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2019/01/01 23:38:31瀏覽368|回應0|推薦0 | |
Q. We could be on the beach buried in sand or traveling the earth. 為什麼只有be 是用原形 ?
A. 2017/11/24 先針對您的問題: 這裡唯一的動詞就是 be,正好位於 could 之後,所以採用原形。其他兩個紅字算是形容詞,修飾主詞 We: We could be buried… We could be traveling…
所引的句子本身寫得不大理想,有兩個毛病: 1. 後半句是要說「環遊世界」吧?應該說「travel around the earth」,earth 改用 world 比較自然。 2. 比較大的狀況,原句前後兩件事寫得不對稱,讀起來好像在說: (1) We could be on the beach buried in sand. (2) We could be on the beach traveling around the earth. (1) 沒問題,(2) 太不可思議了!
問題出在 (1) 的 on the beach 位置放得不好。如果兩句分開,毫無問題,但是既然合併,總是要瞻前顧後一下。倒也不難修改: (1a) We could be buried in sand on the beach. (2) We could be traveling around the earth. 這樣兩個修飾語「buried…」和「traveling…」就對稱了!再以 or 合併: We could be buried in sand on the beach or (we could be) traveling around the earth. |
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