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King of Italy: VERDI = Vittorio Emmanuale Rei de Italia
2009/04/07 12:16:46瀏覽921|回應0|推薦25

VERDI: Vittorio Emmanuale Rei de Italia

"Victor Emmanual, King of Italy"


威爾第逝世於1901年1月27日,為義大利歌劇時代劃上句點。生前的作品隨著他喪禮的進行而水漲船高,生前所譜寫的音樂在他的喪禮上播放,成千上萬的群眾齊聲合唱威爾第歌劇那布果(Nabucco)中的希伯來奴隸合唱(Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves),在義大利人心目中,朱瑟貝威爾第不單是豐富他們心靈的歌劇大師和作曲家,同時也是為人權奮鬥的愛國英雄。

The Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco


Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate;Go, my thoughts on golden wings;
Va, ti posa sui clivi, sui colliGo, settle on the cliffs and hills
Ove olezzano tepide e molli,Where the sweet breezes bring
L'aure dolici del suolo natal!The warm, soft fragrances of your native land
Del Giordano le rive saluta,From Jordan, the river of salvation, and
Di Sionne le torri atterrate.From the desolate towers of Zion.
Oh, mia patrie si bella e perduta!Oh my fatherland so beautiful and lost!
Oh, Membrenza si cara e fatal!Oh remembrances, so dear and so deadly
Arpa d'or del fatidici vati,Golden Harps of our prophets and poets,
Perch?muta dal salice pendi? Why have you changed into weeping willows?
Le memorie nel petto raccendi,The battered memory in my heart
Chi favella del tempo che fu!Which speaks of the time which was!
O simile di Solima ai fatiEither like Solomon to the fates
Traggi un suono di crudo lamento,You present a sound of crude lament,
O t'ispiri il Signore un concentoOr the Lord inspires in you a song
Che ne infonda al patire virtu!Which takes courage into the depths.


Nabucco Verdi

Live in Duomo di S.Maria Nascente, Milano, Italy





凱旋進行曲 - From ”阿伊達” Triumphal March - Aida

Story: Triumphal March” from Aida





朱瑟貝 威爾第,出生於1813年10月10日位於義大利北部一個叫隆科的村莊。1823年,威爾第搬遷到義大利北部布塞托,並申請進入當時由安東尼奧普維賽所辦的音樂學校 ;他的第一齣歌劇-奧貝托【Oberto】,於1839 年11月在斯卡拉劇院上演,義大利的音樂出版商黎科迪對威爾第的才華非常欣賞,並與他簽下三部歌劇的合約,接下來五十年間,威爾第譜寫了將近三十部歌劇之多。

威爾第之於義大利歌劇的重要性,相當於華格納之於德國音樂;他不但為義大利歌劇注入全新的活力,更致力於統合這塊在拿破崙時代落後被歐洲列強瓜分的土地。1850年間,義大利人民感謝他的努力,稱頌他的音樂之際,更用Vittorio Emmanuele,Re d´Italia,意即義大利勝利之王來稱呼這位偉人 !



Liberal Nationalism

Liberal nationalism, as for instance associated with the Italian leader Giuseppe Mazzini, sought to establish liberal states based on the a "nation".   Nationalists always assumed that their "nation" existed in some "natural" way. In practice the leaders had to work hard to create a national sense, usually by emphazing common culture, and by focusing on some oppressive external force.

Italy: Guiseppe Verdi (1813-1901): "Va, pensiero" (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves) from Nabucco 1842

The "Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves", (Va Pensiero), from Verdi's opera Nabucco (1842) attained great political significance. Va Pensiero became the Italians' song of liberation, for, in the oppressed Hebrews, they found a symbol of their own longing for reunification with Lombardy, which was occupied by Austria. The unison chorus (one of the few da capo choruses in all opera) became the underground "national hymn". And the composer's name became V.E.R.D.I, a slogan meaning Vittorio Emmanuale Rei de Italia ("Victor Emmanual, King of Italy") - a reference to the sole native dynasty in Italy and the focus of nationalist hopes for unity.

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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