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2016/05/23 03:58:12瀏覽597|回應1|推薦0



1.      Sometimes I wonder if my mom is brain dead. (2)

2.      Then there are days when I know she is. (3)

3.      The drama started this morning when I casually asked if she would buy me one of those cool new iPhones that do almost everything. (4)

4.      Last year, it seemed like I was the only student in my entire middle school who didn’t have one. (3)




(a) Sometimes I wonder about something.  (主要子句)

(b) Is my mom brain dead?  (名詞子句)


(a) 為主要子句,其中 wonder about 的受詞 something 內容以 (b) 呈現。不過 (b) 是個是非問句,必須加上連接詞 if(是否),並調整主詞 my mom 和動詞 is 的順序,才成為名詞子句,替換掉 something

   (b) ð if my mom is brain dead  (Note: if 也可以用 whether or not 代替)


(a) 的介係詞 about 在名詞子句之前就略去。



(c) Then there are days.  (主要子句)

(d) On those days I know something.  (關係子句)

(e) She is brain dead.  (名詞子句)


(c) 為主要子句。(d) 修飾 (c) days,限定了 days 是哪些日子。只要將重疊的時間副詞 on those days 改成連接詞 when,就形成關係子句。

   (d) ð when I know something


(d) 之中 know 的受詞 something 內容為 (e)(e) 是直述句,只要加上連接詞 that 就可置換 something。原文因為是模仿私人日記,屬於非正式的寫作風格,所以可以省略 that

   (e) ð that she is brain dead


此外,brain dead 一詞前文已有提及,此處也可略去。



(f) The drama started this morning.  (主要子句)

(g) I casually asked something.  (時間副詞子句)

(h) “Will you buy me one of those cool new iPhones?”  (名詞子句)

(i) Those iPhones do almost everything.  (關係子句)


(f) 為主要子句。(g) 指出動詞 started 發生的時間,加上連接詞 when 就成為副詞子句。

   (g) ð when I casually asked something


(g) 動詞 asked 的受詞 something 內容為 (h)。要把 (h) 改成名詞子句,除了和處理 (b) 一樣的兩步驟,還必須考慮到邏輯:代名詞 you 得改成代表 my mom shewill buy 也要配合主要子句的動詞 started,改成過去形態的 would buy

   (h) ð if she would buy me one of those cool new iPhones


(i) 修飾 (h) iPhones,只要將重疊的名詞 those iPhones 改成連接詞 that which,就形成關係子句。

   (i) that do almost everything



(j) Last year, it seemed like something.  (主要子句)

(k) I was the only student in my entire middle school.  (名詞子句)

(l) The student didn’t have an iPhone.  (關係子句)


(j) 為主要子句,其中介係詞 like 的受詞 something 內容以 (k) 呈現。(k) 是直述句,只要加上連接詞 that 就可形成名詞子句,而且 that 可省略。

   (k) ð that I was the only student in my entire middle school.


(l) 修飾 (k) the only student,只要將重疊的名詞 the student 改成連接詞 who,就形成關係子句。

   (l) ð who didn’t have an iPhone



1. (j) (k) 相連之後,變成 like 接子句的情形。這種非正式用法頗常見,不過規矩一點的還是用 as if

2. (j) 句本身的結構是:…it (S) seemed (V) like something (C)。此處的主詞 it 並非虛主詞,而是表示「(去年的)狀況」,大致上可以寫成 the situation I was in (last year)

3. 所謂虛主詞,是指真正的主詞移到句尾時,留守位置的 it。這種用法可以輕鬆檢查出來:把真正的主詞移回正常位置,看看句子是否合理。

  (1) It surprised me to hear him say that. = To hear him say that surprised me.

    這個 it 就是虛主詞。

  (2) It seems that you are chosen. / That you are chosen seems. (X)

    這個 it 不是虛主詞。

( 知識學習語言 )
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Da Pu Wang
2016/05/25 08:32
老師辛苦您了! 雖然英文成長速度極為緩慢,但是感覺到自己有些許進步的喜悅,是無法用文字來形容的!(k907522001@icloud.com)
dawn guo(dawnguo) 於 2016-05-29 23:20 回覆:
I thank you too for liking the little contest. 讚啦