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2017/12/30 01:21:00瀏覽17|回應0|推薦0

第二,我要謝謝台灣民眾對我們產品的撐持,有許多人采辦我們 翻譯產品,並且也相當愛好。你們的熱忱是我們前進 翻譯動力,非常的感謝你們。
Student? You mean internship?

We don’t want to be a gigantic company.

A:是的,他主修電子,但他在27歲創立公司的時候就什麼都懂了,他在光學與機械上的了解甚至比電子還要多,而他是從工作上學來 翻譯


But our concept in not to design the lens. Most important thing about the lens is performance, not the external design. If we give some decorative design into it, it may be too much. So our concept is not to design the lens. We just give the simplest design and high quality component, part, finishing, and that’s it. That’s the concept of our design.
It’s business. My father assigned me to be the manager of mechanical design team.(lol)

Q:為什麼在旅遊鏡的設定上總是f/3.5 - 6.3,望遠真個最大光圈總不是f/5.6或f/4呢?
Internship is not popular in Japan. I mean we interview them while they’re still seniors, and we promised them they’ll be hired right after they graduate. That’s a quite normal procedure in Japan.

I don’t have a specific goal for each market. Our goal is to be accepted by photo enthusiastic and professional photographers 翻譯公司 not only Japan 翻譯公司 USA 翻譯公司 China but also Taiwan and all other country. Maybe “accepted” is a little bit too conservative 翻譯公司 but we do care so much about the quality of our products 翻譯公司 we work very hard on it. So accepted by them is very important.
A:嗯......是 翻譯,也許吧!其實在我進公司工作之前,我就已認識那些員工許多年了,我想他們就像是我 翻譯家人一樣,因為我的家就在公司的頂樓。但與他們熟悉,跟當他們的主管,是完全不同的兩件事。即使他們知道開辦人的兒子在將來可能會接收公司,他們也不一定會尊重我,所以對我來說,能被他們被看成「同事」來接受是很主要的。

My father has a strong character. So I couldn’t tell him like that. I always told my mother that how I think about taking over the company. And she always said:”This is your own life, you can make the decision on your own.”
Q:所以你感覺你 翻譯顧客們有被dpQ系列的外觀設計嚇到嗎?他們在這部份有什麼反應呢?

Q:兩個月前我曾寫過一篇Canon 翻譯公司 Nikon與Sony三家各個超高畫素產品 翻譯比較,成效是Sony的在各個體現都很是好,請問你怎麼看Sony在數位相機的突起呢?


I personally not. Because I don’t live at the top of office building(lol). But someone may have told my son in relative gathering. But I don’t want this to be a pressure to him, he’s just 12 years old now.


第一次是到台灣是在3年前,我 翻譯父親是Sigma 翻譯開辦人,在那時過世了,我負責接收公司 翻譯社那時因為我想看看市場 翻譯狀態所以才來,另外一個緣由是我的母親是出身在台北,她是日本人,在戰爭竣事前她住在台灣,她之前就說了很多關於台灣 翻譯功德。這是我第二次到台灣。
小編也在訪談的那天將部份網友的定見提出 翻譯社

為了怕準備不足,所以我也在12月初 翻譯時候向各方網友徵求想要扣問社長 翻譯問題。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯我一向有到Sigma去採訪的設法主意,但仿佛一直沒有一個好的機遇 翻譯社怎麼目下當今是他們過來呢?並且照樣公司的社長要親身過來一趟,足足讓我過了手心冒汗 翻譯一個月。十一月中旬的時刻,日本Sigma公司 翻譯社長山木和人先生透過台灣署理商恆伸公司向小編表達想要來台灣媒體看看 翻譯想法。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯小編那時很不解,因為通常這種工作是我們在出差的時辰,去到對方公司的總部裡去提出問題。
So what did you tell when you ask him to design your products?

So could you tell us the thing you told the designer like directions 翻譯公司 goals 翻譯公司 visions of Sigma?

A:Sony有感光元件 翻譯製造手藝,所以就我們來看,毫無疑問 翻譯,Sony在將來將會是相機產業的最大玩家。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯感應器與鏡頭是最主要的,其他的工具都可以被供給商分食 翻譯社我想在攝影 翻譯產業中,誰具有了好的感光元件或鏡頭技術,誰就可以夠存活下來 翻譯社這也是為什麼我們要買下Foveon公司,而且替我們自己保存感光元件的技術。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
Other than making the lens and camera, Nikon and Zeiss has manufactured eye glasses, have you planned to do that?

鏡頭 翻譯機能與品質才是最主要的 翻譯社
但我們的概念並非去「設計」鏡頭,因為鏡頭最主要的器械是它 翻譯光學機能,而不是外觀設計,假如我們在上面做了裝飾性的設計 翻譯話,它會變很多餘,我們 翻譯概念不是「設計」鏡頭,我們只是利用了最簡單的設計,加上高品質 翻譯內容、零件、與加工,僅只如斯。Q:比dp系列的市場還小嗎?

Why the aperture of travel lens are mostly set in f/2.5 to 6.3 but not f/5.6 or f/4?

Oh yes! Though she was born in Taipei. Actually she mostly lives in Hualien then. They even had a classmate gathering there few months ago.

So if its possible to simultaneously make it compact and big aperture, you would choose to manufacture lens like this?

若是他們去其他的公司,他們可能會被分配到其他 翻譯產品,像是事務機械、或者是其他的家電產品等等,但他們假如是到了Sigma,他們會很清晰地知道他們是為了相機與鏡頭支出心力,我們極爲有幸可以或許找到這群特別很是有熱忱的學生。
但良多時候我們會從大學或學院裡去找人,並且很榮幸的,我們從頂尖 翻譯大學中找到了很好的學生,因為那些真的想要做一台屬於自己相機或鏡頭的人,他們都來找我們。A:方式其實很通俗,徵才訊息發布 翻譯處所首要是網站。No we don’t. We purchase from glass supplier like Hoya or Ohara.
假如我們把工場設在日本之外 翻譯地方,固然也能夠兩個處所同時運作,但這類狀態不每一間公司都能産生的,基本上,假如你這樣做的話,日本 翻譯工廠會逐步地變小,最後封閉,這不是我們想要的。A:我們今朝依然是一間私家企業,不是公開上市企業,並且仍然是一間家族企業。若是我們這麼做,或許我們把工場設到例如中國,或是其他低勞動本錢 翻譯國家,但我們仍然把工廠設在日本,原因之一是我們想要保持我們產品的高品質,同時我們也想保護本身 翻譯員工。我們的工場在日本北方福島縣的一個很小 翻譯城鎮,它固然不是最大的,但如果我們封閉了這間工場,這對於本地來講會是很大的衝擊,我們想要保護員工,這只是一個例子而已,而我們能做到如許是因為我們是一間私人企業。我們不需要最大化發賣生意業務量、發賣額和利潤,上市公司需要做這些事才能保持它 翻譯股價,我們 翻譯狀態是私家企業,所以我們的目的是讓企業持續運轉,且回護員工,這是非常重要 翻譯,讓企業持續運作、讓消費者高興、並且讓員工有工作 翻譯社所以我們希望在產品、企業、員工、顧客和一切有關事務之間連結平衡,為了達到這個目標,我們不需要成為最大 翻譯公司。這是為什麼我們我們把產品的主力從入門產品改變成中高階產品。
所以我們放棄大幅度的成長,而且決意要待在日本,而且在這裡去發想:還有什麼工作是我能在這裡能做 翻譯Q:哈蘇有一個手藝叫做Multi Shot,意思是把各類色彩分次感光,構成一個超等邃密的照片,但Foveon只要感光一次就可以獲得溝通的結果,非常厲害。那你們為什麼不讓SD系列變成中片幅的專業級相機?因為專業級市場就是需要超精細 翻譯畫質,而你們也不需要去對于Canon或Nikon等已經殺成一片紅海的市場,況且在中片幅市場高ISO也不是最重要的 翻譯社你們有想過這個可能性嗎?

2 months ago, there’ a documentary called “Wansei Back Home”, which tell the story of those Japanese who were born in Taiwan called “Wansei”, just like your mother. After WWII, these people were send back to Japan, they really miss the old life in Taiwan. I strongly recommend you to see the documentary. It mainly speaks in Japanese and I think you could understand the feeling about Taiwan of your mother by watching this documentary.

Maybe their kind to me. In the beginning, I don’t even know what they’re talking about. But they kindly to explain in a simple way. I learned a lot form those engineers. Actually I only work there just a year and half.

A:我想大約花了1年 翻譯社事實上這類材料並非我們做的,我們只是在鏡片工業中發現這種陶瓷鏡片,但它的透光度其實不好,所以在剛起頭其實不能拿來作為護衛鏡或濾鏡 翻譯社我們延續地與鏡片供應商合作,花了數個月來強化陶瓷玻璃的透光度,最後終於讓透光度到達標準,最後才決定要讓這個設法商品化。
但我 翻譯父親很有遠見、很有本身的設法主意,所以他可以自己去執行他的想法。他的辦公桌如今也還在工程師的樓層中心,而在他的桌子旁邊就是我的小桌,我們把他的桌子就留在本來的位置上 翻譯社我的爸爸常常與工程師們如平常般的對話,我其實就跟他一樣。為了取得他們 翻譯支援,我但願他們是有強烈念頭的、有創造力、創新的,所以我非常的依賴他們。他是個比我更強勢 翻譯領導者,但我並非個強勢的帶領者,我也不長短常有魅力,我只是個通俗人,所以我很需要工程師們的支援。A:類似,我的父親也沒有他本身 翻譯辦公室,這是我父親的氣勢派頭。
So how’s your employee describe you?

固然我們需要極度聰明、特別很是具有立異能力 翻譯工程師,這對於產生立異產品來講相當重要,但假如所有 翻譯工程師都這麼伶俐的話,這對公司一點也不好,因為在將設法產品化 翻譯過程當中,我們會需要能力通俗的工程師來確認所有的設計細節,例如確認訊號 翻譯傳送,這動作異常花時候,這類工作就不克不及交給那種很聰明的工程師來做,那些人老是在締造工具;但這些擔任輔助腳色、負責確認設計細節、確認圖表、確認電路圖、確認產品機能或做出原型機 翻譯通俗工程師,他們輔助的工作對於產品的完成長短常重要的 翻譯社所以如果讓很聰明 翻譯人來做這些工作 翻譯話,我們是成就不了好產品的,所以我們需要良多種的工程師,包括了任何人格特質的人,所以我不會特殊去想:「哪一種是最好的工程師 翻譯社」所以團隊很主要
A:我對工程師並沒有迥殊 翻譯人格偏好,因為我們需要很多種分歧的人。So your father always working in your childhood?


Could you give me some example of those product you like?

The approach is quite normal, we mainly put the advertisement on recruitment website. Normally we recruit people form university and college. We’re very fortunate that we have recruit very student form this top university in Japan. Because those who wants to make the cameras or lenses of their own, they’ll come to us. If they go to other big company, they might be distributed to something like office machine or home electronics. But if they work for Sigma, they will work on cameras and lenses. We’re very lucky to have such passionate student.

感謝供應這麼具體 翻譯訪談資料.對SIGMA這家與眾分歧的公司一直很感樂趣 翻譯公司也想多認識這家公司的動向.

I ‘m not very familiar with these company. But my guess is that Canon and Nikon have many customers 翻譯公司 including professional photographers. Those professionals live on photography, and they really need a reliable, stable equipment. Canon and Nikon couldn’t ignore them to jump into new technology. So I think the two company have a big responsibility for these people on their shoulders. Especially those photographers who shoot Olympic Games, they cannot miss a single frame. And the journalist in the war zone 翻譯公司 the equipment they use must be very reliable.

A month ago I have made a comparison between Canon 翻譯公司 Nikon and Sony’s high resolution camera. And Sony have a outstanding performance in most aspect. What do you think about the rise of Sony?
A:要在短時間內申明並不容易,但我們有幾個目的,我們想要成為高品質的產品製造商,我們希望能夠創新、我們想要對消費者老實,我們想要讓組織連結輕巧,這樣我們才能提供消費者公道的價格。我們的方針並非成為奢華品牌,我們但願可以或許一向連結著十分純潔的科技公司,這是我們的方針 翻譯社It’s not easy to tell in short time 翻譯公司 but we have several goals:
與底片時期比擬,人們拍的照片越來越多了 翻譯社而其中也一定會有人因為使用手機拍照而對攝影有愛好,進而進級進到專業級的相機與鏡頭 翻譯社所以對我們來說是一件功德 翻譯社
Wha do you think about those special cameras with new technology like Lytro 翻譯公司 Ricoh Theta and curved COMS sensor invented by Sony?

A:根基上,鏡頭仍然必需遵循異常古老的光學理論,若是你要大光圈,鏡頭的體積就必然會變大,這是必然會産生 翻譯翻譯社但我們一直致力於把鏡頭變得愈來愈小,我舉個例,20mm f/1.4並非簡便型的鏡頭,這顆鏡頭裡面有一片極度大的非球面鏡片,假如我們不消它的話,鏡頭體積會變得超級巨大,但我們一直在想辦法研發新的技術讓鏡頭 翻譯體積變小。

所以我想要釐清(clarify)這些產品 翻譯概念 翻譯社所以為了要清楚化產品的概念,我把產品線分成份開。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯A: 在我上任CEO以後,我想要重整產品線;而在我上任CEO之前,我擔負過數個部分的主管,不管是光學部分、軟體、機械、智慧財產權部分,以及數項產品的產品司理,我認識到有時刻我們沒有門徑好好的向消費者傳達我們的產品概念,有的時辰消費者會誤解了這項產品的概念,例如我們做了一個很棒 翻譯產品,但它因為又大又重而讓消費者不甚惬意,只是因為他們不了解這個產品背後的寄義。但同時,我小我十分喜好產品 翻譯設計,我指 翻譯是一切的產品設計,像是相機設計、汽車設計、音響設計,當我在青少年期間,六、七零年月 翻譯時候,在我阿誰時期有很是多很棒的相機、汽車、音響設計 翻譯社
Q:ART 20mm f/1.4裡面有用到非常高級的鏡片,它的光學性能極度接近於螢石鏡片,但為什麼不利用螢石呢?

Q:但Canon也有感光元件的開辟手藝 翻譯社我小我認為Sony對照英勇去做新的嘗試,Canon與Nikon相對來說則略微守舊一些。We want to be a high quality product manufacture.

How many people are the real master in your company?

I don’t have a specific preference of the engineers for we need many kinds of people. For example, we need very smart, very innovative engineers to make an innovative and great products. But if all the engineers are smart guy 翻譯公司 it’s not good for the company. Because on the way to productization 翻譯公司 we need normal engineers to check all the detail of the design, like checking the signals, checking the drawing, checking the optics 翻譯公司 make a prototype, check the performance, which takes a really long time. This is not what a super engineers should do, they always create something. Normal engineers is to support to make the final products. If our company has only smart guys 翻譯公司 we can’t make products. So we need every characteristic engineers. that’s why we don’t define what’s the best employee. The teamwork is very important.
Why there’s no DP0M but has dp0Q?

So how’s the selling result of dp0Q?
So 翻譯公司 have you thought about to cooperate with other companies to develop Foveon sensor?

A:因為產品的焦點概念是讓它更小,假如我們做更大的光圈的話,鏡頭的體積也會隨之增大,你不會想要在旅行 翻譯時辰帶個大傢伙出門對吧?
Cody 翻譯公司 Yves 翻譯公司 Steven
A:有些是被嚇到沒錯。對於熟悉相機 翻譯同夥,你可能對Canon如數家珍,也可能對Nikon非常有研究,若是是想要知道Sony,在網路上也可以或許找到不少資料 翻譯社但假如是專高足產鏡頭給其他廠商使用 翻譯鏡頭廠呢?2012年以製造鏡頭為主的廠商Sigma由山木和人(Kazuto Yamaki)師長教師上任社長以後,公司的產品線完全打掉重練,鏡頭的部門拆成ART、Contemporary與Sports三條產品線,而搭載Foveon感光元件 翻譯dp系列也推陳出新,整間公司出現出面目一新的感受。
但是究竟是什麼原因,讓山木社長決議改造?又為什麼他們的產品老是可以或許同時保持高品質與相對低廉的售價?而山木師長教師到底有是怎麼樣的人?公司改變前後 翻譯不同又在哪裡呢?這些問題一向是小編埋藏在心底許久的疑問。Yes very serious. He’s a very typical traditional Japanese engineer and entrepreneur. sometimes angry while the employee make mistake. But I’m very casual. Some of the senior staff were confused about me after i became CEO because I’m too casual. They want me to be more serious


所以在大四 翻譯時辰他們就進入公司面試,然後我們許諾他們會在畢業後錄取。A:練習生軌制在日本其實不風行。我是指他們從大學畢業後,就直接進入公司。這在日本是很常見 翻譯一個法式。But when you were 12, your father has already told you the thing about taking over the company right?

So what’s your major?
Sony has a sensor technology. To us 翻譯公司 it is very clear that Sony will be the major player in the photo industry. Because they have sensor technology. In order to differentiate the products. the sensor and lens are the most important. Other things can be shared by other companies. I think in the photo industry who has a good technology of making good sensor and lens could survive. That is why we acquired the Foveon company and try to retain the technology to us.
而同時,因為某些現實的身分,我們仍然待在日本,並且對峙日本製造,生產成本相對來說對照高,所以這類的低價錢帶商品( Volume Zone Products )對我們獲利來說非常艱辛,所以我們需要像是定焦鏡或150-600mm這種利基產品。起首,製造高品質鏡頭而且讓消費者感到愉悅,這對我們來講長短常大 翻譯動機,也是我們工作 翻譯熱忱地點,這是為什麼我們要做ART系列的緣由。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
A:Its 3 years ago 翻譯公司 that was my first trip to visit Taiwan. My father passed away who found my company 翻譯公司 and I took over his business. Then I want to see the market overseas. And one of the reasons why I come here is that my mother was born in Taipei. She’s a Japanese but her family move here because business reason before the WWII. My mother always told me good things about Taiwan, and that become the reason I want to come here.

而18-250mm這顆鏡頭銷量最大的緣由是因為,這塊 翻譯潛在市場很大,而定焦 翻譯市場很有限。

Do you have goals for every market.

Our website has no English version available right now. If you want to leave any comment or message to this article or to Sigma CEO. Please refer to the FACE BOOK PAGE OF THIS ARTICLE
翻譯公司 less than 10. But we have many experienced worker in mass production line, they could manage the mass production line, but they also have long term experience, minimum 5 years, ideally 10 to 20 years. These people are there one who controls the quality. We have many those kind of staffs.
Q:你認為那些市場上 翻譯新興產品若何?例如光場相機Lytro,或者是Ricoh Theta、Sony前些陣子發表的專利曲面感光元件等等。


Similar. My father has no private office either. This is his style. Actually his desk is still in the center of engineering floor, right next to my simple desk. We keep his desk as it was. My father would talk to engineers too. But he’s more visionary and has more ideas. He’s a much more stronger leader than I am. I’m not a strong leader and I don’t have such charisma. I’m just a normal man. So I need a lots of support from engineers. In order to get the support form them, I need them to be motivative, creative and innovative. I really rely on them.
Right after I graduate form school.
I think its a great technology. I admire their achievement. We want to develop that kind of technology in the future.

So the employee knew that you’re gonna be the future leader while you entered the company?

Q:Nikon在今年初推出了一款300mm f/4 E PF VR,裡面用了可以或許將鏡頭大幅縮小體積 翻譯非涅爾鏡片(Fresnel Lens),你怎麼看呢?

這類鏡片其實不廉價,有的時辰消費者會利用到非常貴的鏡頭,例如高達4000元美金以上 翻譯產品,所以他們也許會想要一款極度壯大的保護鏡,能夠讓鏡片在艱困的環境下利用。Basically WR filter protector is made if ceramic, it’s not a traditional optical glass. The recipe to make the filter is completely different from any existing filter. When compare to the general filter, it’s 10 times stronger 翻譯公司 even stronger than chemically strengthened glass filter. Its not a cheap protecter. But sometimes people who would buy lens over 2000 翻譯公司 3000 US dollar or higher 翻譯公司 needs a reliable protector to make their lens to sustain in really really tough condition.
A:WR保護鏡是陶瓷做的,它並不是傳統的光學玻璃製品,用來製造的方式也跟今朝市道市情上現有 翻譯濾鏡或回護鏡完全分歧,而且強度是10倍,而且這種陶瓷鏡片的強度也比化學強化玻璃更大。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯So would you change the design of the next generation dp series?

Lots of company eager to make stronger and bigger, even to acquire other company. But why don’t you want to be big?

I’ve asked Canon how long did they spend to cultivate a lens making master form rookie. They replied me: about 30 years. Does it the same to Sigma?

A:我想是的,體例有點紛歧樣,但我想根基 翻譯設法是溝通的 翻譯社
50mm f/2 macro

16-20mm f/2

14mm f/2

12mm f/2

Q:所以你的父親是學機械身世 翻譯

dp2 is the highest by far. Over 50% than other three models.
Yes. At first, I’ve planned to work for bigger company to learn how to do business. But my professor in the university advice me to join the company right after graduate. (The professor has worked in our company for many years. He become a professor after his retirement.) He knew the Japanese company culture. If I come back to my company after 10 years with a title like project manager or something. The staffs may not accept me because I come back just because I am the son of the founder. I Japan 翻譯公司 it’s very important to form a team 翻譯公司 share the sympathy and work together. In order to get the sympathy and understanding form the staffs 翻譯公司 it’s better to join the company when I was junior and work with them together. Then the staffs would accept me and recognise me as a leader. That’s the advice form my professor. And I think he’s right.

Yeah… Some hate it 翻譯公司 but some really like it.


事實上,有許多人同時用良多相機,他們同時有智慧型手機、也有DC,同時有Mirrorless,然後也有高階的單眼,但即使如斯,他們照樣不會拋棄高階的器材。A:其實我們瞄準 翻譯是專業與高階 翻譯用戶,這些人需要的是高品質的照片,所以我認為顧客們不會遭到手機攝影的影響。所以只要我們持續 翻譯專注在高階的利用者上,我們是不會受手機攝影影響 翻譯


A:我感覺這長短常利害的科技,特別很是佩服他們的成績,我們也但願將來也可以或許做出那樣的手藝 翻譯社


I think so, The approach is kind of different , but basic ideas are the same.

A:噢對!她是在台北出身,但其實她是住在花蓮並且非常喜好那裡,一向到比來他們在花蓮還有辦個同窗會。You have just issued the product call Sigma WR yesterday. Could you tell us more about this product?

A:是商業相關,我的父親在我進入公司以後,他就指定我去做機械部分 翻譯主管(笑)

We’re still a private company, not a listed company. Epically we are still family owned. So we don’t need to maximized turnover, sells and profits. Public company have to do that to keep their stock price high. But in our case, our goal is just to continue the business and protect the employees. And that is very important. Continues our business, make customers happy, and keep employment. So we want to take the balance between the product, business, employee and customers and everything. In order to do that, we don’t need to be the biggest company. If maximize the business is our goal, probably we would move out manufacturing site to other countries where has a lower labour cost. But we still decided to stay in Japan. First reason, we want to make the product to highest quality, but also, we want to protect our employees as well. Generally, If a company set factories in low labour cost country and Japan separately at the same time. And one day the company suddenly make a huge progress 翻譯公司 they would gradually downsize the factory in Japan. That’s not what we want to do. Our factory is in the very small town of Fukushima Prefecture of Japan. If we close that, the impact to the local society will be huge. So we want to protect them. And that’s just one example. So we gave up to grow rapidly. We decided to stay in Japan, and to explore what can be done here. And that’s one reason why we change our main business form volume zone to mid-high end product.
So which series sell better? DPM or dpi series?

加上是小廠 所以看來是沒有多餘的心力去製造CN兩家之外的鏡頭了

No no no… I’m old enough. Our employee are mostly younger than me.

A:除135mm對照希奇之外,這些需求幾近都跟其他國家的需求如出一轍 翻譯社
Q:Sigma會最需要什麼樣特質 翻譯人材呢?What kind of characteristic of employee you need most?
Q:因為其實有不少人進展Sigma與Sony合作一路開發Foveon感光元件的,像是開辟Foveon感光元件 翻譯Mirrorless相機等等 翻譯社

A:我感覺這些手藝非常有趣,新的科技對於這個工業來講也很重要,因為它可以顯示這個市場的可能性,同時我們也要去想想:「這對於消費者有什麼優點?」即便產品是好的,但對於消費這的幫助假如不大,這依然不克不及被消費這所接管 翻譯社即便如斯,新 翻譯科技對於創新仍然長短常好的,但同時也需要去顧及我們到底可以或許達到消費者什麼樣的需求 翻譯社
我不肯定這會花幾何時候,但這類方式是從行銷與產品企劃團隊入手下手。但我們 翻譯狀態是,我們的設法主意是從日常糊口的談話中得來,或者是工程部分的工程師直接向我或辦理階層提議,我想這很主要,因為只有工程師才知道什麼是可行的,企劃部門不會領會在工程上什麼可行、什麼不成行,他們只能締造出一個概念。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯所以工程部分保持自力與創意十分重要 翻譯社
或許行銷與產品企劃團隊會先做市場查詢拜訪,然後做出一個產品計劃,接著把這個企劃交給工程團隊,而且是檢視這是不是可行。傳統日式辦公室會會更正式。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯A:或許不是。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

Are these goal same as your father?

因為我不是設計的專業,我只是公司 翻譯CEO、是個商人,所以我不認為公司 翻譯總裁把手伸進去產品設計中是一件好事,有的CEO會這麼做,這反而會讓設計團隊感應疑心。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯所以我把產品 翻譯設計就交給他去處理,因為我很相信他,並且他已對Sigma很瞭解了 翻譯社

Because I’m just a CEO, a businessman, not professional in design. So i don’t think it’s a good idea that a CEO to put the neck into the detail of design. Some CEO has misunderstand it and says too much about the design, which may confuse the design team. So I tried not to say too much about design. And he knows Sigma very well, so I trust him.

在日本,我們稱在公司工作的人叫做「上班族(サラリーマン, Salaryman)」,字面上 翻譯意思是每個月取得薪水的人,但其背後 翻譯意義代表是一個只會履行上意的人,他們一點也不自力、一點也不有創意,他們只是遵照指示就事。我一向鼓動勉勵他們不要只是當一個上班族,要當一個有創意、立異的工程師


◎開辟Foveon感光元件的Mirrorless相機 Develop Mirrorless camera with Foveon Sensor

We want to be innovative.
I the ART 20mm f/1.4, there’s two FLD elements which has a super low dispersion optic performance very close to fluorite. But why not use fluorite to get the very best image quality?


In Japan, we called company employee “salary man”. It literally means those who received salary every months. But it contains some negative meaning that is a employee who just followed what is instructed by upper management level. They’re not independent nor creative. I want them to be passionate about their job.

Would it smaller that dp series?

It’s small(lol). actually dp series are already small. But dp0 sells more than our expectation. So I’m happy!
Yes, he told me:”You must take over my business” when I was very young. And my home was just at the top floor of our office building. So everyday I left and back home, I always met employees and have some chat with them.

但那之後我們就只是朋侪,出去吃吃飯、喝飲酒之類 翻譯,在一路工作之前我們就非常熟習了 翻譯社我們會一路接頭Sigma 翻譯方向應當是什麼模樣,而當我們真正入手下手這個企畫的時辰,我沒有告知他任何的設計細節,我只是跟他說Sigma的方向、目標、遠見等等,然後就把設計的事定心地交給他做 翻譯社
A:我沒有說什麼。其實我熟悉他超過十年了,我曩昔對他的作品印象很深入,所以我跟他晤面,要他今後一路與我工作。The Bayer sensor has a much longer history than Foveon. And many company contributed to improve it. When it comes to Foveon 翻譯公司 only Sigma work on improving it. So the progress might be a bit slower than Bayer sensor. but we believe it would be a lot progress by the time.

Q:我認為dp系列 翻譯畫質真的非常好,但是高ISO問題必需要解決;別的一個問題是Sigma Photo Pro這個軟體 翻譯處理速度需要更快才行。A:我對於這些公司不是非常的熟習,但我小我 翻譯猜想是:Canon與Nikon在職業級的攝影師市場已有特別很是恢弘的利用者,這些人就靠攝影吃飯,而對他們來說,他們需要的是一台壯大、可靠 翻譯器材,這些人沒法等閑的拋開飯碗,直接跳去擁抱新的科技 翻譯社所以Canon與Nikon必需要對這些職業用戶負責,而且回護他們。稀奇是那些拍攝奧運會、戰爭題材等,對於器材有精準、靠得住、強大要求的記者們更是如斯 翻譯社
Q:所以你們 翻譯鏡片都不是本身製造的?

I think Sony are much daring to try something new 翻譯公司 but Canon and Nikon are relatively conservative.

Yes, he major in electronics. But he knew everything he need when the found this company when he’s 27. His understanding in optic and mechanics are even more than his major, and all of these knowledge were learned form his job.

どうしてもシグマの 18-35mmF1.8 を使いたくて、キヤノンのボディと一緒に入手しました。So did you tell your son or daughter about the things of taking over?

Yes, I tired several years ago before I became CEO. I gave the name for each project. Because I really like music, so I gave musician’s name for each project. In the beginning it was oaky, but as time goes by, there’s too many project names. So engineers get confused that which name are corresponded to the project. They did not like the idea. So we back to use the code number for each project.

Could you give me some example?

Of course! Of course! When I saw the big print taken by the 8” x 10” film, i was so impressed. One of my dream is to make our camera to produce such high quality image. Medium format is my personal interest. But so far we have not work on it. First of all, In order to make a medium format camera, we need to re-develop a whole series from the beginning. We have to develop the sensor, camera body, lens…etc. It’s a very long procedure. And unfortunately, the market size of the medium format look quite small 翻譯公司 even for Sigma. So that’s why we did not enter the market.

When did you enter the company?

We want to keep the product with a reasonable price.


Sony in 80’s, product design were superb. Bang and Olufsen in 90’s. And Braun in 60’s, of course that’s before I was born, but they’ve made lots of products like radio and audio. I like these kind of stuff. And I wanted to make this simple but sophisticated design into our product.
從文中領會sigma社長 翻譯一些對峙

I think they’re very interesting. And its a very good thing to have new technology in this industry. It’s important to show to industry what is possible with photography. But also we have to think about what could benefit to customer? It will not be accepted when the customer benefit is small, even if the technology is good. So we need to think about how we can create the customer benefit with the new technology.

Because customer ask us to make it. Even in the time we release Merrill series 翻譯公司 some customer ask us to make DP1M with wider angle lens. At that time I though it was crazy for it is very clear that we could sell a lot. Its a super niche product. To be honest, I reject the idea at the time. Actually we have discussed the possibility, but we thought the market is super small, so we gave up. After we released Quattro series 翻譯公司 customers ask us to make. I often join the customer gathering in Japan 翻譯公司 China 翻譯公司 USA 翻譯公司 2 months ago we join Malaysia. Every time I see these people,they always ask me to make dp0. So I finally surrendered and make dp0Q for the customer. But this is my passion too. I have a dp series camera. Sometimes I feel I need a wider angle when I use dp1 Quattro/Merrill. dp series provide a very sharp image, which is very good for wide angle picture. So I am part of the one who wants to make a dp0Q too!


Yes we have similar system. But it depends on what they do.

就我所知,台灣民眾在災難産生時捐助了最高的金額,比來一陣子我們才重建了一間受海嘯侵襲的病院,此中首要的資金就是來自於台灣,所以身為日本人,我要感激所有 翻譯台灣人。
A:起首,我要感謝所有 翻譯台灣人,很是感謝你們在311大地動時所提供 翻譯支援。

Yes, even earlier. About when I was 6 or 7 years old. I do not take it seriously in the beginning. As time goes by, I realised it’s quite tough and challenging. When I was 13, 14 years old. I really don’t like the idea.
Is your employee in charge of the design?


Except 135mm is relatively unique, others are mostly the same to the wish list of other country.

First of all, I would like to thank all the Taiwanese people for their help to Japan when the earthquake hit. As fa as I remember, Taiwanese people donated the most to Japan. Recently we could rebuild one of the hospital damaged by tsunami mainly due to the donation by Taiwanese people. On behalf of Japanese, I would like to thank all Taiwanese people for the support.

A:事實上我沒有,因為我 翻譯家現在不在辦公室了(笑) 翻譯社翻譯親戚會對我的孩子說雷同的話,但我並不希望這對孩子造成壓力,他今朝才12歲而已。
First of all, it’s our passion to make a good quality product and make customer happy. These are big motivations for us. That’s why we want to make the ART series. Also, for some practical reasons, we still insist products made in japan, production cost is relatively high. So this kind of volume zone products is very tough for us in profits. We need to make niche product like prime lens or lens like 150-600mm.
而這就是我們的生產系統與現代生產系統的差別。我們目前依然與本地供給商慎密的合作,我們稱之為當場採購(Local Procurement)與就地生產(Local Manufacture)系統,這是很特別而且是很傳統 翻譯體例,但今天,其他公司活著界各地有非常大的採購網路,他們找到世界上最便宜 翻譯零件,而且選擇最廉價 翻譯人工來組裝,他們做 翻譯是全球化生產,而我們做的是在地化生產。而我們知道若何在這個系統下生產高品質 翻譯產品,但若是是用現代化但不熟悉 翻譯系統去採購與生產,我們不確定是否能維持一樣的品質。所以總結答案是:我不知道 翻譯社
Lots of people on the internet wish Sigma could work with Sony to develop the Foveon sensor. Like Mirrorless camera with Foveon sensor.

Q:為什麼你會想改變產品 翻譯外觀設計?
Q:因為台灣朋友一般來講可能會對照領會Canon或Nikon,比較少人知道Sigma,你可以告知台灣 翻譯民眾關於Simga的願景與方針嗎?

Is your father a serious person? I mean will he being angry after his staff do something wrong. What about you?

Yes sometimes, actually quite often. I do not have my own office. I just have a simple desk in the centre of the engineering floor of our headquarter. There are about 150 to 160 people work there. In my right hand side is camera development team, left hand side is lens development team/And just next to my desk on the left is the optical design team. I often chat with them like: “Hey can you make this kind of lens?”. They might reply:”No it’s a stupid idea”. We always have this kind casual chat with engineer, ann I learned a lot. Of course engineer would make the proposal to me sometimes like:”I would like to productize this one.” If it sounds good, We’ll start the project.
When it comes to the volume, best 3 should be:
或者說.對CN兩家之外 翻譯鏡頭製造 沒啥樂趣
So is it different from your father when it comes to your manage style?

Everything is possible. I don’t want to comment about other company 翻譯公司 all people work very hard for the future. So everything is possible.
以下是訪談 翻譯影片摘錄,只有四個問題,讓各人熟悉一下山木社長的措辭方式,列位等下在看訪談全文的時辰再自行腦補齁~

A:這我不知道,你應當打個電話問他們(笑),我進展他們是好的,但我不肯定 翻譯社

今朝有擁有DP3M及120-300/2.8 S013 鏡頭.
Q:你們 翻譯產品有內部的名稱嗎?

I usually check the forum. I didn’t join them. I just watch, and to guess what’s the customer’s need.
The biggest question I have is that why you want to come here to face to the media and talk too local suppliers? That’s not what a camera company’s CEO usually do.

Maybe not. In the case of traditional Japanese company, I think the procedure would be more formal. Marketing and product team would make some kind of market research at first. Then there’s a product plan would give to engineering division to discuss the possibility. The idea would start with market and product team. But in our case, we start an idea form casual chat or engineer proposals to management team. Only engineer knows what’s possible 翻譯公司 and planning team would not know 翻譯公司 they can only create a concept. So It’s very important to make engineers stay independent and creative.

A:我不能評論訛傳的問題,希奇是這類與貿易相關 翻譯事物。我們是私家企業沒關係,但他們是上市公司,所以我不想對此事評論,這有可能會影響到他們的股價。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

也許「被接管」這個方針是有點太守舊,但我們是真的很在意產品的品質,而且花了十分多的心思在上頭,所以「被接管」是一件非常主要的事。A:我們對於每個國家 翻譯市場沒有明白的方針,我們的目標是被攝影師與攝影愛好者「接受」,不只是日本、美國、台灣、中國等等。也很期盼將來給數位相機用家帶來更多優良的鏡頭
翻譯社當我們一揭曉新品的時候,台灣人馬上就會跳進去,擁抱新科技。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯並且台灣人非常在乎品質...非常在意!在意的水平乃至超出價格,我認為台灣 翻譯市場非常複雜。
但這會因人而異。A:是 翻譯,我們有不異的系統。Q:我今天才剛發表了一篇20mm f/1.4,我想知道為什麼你們想要在20mm這個焦段放入f/1.4的光圈,因為你們已做了品質非常好的24mm f/1.4,然後各人都感覺接下來你們會最先著手進行85mm、135mm或者是24-70mm的鏡頭,但為什麼是20mm忽然出現?
本次 翻譯訪談,首要分為六個方面,劃分是:

But since you have seen the need of the market, why still set ART as the main series in your product line?

A:這是個好問題(大笑),我不知道!這真的是很棒 翻譯問題!
Because concept of the product is to make it compact, if we make it a bigger aperture, the lens would become bulkier. You don’t want to bring a big bulky lens while you’re travel right?
◎開發M4/3系統的鏡頭 Develop more lens for M4/3 system

What do you think about camera on the cell phone? This might means there will fewer people using a camera to take a picture 翻譯公司 will the rise of cell phone be a pressure to you?

How long did you develop this protector? Didi you direct your engineer to do that?

So you know you’ll gonna take over the company while you were very young?

1. 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 DC MARCO OS
2. 17-50mm f/2.8 EX DC OS HSM
3. 70-300mm f/4-5.6 DG MARCO

I cannot comment on rumour. Especially such kind business related rumour. We’re private company so its okay 翻譯公司 but they’re listed company. So I don’t want to comment which may influence their stock price.

一起頭我根本不把這當一回事。但跟著我長大,我發現這件事的堅苦性與挑戰性。A:沒錯,不,乃至更早,大約六、七歲就告知我了。所以當我十三、四歲的時辰,我真 翻譯很不喜好未來要交班這件事
So is it a traditional Japanese company style?

Q:所以你有唆使你 翻譯員工要做出什麼規格 翻譯鏡頭嗎?

That’s a good question(lol)! I don’t know! That’s a really good question!

之前出了2顆E環定焦鏡 應當是賣的很慘吧?
So you don’t make your own glass material?

I didn’t say much. Actually I know him over 10 years. I was impressed by his work in that time 翻譯公司 so I met him and ask him to work with me sometime in the future. But since then we just hang out like friends. We know each other very well, we share the direction of Sigma should be. So when we started the project, I told him the directions, goals, visions of Sigma, and just leave the design it to him.

我不進展評論任何一間廠商,因為所有人都長短常努力的在為將來打拼。A:任何工作都有可能。and behave more like a big boss. But I’m not such type of man. So I still be myself and make a joke. Some people say it’s not good for a boss of a company and they indirectly ask me to change my character, but I just couldn’t.

How’s the atmosphere in the office? Do people talk like friends?

我很喜好音樂,所以我給每個企劃取了音樂家的名字,一入手下手很ok,但跟著時候越長,會有很多多少 翻譯企劃名稱,到最後工程師基本搞不清楚哪些企劃名稱要對應到哪一個產品。
他們不會歡這個點子,也是以,之後就改用代碼來稱呼。A:有的,在我幾年前當上CEO前曾試著這麼做。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

Right now, we still do business with local supplier closely. We called that Local Procurement System and Local Manufacture System. which are traditional approaching for manufactures. But today. other companies have a very big procure network over the world. They purchased the lowest price part and assemble the products at the country with lowest labour cost available. The do it globally, but we make it locally. It has a big difference between us and other modern company system. We know how to make high quality products with the system we know. But if we take the globalized system which we don’t familiar with, we’re not sure the we can maintain this quality. So the answer is: I don’t know.
夏夜星空 wrote:

We want to be honest to customers
Q:所以如果你們 翻譯手藝上答應,你們會選用體積小同時有大光圈 翻譯鏡頭嗎?
Q:你說你不想要大幅度 翻譯成長,但假如有一天你是漸漸 翻譯成長到很大,那時你必須要供給更多 翻譯產品時,阿誰時刻,你會把工廠設到日本以外的地方,或者是堅持非論是一間、兩間或三間以上的工場都設在日本呢?因為像是Canon, Nikon, Sony,他們在日本仍然有自己的工廠,但多數的大型工廠依然是在中國、越南或泰國等等之類的處所,你在那種環境下仍然會堅持日本製造嗎?
Could you tell me the difference between the market in Taiwan and other countries?

In terms of the volume are M series 翻譯公司 because we reduce the price in the end of product life 翻譯公司 which makes selling number very good.
很棒的訪談 翻譯公司大家喜好這類以手藝為本 翻譯公司尊敬專業人員的公司....

So which one is the bestselling model?

Did you fight with him about taking over the business? Like you don’t think you’re competent of that.


A:我們一向都敞開大門接待合作,對於任何廠商都是,曆來沒有拒他人於門外。而全部總部大約有快要80%的人是工程師。但若是是總部(編按:非工廠區)的話,大約有170到180人。A:這牽扯到你對工程師 翻譯定義。
We focusing on the enthusiast and high end customers. They need a high quality gear like DSLR or mirrorless camera. So these customer would not influence by smartphone. Actually they use many cameras 翻譯公司 even professional photographers use the smart phone, compact camera, DSLR, Mirrorless at the same time 翻譯公司 but these people would not forget high end camera. I don’t think our business will be influenced by the rising of smartphone.
並且這個市場上沒有20mm f/1.4這個規格。我們認為假如只是外觀更新,但規格完全相同的鏡頭,如許就不會有使人興奮 翻譯感受了。A:這只是優先按次的問題,我不克不及告知你下一步會是什麼,但我們今朝的計畫只是在替代,把舊有 翻譯產品換成新的系列,我們在舊的系列已有20mm f/1.8,如今我們只是更新到新 翻譯系列。我們喜好做「世界第一個(World First)」的產品 翻譯社

A:很小,dp1, dp2 翻譯公司 dp3系列是本來就很小,但dp0賣的比我們預期還要來很多,所以我們已經很高興了 翻譯社

A:我們了解到高ISO是最大的挑戰,還有處置速度,所以我們一向持續 翻譯在改良這個部份,但我們最在意的一直都是如何利用這個手藝(Foveon)的超高畫質優勢,超越現有任何產品的相片品質。
So after interview 翻譯公司 could you make phone call to Sony’s CEO to recommend Foveon to them? (lol)
2 weeks before you came here 翻譯公司 I gathered some questions and advices that people on the Taiwan internet want to ask you. Here’s what they need:

Nikon has release a 300mm f/4 E PF with a Fresnel lens inside to greatly reduce the volume of the lens. What do you think about this?

鏡頭方面 LENS

But its a really good thing that more and more people taking picture with smartphone. Some of them who’s interested in photography may want to upgrade to a high end camera and lens. I think its an opportunity to us.
The reason why 18-250mm f/3.5-6.3 has the largest volume is that this potential market is much bigger for those segment. Prime lens market is limited.
但這也是我 翻譯熱忱之一,我也會用我們家 翻譯產品,但有時候你用DP1M或dp1Q會覺還需要更廣的鏡頭,固然它們能供給非常鋒利的畫質,對於廣角的攝影來講異常合適,所以我小我其實也滿想要dp0的 翻譯社
但當我們推出Quattro系列的時刻,我們在列國進行了核心顧客訪談,包括日本、中國、美國,兩個月前我們還去了馬來西亞,每次他們見到我都要求我必然要做dp0系列,所以我最後終於降服佩服,決意為他們做dp0。A:因為顧客要我們做的 翻譯社即便是在我們發表DP1M 翻譯時刻,也有顧客叫我們開發DP0Mirrell,更廣角版本的DP1M 翻譯社那個時刻我覺得這個想法其實是太瘋狂,因為我們很是清晰這底子不成能大賣,這是超小眾 翻譯產品,所以忠實說,我當時Merrill系列推出時謝絕了這個點子 翻譯社事實上我們有對這個設法進行內部討論,但仍然覺得這個市場其實是太小了。Q:所以這款回護鏡花了你們若幹時候開辟?是你唆使工程師們做 翻譯嗎?
But how is that possible to assign you even don’t understand the technology to lead the engineering team?

So did your customer shocked by the external design of dpi series? what’s their reaction about this design?

◎ART 24-70mm f/2.8
Is your employee are mostly older than you?

It depends on the definition of an engineer. If its headquarter (not factory) 翻譯公司 there’s about 170 to 180 people. And it covers nearly about 80% of total people in headquarters.

I knew that my father wish me to take over the business. But I thought I couldn't competent of that because I’m not smart enough, nor a strong leader like my father.

1. Contemporary/Sports 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM
2. ART 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM
3. 也許是 ART 50mm f/1.4 DG HSM


A:是的,有時刻 翻譯社事實上,很常 翻譯社因為我沒有自己 翻譯辦公室,我只有一張簡單的桌子,位在總部機械部門樓層的中間,大約有170人在此工作,在這個樓層中沒有柱子,只有一間大房間,在這間房間 翻譯正中心就是我的一張簡單的小桌。
」假如想法不錯,就直接開始這個企劃。有 翻譯時候他們會走過來向我提案:「我有如許的設法主意,我想要讓它商品化。我與工程師們經常有這樣 翻譯平常對話,我從當中學到許多。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯在我的右手邊是相機開發團隊、左手則是鏡頭開辟團隊、就在我桌子旁邊的一排則是光學設計團隊 翻譯社我就經常跟他們聊天:「嘿!你們可以做出如許的鏡頭嗎?」他們會回:『噢那是個愚蠢 翻譯設法,因為...』。◎開辟給Sony FE接環的ART鏡頭 Develop ART lens for Sony FE mount.
Secondly I would like to appreciate Taiwanese people to support our products. I know many Taiwanese people buy our products and enjoy them. That is the base of our business and our motivation. Thank you for all the customers in Taiwan.
我十分喜歡聽音樂。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
綠洲合唱團是SD9的企劃名稱,還有SD10的企劃名稱是Aztec,他們並非著名的樂團,但倒是我最愛的樂團之一,全名叫做Aztec Camera,是從蘇格蘭來的合唱團,他們在80年月十分風行,是個老樂團 翻譯社不只是相機與鏡頭。A:例如古典音樂的編曲家巴哈。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯還有一個是安東尼奧,全名是安東尼奧.卡洛斯.裘賓,他是一名來自巴西的波沙諾瓦風作曲家、音樂家。

舉例來講,這個部門(指鏡頭 翻譯尾端髮絲紋部分)需要一種非常嚴密的削切加工,它稱為陽極處置(Anodising),這必需要有很是整潔 翻譯加工機械細節才能殺青 翻譯社所以一個好 翻譯鏡頭就連零件都很主要。


いつも素晴らしい製品を作って頂きありがとうございます。そしてフジXのユーザーを忘れないで下さい m(_ _)m
所以我想要把這些簡單卻複雜的設計放在我們的產品中 翻譯社
A:Sony,80年代 翻譯Sony產品設計很棒;90年月 翻譯Bang and Olufsen,阿誰丹麥品牌 翻譯社還有60年月的德國公司百靈,百靈目前在刮鬍刀十分有名,但在60或70年月他們有非常多產品,像是收音機、音響等等很棒的產品設計,我很喜好這些產品 翻譯設計。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯How much people are in engineering team?

A:首要是從網站的計議區,我沒有列入接洽,我只是看罷了,然後從中去猜想消費這可能會需要的產品。Q:請問一下,你知不知道比來有一部記載片叫做「灣生回家」?這是一部在描寫向您母親一樣的一群人的故事,這些出身在台灣的日本人的故事,他們雖然住在日本,但異常的忖量在台灣的生涯 翻譯社我強烈保舉您去找那部片來看,片子主要 翻譯說話是利用日語,所以我想你必然看得懂,也可以或許透過這部片子瞭解你 翻譯母親對於台灣 翻譯感情 翻譯社
Just preparing for the future to take over the Sigma?

What’s the hardest part to be the CEO of your company?


uh…yes 翻譯公司 probably! Before I join the company 翻譯公司 I knew some of the staffs for many years. I think they are just like my family members for the reason that my house is on the top of the building. But being familiar with them is totally different form being accepted as a leader of them. Even if the know the son of the founder may take over the company 翻譯公司 they may not respect me. So its important for me to be accepted by them as a co-worker.

That’s a really good question(lol). So far I do not have a plan to have factory out of Japan. But it doesn’t mean we will not. Our philosophy is not offshore the factory just because low labour cost. If we do that 翻譯公司 we’ll have to move around the world forever for pursuing the lowest cost. For instance 翻譯公司 the labour cost is increasing now, so many company is considering to move to other country. We don’t want to do that, If we set the factory, we want to live with the local people and protect them.
I hope so, but I not sure. You need to ask them by yourself(lol). I hope the atmosphere in my company is more like a family than a bureaucratic company. I’m not very sure how they feel, but I really hope there’s a family like atmosphere in the office.

我在文章裡面老是說Sigma這間公司很瘋狂,你們總是生產沒有人見過的鏡頭,像是ART 18-35mm f/1.8,為什麼你們會想要做如許的鏡頭?
I don’t know. Maybe you should make a phone call to them. I hope it’s good but i’m not sure.
Hasselblad has a technology called “Multi Shot”, which means it would release shutter for different colour respectively. I think Foveon sensor had done beyond this because it only needs one shot. So why not make Foveon a medium format? Because Foveon can surely offer the great quality. You don't need to jump into the red ocean which Canon Nikon and Sony has stayed for years. And noise in high ISO is not a crucial issue in professional market. Have you thought about this possibility?

Why do you want to change the design of your products?

So basically your target is on Canon and Nikon photographers 翻譯公司 but will it be possible Sigma turns into Sony?

特別感謝與我一同專訪 翻譯同事:

I always said Sigma is a crazy company in my article. You always made lens that we never seen, like 18-35mm f/1.8. Why do you want to make lens like this? What’s the idea when you’re develop these unique lenses?

但依然是要看你對於工匠 翻譯界說,有良多人是有恒久經驗,他們多半有跨越五年經驗,根基上來說,十年到二十年是最合適的,是這些人在掌控鏡頭品質,我們有非常多如許 翻譯人材 翻譯社
A:很少,假如你是說真的工匠巨匠 翻譯話不到十個。A:我非常榮幸,到目前為止,我的員工一直都很接濟我,所以我是很享受我的工作。

I think about one year. Actually the glass material was not develop by ourselves. We found there’s a clear ceramic in the industry, but transmittance is not great, so we couldn’t use it for the lens. We work together with glass supplier to improve the transmittance 翻譯公司 which takes several months. Then we achieved to make it as a clear ceramic usable for filter protector. So we decide to productised it.
Q:所以你有與他爭執過嗎?例如說你不覺得你能勝任這個之類 翻譯

How did you investigate the customer’s need?

In the end of the interview, is there anything you want to say to Taiwanese people on the internet?


We do not have an official title for these people. But we have such kind of people who have over 30 years of lens making experience. But it depends on the definition of “master”. These people are very important, but we don’t need them to do the mass production. The importance of these people are to create the methodology of production. So when we make a prototype, they look the drawing, look the material of the glass, then they would try some technics to polish. After that, they create the method how to polish the lens for the production line. At the production line, we use numerical control machine which is more systematic and automatic, that makes normal people can polish the lens with program of the machine. In the case of mass-production, it takes probably 5 years to master of all polishing technics. They’re not a real master, but they would know the recipe of polishing and they can tweak a little bit according to the status.
There’s a rumour that Canon wants to acquire you 翻譯公司 is that true?
We want to keep the organization slim.


但我小我很隨性 翻譯社有的時辰員工對我覺得很猜疑,因為我有時太隨性了,他們希望我顯示得像個大老闆一樣,但我完全不是那樣的人 翻譯社我仍然連結我的隨性、與員工惡作劇等等。A:是的,特別很是嚴厲。
他長短常典型的日本工程師與企業家。有些人認為這樣對於公司來講不是功德,這些人會展轉的暗示我要在個性上做一些改變,但我就是做不到。有的時候假如員工做錯事他會發脾性。A:我不知道,這個你要自己去問他們,我但願公司的氣氛就像是家庭,而不是權要 翻譯公司 翻譯社但我不太確定他們對公司的感受如何,但我真心的但願是有一種家庭 翻譯氣氛在 翻譯社

Hard? So far our employee support me a lot. It is very lucky that I have such kind support form my staff and business associates. I enjoy this job a lot.

由於本次對談的內容首要為英文,01是中文性質小編也固然寫下中文翻譯,但為了讓國外的網友們能夠認識,我也在此供應了英文 翻譯逐字稿 翻譯社內容皆有略微經由調劑,但已力圖清楚轉達社長 翻譯原意。而雖然摘錄只有四個問題,但小編訪談總共提了73個!版面看起來可能會有些冗長,還請列位見諒。一個技師可以或許在五年以內通熟所有「量產的」拋光技能,我是說「量產的」,他可以知道所有量產拋光需要的方法,和操作拋光機械 翻譯體式格局,並且可以遵照狀態來更改那些方式 翻譯社
A:我們對於這樣的人沒有正式 翻譯頭銜,但我們有那樣 翻譯人。一般來說那些人切實其實有三十年以上的經驗,但這其實要憑據你對於工匠(Master) 翻譯界說,這些人是非常主要的,但我們不需要這些人來做大量生產的工作。他們的重要性在於締造「大量生產的方式」,所以當我們在做鏡頭 翻譯原型時,他們會檢視設計圖、看看鏡片的材質,然後他應用各類手藝來締造「若何將鏡片拋光」 翻譯體例,然後他會告知生產線要若何拋光,而在生產線上我們會用量化的機械來製造,所以這個進程會更具系統化、主動化,讓通俗經驗 翻譯技師也可以或許拋光。
相信01的User很抉剔,可以從定見中挖一些有用的資訊 翻譯社

Q:那你有對你 翻譯孩子說將來將要接任的事嗎?


Which lens are the bestselling lens? Best 3.

A:因為螢石很貴,成本非常的高,但我們用的玻璃性質特別很是很是的接近螢石,而且本錢相對的也低許多,假如我們利用自然螢石,鏡頭的價錢會遠遠超過此刻 翻譯售價。假如價錢訂在這麼高的話也會與我們「製造價格合理產品」、「讓消費者開心」等目標相違背,所以我們使用性質極度接近螢石的鏡片 翻譯社
繼續跪求85跟24-70 art
Q:你可以給我一些例子嗎?那些你曾經喜愛 翻譯產品。
You said you don’t want to grow rapidly. But what if one day you grow progressively and become big. In that time you may need to produce much more product than ever. Would you put your factory outside Japan or still insist to stay. Because company like Canon, Nikon or Sony have factory inside or outside Japan at the same time. Would you still insist MADE IN JAPAN after Sigma grow?

Basically the lens still live in the very old physics. If you’re going to make a bigger aperture lens 翻譯公司 it will become bulkier. If you make a high quality lens 翻譯公司 it’ll bulkier too. Still we make our lens as compact as possible. For instance, ART 20mm f/1.4, which is not very compact. This lens use a very big diameter aspherical lens, if we don’t use this glass, it will even bigger. So we’re keep developing new technology to make our lens compact.

So do you have a promotion system for these people? Like they need to be tested every year.

I think dp series owns a topnotch image quality, but the problem of high ISO should be resolved. Another problem is that the process speed of Sigma Photo Pro software should be faster.


Did you direct your employee to make specific specification lens?
A:沒錯,我知道我爸要我接收,但我那時認為我做不到,因為我不敷伶俐,也不像他是個強勢的向導者 翻譯社
Q:你們在昨天揭曉了Sigma WR珍愛鏡,可不可以向我們介紹這些產品呢?

How do you recruit the best people you need?


But if it based on the value 翻譯公司 it’s totally different:

Q:所以你 翻譯父親有教導過你如何當一位CEO嗎?
It just about the priority 翻譯公司 i couldn’t tell what’s the next one. But the plan right now is to replace all the existing products to the new series. We had a 20mm f/1.8 in the previous series 翻譯公司 and we want to update it. Moreover 翻譯公司 we thought it’s not exciting to renew the new lens with the same spec lens as the old one 翻譯公司 and there’s no 20mm f/1.4 lens in this industry. We like to make something like “world first” product.
Is your product have an internal name?



◎ART 135mm
Q:你們是從哪裡查詢拜訪得知消費者 翻譯需求呢?
A:當然!固然!我記得當我第一次看到8 x 10” 翻譯底片印刷出來 翻譯相片時,印象異常深入。我的胡想之一就是把相機的品質晉升到那樣高的境地。中片幅是我的小我愛好,但今朝我們並沒有在阿誰範疇邁進,最重要的緣由是,若是我們要發展中片幅的話,我們整個系統都要從頭起頭,我們要從頭設計感光元件、從新設計機身、鏡頭...這將會是非常偉大並且也無比花時間的過程;而且很不幸 翻譯,中片幅市場其實滿小 翻譯,即便對於Sigma來講都很小,這是為什麼我們沒有進入中片幅市場的緣由 翻譯社
I’m not sure, we haven’t discussed yet.
Bach the classic music composer 翻譯公司 Oasis the rock band…And the name of SD10 was Aztec 翻譯公司 they’re not a famous band 翻譯公司 but they’re one of my favourite band 翻譯公司 called Aztec Camera from Scotland, which is very famous in 80’s. And there’s an Antônio, Full name is Antônio Carlos Jobin, a bazilian bossanova composer and musician. I really like their music.

對於網友在Mobile01與ptt的熱忱回覆,小編極度感謝列位 翻譯社在提問時我已將問題做過整理 翻譯社在與社長晤面之前我已與張司理計議過,其實有很多問題是根本不克不及回覆的,例如「未來有無可能推出85mm f/1.4」這類清晰而明白的問題,所以我將這些「問題」釀成「建議」,讓社長參考。而不克不及逐一告竣所有網友的發問,小編也深感歉仄,但我相信社長的回覆當中即使沒有完全回覆到,也應當有沾上邊。Taiwan’s market respond to new products very quickly. Way faster than USA 翻譯公司 China, even Japan. Taiwan is one have quickest response country in the world. Once we release a new product, Taiwanese will jump into new product or technology. And also they care about the quality very much, even more than price. I think it’s a very sophisticated market.

I’ve just issued the test article of your 20mm f/1.4, I want to know why you want to put a f/1.4 aperture inside a 20mm lens. Because you’ve made a great quality wide angle lens like of 24mm f/1.4. After that 翻譯公司 everybody think that you would start with lens like 85mm f/1.4 or 24-70mm f/2.8. But this lens just pop up. Why 20mm f/1.4?

No, we asked a independent designer to direct the design. His name is Ichiro Iwasaki. Of course we have our design team but the core concept is provided by him. Current SD camera series was designed by internal design team, but dp Quattro series was design by the designer. Product design is a very complicate process 翻譯公司 even the designer has complete the design drawing 翻譯公司 it ’s not completed. We have to discuss with factory and engineers that if this design is possible or not, which requires lots of process, that’s why our product team have to work very closely to independent designer office and factory.

After I became CEO, I want to reorganize the lineups. Before I took over this company, I’ve worked as a manager of several departments like optics, software, intellectual property, and project manager of several items. I realized that sometimes we failed to convey the product concept properly. For example, If we made a good quality lens, which is heavier and bulkier, customer may not like just because they don’t understand the concept behind it. So we want to clarify the product design concept. In order to convey the concept product design properly to customer 翻譯公司 I decide to separate the product lineup. But also, I personally like product design very much, I mean product design in general 翻譯公司 like camera 翻譯公司 car 翻譯公司 audio. When I was a teenager in 70’s 80’s 翻譯公司 there were some excellent product design in the market.
Yes, from the morning to late evening, from week day to Sunday. Basically he worked 365 days per year.
A:沒有,因為我們 翻譯熱情是在於相機與鏡頭,並且這二者之前利用的科技是有差別的,我不感覺我們目前現有 翻譯技術可以用來做鏡片。

◎ART 85mm

A:那是個非常好 翻譯問題(笑),目前我還沒有計劃把工廠外移,但這其實不代表將來我們不會把工廠設在日本之外 翻譯處所,我們的哲學是:我們不會只因為低勞工成本這個緣由,就將廠房選在日本之外 翻譯地方,如果我們如許做的話,我們會釀成要一直往世界各地跑,就只是為了追求更低廉的本錢,例如中國的勞力本錢已經在逐漸增添了,許多公司也正在把廠房移到其他國度,我們不想要這麼做,我們想要與本地居民是一個共生 翻譯關係,而且珍愛那裡的員工。
Did your father teach you how to be a CEO?

We are aware that high ISO is the biggest challenge for our camera. We always works hard to improve the performance, that is a continuous effort. But we always prioritise to take the advantage of Foveon technology.
A:有的,即使是在我小的時辰他就告訴我:「你一定要接收我 翻譯事業」 翻譯社因為我的房子就在公司大樓 翻譯頂樓,所以我每天從黉舍回來抵家的路上城市遇到許很多多的企業員工,也會跟他們聊聊。

事實上,產品設計是一個十分複雜 翻譯進程,即便他已把設計丹青好了送過來,我們還要請工程師們去檢視這是不是可行,這在工程師、工場和獨立設計師之間需要異常多的會商。A:不,我們是找自力的設計師設計 翻譯,他的名字是岩崎一朗(Ichiro Iwasaki) 翻譯社今朝是由他來主導產品外觀設計。當然,我們也有本身的產品設計團隊,但焦點的設計是由設計師決定。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯
今朝的SD系列是內部 翻譯設計師打造,而新版 翻譯dp系列則是由他操刀。For example, this shining metal part requires a very fine machining called Anodizing. We don’t paint on the metal part. In order to have the uniform finishing just by anodizing, the machining is very important. The quality of every part is important to convey the high quality impression. And that’s just one example.
事實上,我只有在工程部分那裡工作一年半。或許是因為他們對我很好吧(笑)。一入手下手我連他們在說什麼都不能明白,但他們會試著用簡單的方式跟我說明,而且他們告訴我很多關於光學的知識,所以我從中學到了很多 翻譯社
A:對,所以我從其他 翻譯工程師身上去進修。A:沒錯。他很清楚日本的企業文化,假如我在其他企業工作10年後,帶著某個頭銜回到Sigma當空降軍隊,公司裡 翻譯工程師們也許不會接待我,因為我能有這個位置的原因純粹因為我是開辦人的兒子。
在日本,組織團隊並與他們一路工作、配合分享工作成果、領會員工的想法、而且一路熟悉公司,進而回收我、一向到把我看成是一個領導者,這個是身為一個辦理者十分主要 翻譯事,所以傳授建議我從初階的職務最先做。一入手下手其實我是想要進其他的大公司去進修貿易經驗,但我的大學教授建議我回家裡 翻譯公司工作(這位傳授其其實我們家工作了許多年,退休以後去大學當傳授)。而我認為他的建議是對的。

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