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中高級文法班補充:SAT Section 2 #3
2014/12/07 23:55:33瀏覽257|回應0|推薦0

3. The White House Chief of Staff, in addition to the First Lady, increasingly influence the administration’s policies.


(A) increasingly influence the administration’s policies

(B) are being more and more influential in the administration’s policies

(C) are increasing their influence on the administration’s policies

(D) is becoming increasingly more influential in determining the administration’s policies

(E) increasingly influences the administration’s policies


正解 E

主詞是 Chief of Staff 一人(白宮幕僚長),動詞應是 influences


誤解 ABC

誤以為主詞是 Chief of Staff 加上 the First Lady 兩人

介係詞片語 in addition to 之後的項目是從屬部分,不算主詞

如果是 Chief of Staff and the First Lady,才是兩人同為主詞


誤解 D

用字不簡潔,increasingly more 意思相近,又加上 determining…policies,似乎這兩人越俎代庖,替總統拿捏政策。


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