preserve and promote extensive, close, and friendly
20 commercial, cultural, and other relations between
21 the people of the United States and the people on
22 Taiwan’’ the Secretary of Homeland Security an23
nounced on October 2, 2012, ‘‘the designation of
24 Taiwan into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP)’’ with
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•HR 419 IH
1 eligible Taiwan passport holders able to travel on the
2 VWP beginning November 1, 2012.
3 (14) The conclusion of the Economic Coopera4
tion Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Tai5
wan and the People’s Republic of China in June
6 2010 or the adoption of any other cross-Strait eco7
nomic measures shall not diminish in any degree the
8 requirement contained in the Act to ‘‘maintain the
9 capacity of the United States to resist any resort to
10 force or other forms of coercion that would jeop11
ardize the security, or the social or economic system,
12 of the people on Taiwan.’’.
13 (15) The theory recently put forward in certain
14 academic circles that the United States should ac15
quiesce to China’s ascendancy in Asia and put aside
16 the commitments made in the Taiwan Relations Act
17 is based upon a false premise that ignores the exam18
ple of a democratic Taiwan, the historic ties of
19 friendship of the peoples of the United States and
20 Taiwan, and the determination of the United States
21 to remain as a Pacific power.
22 (16) Total United States–Taiwan trade in 2011
23 was $67,200,000,000 and Taiwan was the 10th
24 largest United States trading partner and the 6th
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1 largest market for United States agricultural ex2
3 (17) It is in the economic interests of the
4 United States and the national security interests of
5 Taiwan for the peoples of the United States and
6 Taiwan to further strengthen and revitalize their
7 trade and investment ties, including through an ex8
panded Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement
9 or similar mechanism.
11 Nothing in this Act shall be construed to amend or
12 supersede the Taiwan Relations Act.