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2016/05/23 03:50:12瀏覽401|回應0|推薦2 | |
首先一定要說: Dawn 老書在看大家參賽稿件時 很佩服所有參賽者的程度 有好幾位都讓我想招來當儲訓英文教師!! 所以,除了第一名獎品之外 參加者都會有一份小禮物,表示我衷心的感謝~~ 第二,評分方法如下 題目總共有 12 個子句組成,每分析出一個得 1 分。 每個子句的功能若能正確說出,得 1.5 分。 此外,具有文法專家水準的詳細解析,得笑臉一枚,換算為 0.5 分。 最後,成績終於要揭曉啦~~ 第一名,兩位,李○圃 及 Jill,總分同為 27 分 第二名,廖○君,總分 26 分 第三名,范○文,總分 24 分 其餘各位也都有水準以上的表現 請繼續愛學習哦~~ 以下刊出第一名李同學的作品 (原稿),留下榮譽的見證。Jill 同學是手寫稿,留待有電子檔時再刊登。 ******************************************** 1.Sometimes I wonder if my mom is brain dead. Then there are days when I know she is. 原句可分為: (一) Sometimes I wonder if my mom is brain dead. (二) Then there are days when I know she is.
先論述(一): Sometimes→時間副詞 (a)I wonder (b)my mom is brain dead. (b)加上if連接詞來作為(a)的受詞,也就是名詞子句,當然(b)的後面也可以加上or not 再論述(二):Then there are days when I know she is. Then→時間副詞 (a)there are days (b)I know she is. (b)加上連接詞when所引導的形容詞子句去說明(a)的days.
2.The drama started this morning [when I casually asked (if she would buy me one of those cool newiPhones )(that do almost everything)] 本題其實只有講The drama started this morning.就結束了,其他通通都是形容詞子句,解釋如下:
(a)I casually asked加上連接詞when,整句變成形容詞子句來形容morning (b)she would buy me one of those cool new iPhones 整句話加上連接詞if來當作asked的受詞(名詞子句) (c)do almost everything 加上關係代名詞that具有連接詞+主詞的功能,來當作形容詞子句去修飾iPhones
3.Last year, it seemed like I was the only student in my entire middle school who didn’t have one. (a)Last year→時間副詞 (b)It為虛主詞,表I was the only student in my entire middle school who didn’t have one.整句 (c) seemed為動詞,like為連接詞(意思接近as if) (d) I was the only student,這句為名詞子句當作seemed的受詞 (e) in my entire middle school 為時間副詞,表就學期間 (f) didn’t have one.加上關代who來作為形容詞子句去形容student.
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