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再見了,751 (Good Bye, 751)
心情隨筆心情日記 2013/07/24 23:52:20



父親在抗日戰爭時期是個戰鬥機飛行員,駕駛著編號751P-40座機出過56次任務,最後一次的任務被日機擊落受傷,當他在跳傘之際,很瀟灑的拍拍駕駛桿說了聲:751 再見了”。










Good Bye, 751


My father was a fighter pilot during WW II piloted the P-40N. He flew fifty-six missions credited four and a half air victories. During his final mission he was shot down by two Japanese Ki-43 “Oscar” over Hengyang, China, heavily wounded and with his plane catching fire; he bailed out patting the plane’s yoke as he said: “Good bye 751”, (his P-40N serial number).


He was never one of the material items and instead left me with many lessons about life. He led a legendary life and I am proud to be his son, and it is a privilege to have spent the last few years of his life with him witnessed his wisdom, his charm, his humor, his knowledge and his virtue.


Dad, I am glad that you and mom are reunited and can argue with each other again over salt and pepper. You can fly your beloved P-40 Kittyhawk, soaring the blue yonder overlooking the great earth.


Dad, you are in our hearts forever.


父親的事蹟在網路上都有不少的記載,就不在此重複,他在最後一次住院插管不好受,但他總能儘量調試自己,每個護士進來,他用手比劃 You are Angel , 苗條身材,I love you…有個曾經當過空姐的護士說:”if I am not married, I will date you!”




在他最後一次住院前兩天,兩位姐姐都在Atlanta,我們帶爸爸開車去Chateau Elan 兜風,那天天氣特別好,爸爸沿路一直唱著我們都沒聽過的歌,他不但歌詞都記得,而且每句英文都咬字清楚,大姐問他是哪個歌名,他說“Don’t Fence Me In”…


各位,這就是他的最愛:“Don’t Fence Me In”…..






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